UKS2 Topic: Ancient Greeks Block D: Trade

Understand trading in the Ancient Greek world. Work with maps and discover the goods that were traded by the Ancient Greeks. Learn how the economy worked. Finish by designing, making and playing an Ancient Greek trading game.

Block D: Trade
[7 Sessions] / Main outcome: History
Other outcomes: English, Geography and Art
By the end of this block children will achieve the following outcomes: / ·  Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world.
·  Continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of world history, establishing clear narratives within the periods studied.
·  Understand the methods of historical enquiry, including how evidence is used rigorously to make historical claims.
·  Gain and deploy a historically grounded understanding of abstract terms such as ‘economy'.
·  Create their own structured accounts, including written narratives and analyses.
·  Construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information.
·  Retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction.
·  Explain and discuss their understanding of what they have read, including through formal presentations and debates, maintaining a focus on the topic and using notes where necessary.
·  Provide reasoned justifications for their views.
·  Confidence, enjoyment and mastery of language should be extended through public speaking, performance and debate.
·  Locate the world’s countries using maps.
·  Human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water.
·  Create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas.
·  Improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay].
Session 1 History and Geography
Introduction to the geography of the Ancient world
Locate Ancient Greece and the countries that made up their empire; play a sorting game. / ·  Assess the natural resources of an area through observation.
·  Use maps to help them locate places in the Mediterranean.
·  Match ancient place names to modern ones.
Session 2 History, English and Geography
What did they trade?
Discover the goods that were traded by the Ancient Greeks; play a trading game. / ·  Undertake historical research.
·  Retrieve and record information from non-fiction.
·  Explain how the uneven distribution of natural resources fuels trade.
Session 3 History, English and Geography
How do we know?
Learn about the evidence for Greek trading; learn about evidence from shipwrecks. / ·  Undertake historical research
·  Retrieve and report information from non-fiction.
·  Demonstrate what the evidence tells us about economy and trade links.
Session 4 History, English and Geography
Currency and exchange
How did the economy work? Find out about the different types. / ·  Explain the economic system of exchange in Ancient Greece.
·  Make sketches of coins.
·  Debate the advantages and disadvantages of barter and money.
Session 5 History, English and Geography
Plan the game
Show all you have learnt about trading by deciding the rules for an Ancient Greek trading game. / ·  Apply their knowledge of Ancient Greek trade to create a strategy game.
·  Apply their locational knowledge and human geographical knowledge of the Mediterranean to the game.
·  Take part in discussions and give justifications for their proposals.
Session 6 History and Art
Make the game
Make your items to trade in the Ancient Greek trading game. / ·  Use their knowledge about Ancient Greek objects to make replicas.
·  Plan an artwork using their sketchbooks and discussion with a partner.
·  Work in a variety of materials.
Session 7 History, English and Geography
Play the game
Dress up and play your trading game. / ·  Demonstrate their knowledge of Ancient Greek trade to trade with other children.
·  Demonstrate their knowledge of the Mediterranean to trade with the right people.
·  Take part in a role play.


Session 1

Provided: PowerPoint presentation of Map of modern countries around the Mediterranean; Information sheet on Ancient place names and clues; PowerPoint presentation of the Mediterranean c. 700 BCE.

You will need: Access to the Internet and Internet enabled devices; Atlases; Sketchbooks.

Session 2

Provided: PowerPoint presentation showing where natural resources came from; Information sheet on Trade in the Ancient Greek World; Information sheet with Trading plan template.

You will need: Access to the Internet; Sketchbooks.

Session 3

Provided: Information sheet covering Case studies & How to use a sketchbook.

You will need: Access to the Internet; Sketchbooks; The maps chn were marking in the first session.

Session 4

Provided: Information sheet on How to do a search for Ancient Greek coins.

You will need: Access to the Internet; Internet-enabled devices; Sketchbooks.

Session 5

Provided: Information sheet on Ancient Greek Trade strategy game.

You will need: Access to the Internet; sketchbooks.

Session 6

Provided: PowerPoint presentation of Ancient Greek traded items; Information sheet on Making objects to trade;

You will need: Access to the Internet; FiMo, air-drying clay, cardboard, potatoes, metallic card, paint, metallic pens, Pears soap, carving tools; Sketchbooks.

Session 7

Provided: The objects for trading the chn created in Session 6; the rules chn created in Session 5.

You will need: Access to the Internet; Sketchbooks; Masking tape.

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