4/4/2019Photoshop 4-Layers, image resize, filters

Photo Editing--Nine of Me

  1. Use the classroom camera to take a head/shoulder shot of yourself.
  2. Watch the video on how to remove yourself from a photo and use filters to change the photo look from our website.
  3. Open the head and shoulder from the camera pictures folder in our photo editing folder.
  4. Image menu: image size, width 3 in. and let height auto change, resolution 72.
  5. Duplicate the background layer.
  6. Select the magnetic lasso tool.
  7. Trace around the head and shoulders to outline the person. If you are having problems selecting the person click on the spot with your mouse to set a point. To back up use the backspace key and then continue.
  8. You will see marching ants around the person when you are done.
  9. Create a new layer by right clicking on the person and choose Layer via Copy.
  10. You will now see several layers in the layer window. Click the eyeball to turn off the bottom two layers (background and background copy)
  11. You should now see your picture without the background.
  12. File menu: New.
  13. Set the new file properties to: width: 7 inches and height: 9 inches. The resolution setting is 72.
  14. The new blank window and the one with the picture should be side by side with the active window being the one with the picture.
  15. Choose the move tool, click on your picture and drag it to your blank window. Align the pictures into three columns and three rows as you drop them onto the blank canvas. Repeat these steps eight more times until you have nine pictures.
  16. Each one of the pictures is now a separate layer so to work with each one you will need to select it from the layer window at the right or right click on the picture and select the layer name.
  17. Change each picture using the filters found under the filter menu at the top. Caution! Do not use clouds. It may be possible to apply more than one filter to a picture as long as it is still recognizable.
  18. Use the “t” tool to create a text box in the lower right-hand corner for your name and hour.
  19. File menu, print with preview and change to the color printer.
  20. Point value: 15 points

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