MASFAA Transitional Board Meeting

Hyatt Place – Columbus, MS

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

*Quorum was established once it was determined at least 7 people paid membership dues prior to the meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Approval of agenda with authority given to the President to make changes as needed in order to facilitate the flow of business.

Meeting was called to order at 8:48 am by President, Nicole Patrick.

Old Business

Alex?Vote to purchase credential training for $1000 for next year to be included in budget.

New Business

Credit Card

Nicole Suggested the use of a credit card by executive members for such things as travel expenses. 8 states polled. GA, SC, NC, KY, VA currently uses credit cards. TN does not use a credit card. AL and FL did not respond to poll.

MarilynSuggested credit card use with an established process, auditing process and safe guards in place.

BrendaOutlined some of the things burdened by the Treasurer without the use of credit cards

SteveSuggested credit card for the use of the President (PR) and Treasurer (TR) only.

AlexMotion made to see what other states are doing before a decision is made.

Motion 2nd and carried to research more options and guidelines. As Audit

and Finance Chair, Terry will do the research.

Treasurer Elect

NicoleDiscussion about adding the position of Treasurer Elect (TE) to the Board.

LeslieMotion made to add position to the Board

AlexAsked whether the position would be added to the by-laws.

TE would have a three year commitment…1 yr. as TE, 1 yr as TR and 1 year with newly elected TE.

Michael/LauraSuggested that a TE would be useful for transition and as oversight…as system of checks

And balances.

SteveInquired about training in accounting procedures

Le AnneAlso, asked when such training would be offered

MareaSuggested accounting procedure training during MASFAA conference sessions.

NicoleStates that TE would require “voting” by the membership during a special election

BrendaStates that a vacant position is appointed by the PR and that a special election is not


LeslieMotioned to present TE position to the membership. With changes in the by-laws

needed, special election during fall training; 2nd by Alex. Motion carries

Fall Training

Nicole2015 Fall Training will take place at the Riley Center in Meridian, MS on October 22,


BrendaSuggested splitting Fall Training up to two days and two different areas of the state to

accommodate the membership as a future topic.

2016/2017 Conference Update

Brenda2016 Conference will be at Pearl River Resort in Philadelphia, MS. Suggested future conferences be changed from May to June. June 7-10 as possible dates based on

survey of directors and other committees. Motion not needed; proposed changed

came from the Committee chair. Vote carries.

Proposed locations for 2017 Conference (5oth Anniversary of MASFAA): Pearl River Resort, Philadelphia, MS; Hilton Garden, Tupelo, MS; Riley Center, Meridian, MS; Convention Center, Starkville, MS. Conference will take place on June 13-16, 2017.

Committee recommends/voted to accept Starkville Convention Center as the 2017


Megan discussed charity event for the 2016 conference. “Pages of Love” is a charity supported by Miss Mississippi.

Discuss followed regarding a MASFAA table set up for SASFAA Conferences in

Greensboro, NC in February 7th-10th, 2016. Table at SASFAA topic tabled.

LauraMotion to waive conference fee for the Conference Chair and Treasurer. 2nd by

Marilyn. Motion carried.

Break10:00 AM

Meeting called back to order at 10:18

Membership Push

NicoleIntroduced a map of the state that identified all the schools in MS and the location

of MASFA board members. Introduced the idea of visiting schools as a membership push. Asked that a member postcard be created; card to include MASFA contact informationand a list of future training and meeting dates. Cards would target schools in the state with minimum or no MASFAA involvement.

MichaelAsked about an inexpensive way of reaching out to other schools.

Alex Suggest September (prior to fall registrations) as a target date for membership push.

Marilyn Suggest a “year-long” follow up of membership push for future events.

MichaelAsked about the possibility of “perks” for new members

LauraSuggested we track “prospects for membership in a database.

Megan/WendySuggested more research needed on the idea of tracking prospects.

News Blog vs Newsletter

NicoleProvided results of a survey that focused on the difference between the news blog and the newsletter. Example of some issues for discussion: emails from the listserv & blogs were duplicated poses the question whether to keep the blog for another year.

Guidance may need to be what goes into the blog & listserv.

AlexBlog can be used for questions to the membership and listserv for information.

LauraNo more paper newsletter

AlexSponsorships packages are listed on the blog…will they also be included on the listserv?

MareaSuggested specifically defining the role of the blog and the listserv.

Management Institute

NicoleMagagement Institute to be held at SASFAA October 7-9 in Orlando. Will MASFAA send

A member to Orlando

BrendaSuggest the budget be discussed and finalized before deciding on participation.

NASFAA Leadership

NicoleNASFAA Leadership will be held on February 22-24 in Virginia

President Elect went in the past year.

BrendaFirst time board members have attended NASFAA Leadership in the past

LauraSuggested new board members may benefit from attending; tabled as budget needed to be discussed and finalized.

President’s Exchange

NicoleWill President Elect attend the President’s Exchange? MASFAA would pay for travel and

meals. The host state will sponsor or waive fee & hotel expense; which will be

reciprocated. Tabled as budget will need to be discussed and finalized


Nicole?Legislative Chair usually attends; $1000 budget for travel and expenses; item tabled

to discuss and finalize the budget.


Meeting called back to order 11:01

Lengthy discussion followed to establish the budget. Each line item reviewed and adjusted as needed.

AlexMotion to change registration and fees for the conference, credential training, Financial Aid 101 & membership. New amounts listed on the approved budget as follows.

Conference = $175

Credential Training = $75

Fall Training =$60

Financial Aid 101 = $285

SteveMotioned to accept the 2015-2016 budget. 2nd by Marilyn and Leslie. Motion voted

upon and carried.

Additional Business

Changes to the By-law

AlexBy-law changes to go out for the July 7th. Information sent out to membership

Approximately three weeks prior to meeting.

Discussion followed

Lee AnneMotioned to extend active membership to July 31st. Extended time needed so that

Current membership can vote on the changes to the by-laws 2nd by Alex. Motion

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 1:44 pm