Nillumbik News Autumn 2017 March to May

From theMayor

It is my pleasure to serve as yourMayor this year.

We are now a few months into our term as yournew Council and we are working well togetheras a cohesive team with a common aim todeliver Council services, events and activities inan efficient and cost-effective way.

We are in the process of developing ourCouncil Plan for 2017-2021. It will set ourvision, objectives and priorities over the nextfour years and will be instrumental in guidingthe organisation’s work to manage and deliverservices and facilities for Nillumbik residents. It will be the culmination of the commitments all Councillors made to you during the election.

While the details are being finalised ourShire-wide plan will target:

• Community infrastructure

• Bushfire mitigation

• Debt reduction and reducing the rates burden

• Employment generating policies

• Planning improvements

• Road planning, targeting reducing conjestion

When completed, it will be available onour website, in local libraries and variousCouncil buildings.

In December we farewelled CEO Stuart Burdack,who served our Shire for six years. I wouldlike to thank him for his significant contributionto the Nillumbik community including amongmany things, the completion of the HurstbridgeCommunity Hub, Community Bank Stadium inDiamond Creek and the redevelopment of theEltham Leisure Centre.

The process to appoint a new CEO hasbegun. Mr Mark Stoermer has been appointedto lead the administration until the appointmentof a permanent CEO which will be completed by mid-year.

Mr Stoermer has been the CEO of private sector companies and most recently was the

Executive Director Corporate Services atBox Hill Institute and the Director of Corporate Business at the City of Melbourne.

Mayor, Cr Peter Clarke

Nillumbik Australia Day Awards

Nikki Waterfall, the driving force behind Diamond Creek Parkrun, has been named as Nillumbik’s Citizen of Year 2017.

The announcement was made atCouncil’s Australia Day celebration at theCommunity Bank Stadium in DiamondCreek where 46 local residents alsobecame Australian citizens.

Paul Di Benedetto of Hurstbridge wasnamed Volunteer of the Year for 30 yearsdedication to the Diamond Creek FootballClub and his ability to educate young peopleabout life with a disability.

Peta Heywood, of Kangaroo Ground wasawarded Senior Citizen of the Year for hervoluntary work with the Kangaroo GroundAdult Riding Club since 1984. Peta is one of the club’s longest serving members.

Andrew Barras of Eltham received theYoung Citizen of the Year Award forhelping youth and young adults throughcommunity engagement and philanthropy.

Nillumbik’s Community Group of theYear is the Diamond Valley MiniatureRailway, which has provided entertainmentand fun for thousands of families from itslocation at Eltham Lower Park for 55 years.

Citizen of the Year - Nikki Waterfall

Nikki began the Diamond Creek Parkrunin November 2013, after identifying aninterest in the local community and thepotential to bring people together in ahealthy, active way. Her tireless work hasresulted in this group being consideredas one of the most successful parkrunsin Australia.

Hundreds of people have become moreactive as a result of Nikki’s passion andare now living a healthier lifestyle. Thepopularity of the group has grown froman initial 47 runners and six volunteersto 316 runners and 13 volunteers at the 2016 Christmas Eve event.

Nikki also started the Diamond CreekRunners recreational running club whichmeets three times a week, and has morethan 200 members.

The Club is recognised by AthleticsVictoria as one of the state’s biggest andmost successful running clubs.

Senior Citizen of the Year Award - Peta Heywood

Peta Heywood was awarded SeniorCitizen of the Year for her voluntary workwith the Kangaroo Ground Adult RidingClub, having been a member since1984. Peta is one of the club’s longestserving members. She is currently thepresident and has been a committeemember for many years, and editor ofthe Club’s newsletter.

Peta is a wonderful role model andmentor to others. She has inspired andencouraged others with her energy andenthusiasm.

Peta has also made a valuablecontribution to the Welcome to Eltham Group which was established in the wakeof some community controversy overplans to resettle Syrian refugees at theSt Vincent’s Care aged facility in Eltham.

Peta attended rallies and hand-made butterflies that have become the group’swelcome symbol.

YoungCitizenof the Year - Andrew Barras

Andrew Barras, Council’s YoungCitizen of the Year, was the founder ofRelief LANS (Local Area Networks) anot-for-profit group that runs multiplayervideo gaming events.

Andrew has helped raise more than$16,000 for organisations such as CanTeen, the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre,The Smith Family, Save the Children,Kids Under Cover and Red Cross.

He does so by tapping into a passion that he has and many others his agehave too – organising gaming eventsin a safe environment which attracthundreds of players.

With the support of St John’s Parishin Diamond Creek, Andrew uses thechurch hall for his events which beganwith the very first Relief LAN to raisemoney for the Black Saturday ReliefFund in the wake of the 2009 bushfires.

CommunityGroup of the Year - Diamond ValleyMiniature Railway

Diamond Valley Miniature Railway is runentirely by volunteers who give up theirSunday afternoons to entertain familiesfrom Nillumbik and beyond.

The Railway is very busy with 150 trainsrunning each Sunday carrying 150,000passengers each year along the 2km oftrack which goes around the park.

There are 160 volunteers who sacrificea great deal of time to ensure that this attraction keeps going.

From those driving the trains, to thepeople in the back room who keepthe engines working; they all have animportant role to play.

Volunteerof the Year - PaulDi Benedetto

Paul Di Benedetto of Hurstbridge hasbeen a volunteer at the Diamond CreekFootball Club for 30 years.

While Paul has a disability which hasimpacted his ability to play a sport, thishas not impacted his enthusiasm to bepart of his local club.

Timekeeping, updating the scoreboard, goalumpire, boundary umpire and umpire escort are some of the roles that Paul undertakesfor the Club. He is there every Saturday for the Seniors and most Sundays helping outat the junior level as well.

Not only has Paul given his time to theclub, he has also been able to educateyoung people about what it’s like livingwith a disability.

Eltham Leisure Centre

The vision is becoming reality as construction of the pools begin.

Construction of the swimming pool shellshas commenced, along with repairingtermite damage to the existing facility.

The redevelopment will feature a 25metre pool with eight lanes, a pool foraquatic education, children’s aquaticplay equipment and a warm water poolfor rehabilitation and therapy programs.Accessible facilities will also be included.

During construction the ‘dry’ area of theCentre will be open, including the gym,group fitness areas, café, consultingsuites, stadium and crèche.

There are plenty of fun activities plannedat the Centre this year including cardiotennis (low-impact group exercise usinga tennis racquet and balls, not tennis asyou know it), the Eltham Fun Run Walkand group fitness classes.

Eltham Leisure Centre members alsohave free access to the Diamond CreekOutdoor Pool and Aquarena (Doncaster)while works are being carried out.

The redevelopment is funded byNillumbik Shire Council ($12.55 million),the Victorian Government’s GrowingSuburbs Fund ($3.8 million) andCommunity Facilities Funding Program($3 million).

The project is due to be completed at theend of the year.

Eltham Community and Reception Centre

Works at the Eltham Community and Reception Centre are progressing well.

The new office area, kitchenette andservery at the front of the buildingis beginning to take shape and theupgraded theatre equipment in the mainhall is almost complete. The new toiletarea, including accessible toilets, hasalso been installed and landscaping willstart in the coming weeks.

The Centre attracts more than 35,000visitors per year. When completed, theredeveloped Centre will better meet theneeds of the community and provide afully-accessible and more functional venue.

Keep an eye on Council’s Facebookpage for more updates.

Facility boost

Funding sees projects become a reality.

Thanks to $2.3 million in grants from theState Government’s Growing Suburbsand Community Sporting Infrastructurefunds, along with contributions from ourcommunity and ratepayers, Nillumbikresidents will soon see improved recreationand community facilities across the Shire.

Four projects are earmarked to receivethe funds. Civic Drive parkland inGreensborough will be developed withnew paths, fitness stations, playgroundequipment and barbeques being built.

As well as the State Governmentand Council contributing towardsimproved facilities, the Research JuniorFootball Club and Research-ElthamCollegians Cricket Club are also contributing $145,000 each towards the redevelopment of Research Park Pavilion.

The redevelopment will include additionalfemale-friendly change rooms as well asexpanded social rooms.

Edendale Community Environment Farmis also set for an upgrade with a newpermanent kiosk, nursery retail area,a children’s sensory garden, improvedaccess, upgraded teaching facilities,nursery infrastructure and additionalpublic toilets.

Soccer is one of Nillumbik’s fastestgrowing sports. The recent sportsgroundredevelopment at the Wattle Glen War Memorial Reserve has meant thatthe venue is now the Shire’ssecond soccer facility.

The ground will be home toNillumbik Junior Soccer Cluband Eltham Eagles SoccerClub from the start ofthe 2017 winter soccerseason. These furtherfunds will now providenew change roomssupporting thenew tenants.

Women in sport

Women and girls’ participation in traditionally male-dominatedsports such as girls’ soccer, cricket and football is rapidly growing.

Between 2014 and 2016, femaleparticipation in these sports increasedby 111 per cent, creating a demand forupgraded facilities.

Support from both the Growing Suburbsand Community Sporting Infrastructurefunds means Council can now providefemale-friendly change facilities atResearch Park and Wattle Glen MemorialDrive Reserve.

New girls and women’s teamsand competitions in Nillumbikfor 2017-2018 include:

• An Under 10 girl’s competitionin the Northern Football League

• A senior women’s NorthernFootball league will be launched

• A senior women’s league will startup in the Diamond Valley CricketAssociation.

Planning toredevelop sportscentre has started

We are planning to improve our40-year-old Diamond ValleySports and Fitness Centre in

Greensborough which is in needof a substantial redevelopment.

The Centre is one of our busiest venueswith nearly 500,000 visits per yearaccessing a range of sports, fitness,health and wellbeing programs.

The Centre is home to many local sportsclubs and associations including netball,table tennis, squash, badminton andthe 5,500 member Diamond ValleyBasketball Association.

An upgrade was recommended in theRecreation Strategy 2011-2019 andidentified the need for additional indoorsports courts, improved change facilities,court upgrades and compliance withaccessible building standards.

Any redevelopment may also identifyopportunities to improve meeting andsocial spaces for wider community use.

Council and the State Government arefunding the creation of this Masterplanhowever any redevelopment will needsignificant external funding to develop afacility that meets the needs of Nillumbikresidents into the future.

For information on the Masterplan visit 9433 3111.

For details on activities at the DiamondValley Sports and Fitness Centre visit

Volunteering in Nillumbik

Did you know that volunteering is good for you? It’s goodfor the mind and body and helps develop new skills.

Volunteering can be a stepping stone intoa new career and some studies suggestit helps you live longer. But most of all,volunteering is very rewarding and a greatway to meet people and have fun.

Council offers a range of volunteerroles. If you are interested visit or contact Jane Lawson, Volunteer DevelopmentOfficer on 9433 3147.

Hurstbridge Hub

The Hurstbridge Community Hub is amultifaceted facility able to take your booking now.

The Hub provides a focal point for integratedservices and community activities including;early years (long day care, preschool andoccasional childcare), maternal and child health, allied health, parent support groups,community choir, disability support, U3Aclasses, group fitness, outreach and youthsupport services.

The Hub also offers the community aspace for meetings, training sessions,seminars, events, exhibitions andactivity spaces with a number of roomsavailable to hire.

There’s always a lot happening at the Hubbut there’s room for more, so if you wouldlike a tour, have suggestions or ideas letus know.

Contact 9719 8400.

Disabilityand InclusionNetwork

Whether you’re a person with adisability, a carer or an advocate forpeople with a disability, or a localdisability service provider, we’d like tohear from you about becoming part ofNillumbik’s informal Inclusion Network.

Contact 9433 3361 to find out more.

Solar panelsto power theCivic Centre

Early in 2017 a solar electricity systemwas installed at the Civic Centre inGreensborough. The 124 kilowattsystem includes 478 solar panels thatwill generate 26 per cent of the electricityneeds of the Centre.

As well as saving around $20,000 inelectricity each year, the system willcreate large scale generation certificatesthat will give Council an annual incomeof over $8,000. The large system willalso reduce demand on the electricitynetwork during the summer months,contributing to a more stable electricitysupply in the area.

Four-year-old preschool 2019

Registrations will be accepted from Wednesday 1 March,for families planning to send their child to four-year-oldpreschool in 2019. Children who turn four by 30 April2019, are eligible to apply.

How to apply

For information about the registrationprocess, form and supporting documents,visit

Deciding which preschool to attend

For a list of preschools in Nillumbik:

Like to know more?

Contact Familyand Children’sServices on9433 3161

Parenting in Perspective

Council’s Parenting in Perspective program provides practical and usefulinformation for parents of newborns, pre-schoolers and those expecting.A number of free sessions will be held throughout the year onThursday evenings between 6.30pm-8.30pm at Edendale.

  • Expecting your baby
  • Understand your baby
  • Baby to toddler
  • Toddler to preschool
  • Why dads matter
  • Supporting mothers
  • Happy parent, happy partner, happy children
  • Responsive parenting


All sessions are free but bookings are essential

Pram walking group
  • Feel energised
  • Chat with other parents
  • Improve your healthand fitness

Join these relaxed walks for parentswith young children. The walking groupleaves at 9.15am for one hour at DiamondCreek every Thursday during school terms.

Location provided upon registration.

To find out more contact Jodie Leahyfrom Family and Children’s Services on9433 3165.

Would you like tohave your say onCouncil’s Health andWellbeing Plan?

This year, as part of Council’s AnnualCommunity Survey, we asked anumber of questions about health andwellbeing. That, along with input fromCouncil’s new Health and WellbeingReference Group, will help shape ourplan for the next four years.

Once the plan is drafted it willbe published on Council’swebsite and social mediainviting you to let us knowif we have identified theright issues for our Shire.

Visit chance to get involvedto shape Nillumbik’sHealth and Wellbeing Plan.

2017 Eltham Fun Run Walk

Find your happy pace on Sunday26 March at Eltham Leisure Centre’sAnnual 5-10 km Fun Run/Walk toassist people with disabilities.

Bring your friends and family to run or walk along Nillumbik’s picturesque recreationaltrails with this year’s Race Ambassador,Ironman triathlete, Tracy Morrison.

The fun run supports YMCA’s Open DoorsProgram, which helps people with disabilitiesaccess vital programs and services toimprove their health and wellness.

Register now and help to build a stronger, healthier and more connected community.

Like to know more?

For registrations and information visit

To volunteer or make a donation contactAmanda Uniacke 9439 2266.

Open Farm Day

Sunday 2 April, 10am – 4pm

Open Farm Day is bigger than ever this yearwith farms in Nillumbik, Whittlesea and theKinglake Ranges opening their gates to showcase farming on Melbourne’s fringe.

Bring the family and meet farmersand growers from a diverse range ofworking farms. Experience farm tours,demonstrations, animals, product tastings,and find out more about the region’swonderful produce.

Pick up a trail map and start planning yourOpen Farm Day adventure.

Anzac Day services

Anzac Day is a time for reflection and remembrance.There are a number of services being held across theShire so why not come along to show your respect.


Tuesday 25 April
6am sharp (gather before 5.45am)
War Memorial, Main Road, Eltham

Diamond Creek

Tuesday 25 April
March at 10am from Commonwealth Bank, Chute Street, Diamond Creek
Service at 10.30am at Diamond Creek War Memorial, Main Street,Diamond Creek


Saturday 22 April
9am service
Corner of Anzac Avenue and Heidelberg-Kinglake Road


Tuesday 25 April
March at 9.30am from Were Street
10am Service
Cenotaph, Petrie Park Hall, Montmorency

Mission Songs Project

Friday 24 March, 7pm, St Margaret’sChurch, 79-81 Pitt Street, Eltham.

Nillumbik Reconciliation Group is hostingThe Mission Songs Project, a special musicalevent of early indigenous contemporary songs which highlight communities, stories and resilience in a changing world.

Jessie Lloyd, an Aboriginal singer/songwriter, and her band offers a uniquewindow of life on the Christian missions,native settlements and the fringes oftownships where Aboriginal and islanderpeople were displaced.


Contact Vera Herman 0409 435 245 formore information

Youth Services

Nillumbik Youth Theatre

Join 100+ other young peopleand get involved in NYT in 2017. NYT members take part in all aspects of theatreproduction including planning,promotion, backstage activities, acting,singing and dancing.

We’re gearing up for another year of creative magic in2017. The seniors have started castingworkshops for Grease and are preparing for the singing auditions. We have lots of funworkshops coming up, too.

9433 3168