Pastoral Nomads in the Middle East: Nutrition and Medicine

Dr. Aref Abu-Rabia

Spring Semester, Monday:14-18

The seminar will present the current situation of Pastoral Nomadic societies in the Middle East. The seminar will examine indigenous practices and customs, focusing on anthropological aspects of nutrition and medicine of various ethnic groups in the region. The discussion will relate to different categories of traditional and folk medicine, including traditional midwife healers, herbalists, and saint worship through visits to sacred tombs. The seminar will further examine the economic changes, rapid changes in lifestyle, diet and health, as well as ‘old diseases vs. new diseases’ among the Pastoral Nomads in the Middle East.


Attendance: 2 unexcused absences.

Reading articles and participating in the discussing and field work/s.

Writing final paper.


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Chatty, Dawn 1990. The Current Stuation of the Bedouin in Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia and their prospects for the future. Nomads in a Changing World, edited by C. Zalzman and J. Galaty. Naples: Instituto Universitario Orientale. Pp:123-137.

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Abu-Rabia, Aref, 1999: Some notes on livestock production among Bedouin Tribes. Nomadic Peoples, vol.3 (1):22-30.

Marx, Emanuel 1984: “Economic Change among Pastoral Nomads in the Middle East”, in The Changing Bedouin, edited by Emanuel Marx and Avshalom Shmueli. New Brunswick: Transaction Books.Pp.1-16.

Ginat, Joseph 1997: “Mebasha’ Justice: Ordeal by Fire”, in Blood Revenge: family honor, mediation, and outcasting. Sussex: Sussex Academic Press. Pp.37-44, 162-165.

Christine Eickelman.1993: "Fertility and Social Change in Oman; Women's Perspectives", in Middle East Journal.Vol.47, No.4,Autumn1993.pp:652-666.

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Akile Gursoy, 1995: “Child Mortality and the Changing Discourse on Childhood in Turkey”, pp:199-222, in Fernea, E.., Austin: University of Texas Press.

Nesbitt, Mark. 1995. Plants and People in Ancient Anatolia. Biblical Archaeologist 58: 2.Pp.68-81.

Philip Iddison (1996): Arabian Traveller's Observations on Bedouin Food. A paper presented at the Oxford University Symposium in 1996.

Nadia Abu-Zahra.1988: The Rain Rituals as Rites of Spiritual Passage. Int.J. Middle East Stud. 20. pp:507-529.

Aref Abu-Rabia, 1983: Folk Medicine among the Bedouin Tribes in the Negev. SocialStudiesCenter at Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-GurionUniversity of the Negev.

Abu-Jaber, Kamel, and Fawzi Gharaibeh. 1981. Bedouin Settlement, Organizational, Legal and Administration Structure in Jordan. The Future of Pastoral Peoples, edited by J. G.Galaty et al., Ottawa: The International Development Centre. Pp: 294-301.

Shahshahani, Soheila. 1995. Tribal Schools of Iran: Sedentarization through Education. Nomadic Peoples, no. 36/37: 145-55.

Emrys Peters 1990: “Aspects of the feud”, in The Bedouin of Cyrenaica, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., pp. 59-83.

Joseph Ginat.1984: "Blood Revenge in Bedouin Society", in The ChangingBedouin , edited by Marx and Shmueli, pp:59-82.

Frank H. Stewart. 1994:Honor . Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pp:9-29,75-78, 99-103.

Soraya Altorki.1980: "Milk-Kinship in Arab Society, An Unexplored problem in the Ethnography of Marriage", in ETHNOLOGY.1980, vol.xix, No.2, PP:233-244.

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Burckhardt, John Lewis. 1992. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. London: Darf Publishers Ltd.

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