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Board Room, Assynt House, Inverness /16 December 2011 – 10.35 am
PresentMs Elaine Mead, Chief Executive (Joint Chair)
Mr Ray Stewart, Employee Director (Joint Chair)
Ms Elspeth Caithness, RCN
Ms Aileen Gardner, BOS
Mrs Anne Gent, Director of Human Resources
Mr David Logue, Head of Human Resources, Argyll and Bute CHP (Videoconference)
Mr Chris Lyons, General Manager, RaigmoreHospital (from 10.40 am)
Ms Etta MacKay, UNISON
Mrs Sheena Macleod, General Manager, North Highland CHP
Mrs Margaret MacRae, RCN
Mr Adam Palmer, UNISON (from 11.10 am)
Mr Nigel Small, General Manager, South East Highland CHP
AttendanceMrs Jan Baird, Transitions Director
Mrs Pamela Cremin, Workforce Planning and Development Manager
Brian Mitchell, Board Committee Administrator
Mr David Garden, Interim Director of Finance
Mrs Linda Kirkland, Head of Business Transformation
Mrs Helen Morrison, Associate Director (NMAHP Workforce Planning and
Mrs Caroline Parr, Partnership Support Officer
Mr Donald Shiach, HR Lead, Planning for Integration
Mr Philip Walker, Head of Personnel
Apologies were received from Kirsteen Ferguson, Roberta Forrester, Dawn Gillies, Heidi May, Muriel McNab, Judith McKelvie, Janette McQuiston, Gill McVicar, Jackie Mitchell, Linda Rawlinson, Mandy Sillars, and Maimie Thompson.
The Minute of Meeting held on 21 October 2011was Approved.
3.1Nurse Bank
On the point raised by Mrs M MacRae it was confirmed the Senior Management Team had agreed a report to move forward with the creation of a unified Nurse Bank.
The Partnership Forumso Noted.
3.2Director of Public Health Annual Report 2010/2011
Mr R Stewart advised the Director of Public Health Annual Report 2010/2011 had been delivered to a meeting of The Highland Council the previous day and had generated a great deal of interest.
The Partnership Forumso Noted.
3.3Industrial Action
Ms E Mead advised that through a deliberate cooperative approach being taken NHS Highland core patient services had been maintained on the day of action. Agreement with Staffside representatives in relation to negotiating relevant staff exemptions had been extremely welcome. Mr R Stewart confirmed there was no further action planned at this time. Mrs A Gent advised issues relating to salaries etc were currently being clarified.
The Partnership Forum Noted the position.
4.1Service Improvement and the ‘Bench’
Mrs L Kirkland advised the NHS Board, at their recent meeting on 6 December 2011, had considered reports relating to creation of the Highland Quality Approach and an update in relation to service improvement activity. She advised there were 4 key initiatives currently underway relating to Pan-Highland Surgical Services, Bed Capacity and Configuration, Review of Corporate Services, and an Administration and Clerical Review. There had been consideration given to the dedicated resource required for business transformation activity and in this regard a series of LEAN training events was underway, targeted with differing levels of involvement. It was confirmed in-house training could be provided to interested staff members wishing to know more about and implement aspects of LEAN methodology, subject to capacity. A database had been created and would go live in January 2012 allowing staff members to volunteer to be involved in this activity.
Mrs A Gent stated that she, Ms E Caithness, and Mr B Summers were meeting to discuss goals relating to reducing harm, on behalf of the Health and Safety Committee. She stated consideration should be given to setting similar, measurable goals for staff. In relation to the implications of Planning for Integration, the Admin and Clerical Review project plan currently being established would include a series of individual elements, including in relation to this.
The Partnership Forum:
- Noted activity in relation to Service Improvement and the ‘Bench’.
- Agreed the Head of Quality be invited to address the next meeting.
4.2Communications and Engagement
Ms E Mead advised a detailed report on communications and engagement would be submitted to the next meeting. In the meantime, there was consideration being given as to taking a strategic and tactical proactive media communications approach, especially over the coming festive period when other press copy may not be as voluminous as at other times of the year. In general terms, there was a desire to improve communications and engagement, especially with regard to current projects underway. The key would be openness and transparency. Mr R Stewart advised the NHS Board had agreed to repeat the newspaper approach previously utilised. Work in relation to patient communication was expected to be concluded by end January 2012 and it was anticipated this would help to provide clarity to patients, in association with the new signage arrangements at RaigmoreHospital.
The Partnership ForumNotedthe position.
4.3Planning for Integration
Mrs J Baird advised the Planning for Integration project continued to progress, with agreement to work in a Partnership approach having been agreed. Work was still required in relation to development of an Outcomes Framework, Performance Management, Service Specification, and associated legal matters. There was a general need to define what needed to be achieved, how this would be achieved, and how this would be performance managed. To date agreement had been reached in a number of areas including professional leadership arrangements and delivery specifications for both NMAHP and Social Work staff; interim Estates arrangements; and emergency planning. The Highland Council had agreed relevant management and governance structures, with three of their existing Committees merging to form a single Committee, the membership of which was to include three NHS Highland members. There remained concern as to aspects of Information Management and Technology arrangements. The Issues Log remained in operation and it was acknowledged there had been significant work by NMAHP colleagues to address issues raised. On the issue of project timescale there was appreciation of the concerns raised and it was stressed that quality and patient safety were the key considerations at every stage of the process.
Human Resource Issues
Mr D Shiach advised the TUPE legal framework continued to be applied and it was hoped that Terms and Conditions for staff transferring employment would soon be finalised. There remained a number of aspects relating to pension rights that require to be addressed. The relevant Human Resource Policies of both partner organisations were being considered and compared, with a view to ensuring that all relevant staff were clear as to their employment Terms and Conditions from 1 April 2012. Within NHS Highland, six of seven staff briefing sessions had been delivered and to date concerns raised at these had related mainly to service delivery issues. One surprise that had emerged was the strong attachment of many staff members as to the cultural value of NHS employment. Ms E Mead acknowledged the strong connection to NHS employment that existed and advised she had previously written to those staff identified as being within project scope seeking to give reassurance around future employment arrangements. Further communication would seek to clarify any areas of misunderstanding around this issue and Ms Mead confirmed she was happy to meet and discuss any professional and service delivery concerns staff may have. Evidence to date showed that where staff were clear as to the benefits of an integrated children’s service they were supportive of the approach being taken and appreciated the complexities involved. Relevant issues had been discussed with senior officers from Highland Council and similar concerns existed in relation to staff transferring from that organisation. Concern was expressed in relation to the speed of change being introduced and it was emphasised that the key consideration would always be ‘what is best for the child’ and as such staff should raise any issues they may have. On the point raised, it was confirmed that to date some 208 members of staff had been identified as being within project scope and all would receive appropriate communication.
Future Partnership Arrangements
Mr D Shiach spoke to the circulated report outlining the key features of the Staff Engagement Plan as being partnership working, practitioner involvement, and minimal change for staff involved in integration. On the former point, a Staff Partnership Forum had been established, along with a Human Resources Sub Group and Staff Governance Working Group all of which had memberships drawn from both organisations that included trade union representatives, operational managers, and HR professionals. The Partnership principles, as laid down in the Staff Governance Standard are applied at all times in the process. To date a Partnership approach has been taken to all issues and this has led to a better understanding of this approach by The Highland Council, whose Chief Executive has given a commitment to explore how such a model may be applied within that organisation. Given that NHS Highland would absorb some 1600 social care staff from 1 April 2012, and the associated changes to governance and management structures, there was a need to further reflect on Partnership Working in NHS Highland. Given the imminent implementation of Planning for Integration, there was a need to ensure issues continue to be addressed through the established structures, and that NHS Highland use its existing structures to take forward the implementation of adult services issues. Moving forward it was proposed that the Highland Partnership Forum support the extension of existing Planning for Integration Partnership structures beyond 1 April 2012 and that Policy and Development issues affecting both partner organisations continue to be discussed and agreed through these structures. In addition, operational issues that solely apply to NHS Highland should continue to be considered within the existing Partnership framework. The Highland Partnership Forum should also agree to establish a working group to consider whether existing Partnership structures need to be reviewed in the light of the transfer of social care staff and the related changes to governance and management structures. Mrs P Cremin emphasised the need for consideration of workforce planning issues relating to all staff transferring to and from NHS Highland, and Mrs C Parr suggested the Head of Public Engagement be involved from the perspective of keeping relevant staff ‘Well Informed’.
The Partnership Forum:
- Noted the overall position in relation to Planning for Integration.
- Noted further correspondence would be issued to affected staff.
- Noted future Partnership working arrangements.
Mr D Shiach left the meeting at 11.30 am
The Partnership Forum agreed to deviate from the Agenda at this point in the meeting
Mr D Johnston spoke to the circulated report which gave an update on the work of the Dignity at Work Sub Group, this having been re-established to oversee the implementation of the Give Respect, Get Respect Toolkit and anticipated revised national Bullying and Harassment PIN Policy. The Sub Group had met a number of times since it had been re-established, and included a wide ranging, inclusive membership. It was stated the Toolkit sought to promote positive behaviour where staff feel they are treated with dignity and respect using the five building blocks of partnership, understanding, relations, environment and leadership. The toolkit had been used at a small number of meetings, with positive response. The Learning and Development, Management of Violence and Aggression trainers, and Policy and Development Teams were reviewing how best to incorporate the Toolkit within the courses that they provide. The Sub Group also recognised the need to promote the Toolkit more widely, hence the inclusion of two articles in the ‘Highlights’ magazine. There was a need to consider taking a more proactive approach in this regard, utilising the available resources that can be used to publicise the Give Respect, Get Respect message. This promotion would be linked to other activity within the organisation, including that by the Customer Care Project Team and Assynt House ‘Manners Team’ where appropriate. Mutual awareness of activity would allow for positive work to be conducted in tandem in some important areas, although how best to achieve this had yet to be formalised. In relation to the Bullying and Harassment PIN Policy, the final iteration of this had been received in early December 2011. As such there had been delay in reviewing existing Dignity at Work processes and associated awareness sessions, which would now take place. One specific area that had been considered had been in relation to the role of Confidential Contacts, the number of which had been reduced over time. Given the stipulation within other PIN Policies for similar Contacts, the Sub Group was to explore the possibility of amalgamating these into one role given the similar skill sets involved. With regard to the issues of mediation and facilitation, there remained agreement that wherever possible an informal route should be used to resolve concerns. The Sub Group was supporting activity to clarify those situations where the use of mediation or facilitation would be appropriate, with a view to improving access to such support. The Highland and Islands Learning and Development Network (HILDN) had established that several partner organisations operated staff mediation services and had identified this as an area where resource sharing may be beneficial. Arrangements were now in place to allow mediators to provide service to partner bodies, and joint training opportunities were being considered, thereby allowing for good practice to be shared and adopted.
Given the activity referenced above, the Dignity at Work Sub Group had recommended a number of key actions including promotion of the Give Respect, Get Respect Toolkit through the use of available promotional materials and the establishment of a new cohort of Confidential Contacts with extended roles. It was recommended that Partnership Forum members receive a half day awareness raising session and that a ‘Code of Conduct’ or similar (Highland Way) wallet card approach be produced and widely circulated. The NHS Board should seek to reemphasise their commitment to provide a working environment where all staff are treated with dignity and respect and where bullying behaviour will not be tolerated. There was a need to identify an Executive Lead to champion the promotion of a Dignified Workplace, and to establish a measurable target to eliminate bullying and harassment in the workplace which can be monitored through the staff survey.
During discussion, Mrs A Gent stated this activity could link to the current development of the Highland Quality Approach through inclusion of an element relating to, say, ‘Mutual Respect’. Ms E Mead welcomed action to link such activity and stated she favoured establishment of an agreed set of values staff could easily identify with and sign up to. She emphasised the importance of Customer Care to all NHS Highland staff. Mr A Palmer advised a Workshop event would be held in February 2012, and this would include further consideration of the recently issued PIN Policy. Mrs L Kirkland advised the Customer Care LEAN Project was to report out in January 2012 and suggested therefore that relevant aspects be coordinated at an early date. Mr P Walker stated that by bringing all these aspects together this would aid Confidential Contacts in maintaining relevant skill levels. Mrs L Kirkland suggested relevant staff members be identified and a training support approach be taken.
The Partnership Forum:
- Noted the activity of the Dignity at Work Sub Group to date.
- Approved the key actions recommended by the Sub Group.
- Noted Ms E Mead had agreed to act as Executive Lead for the promotion of a Dignified Workplace.
- Agreed detail of the ‘Highland Way’ wallet card be relayed to the Chief Executive prior to distribution.
- Agreed a further report detailing evidence of how the Give Respect, Get Respect Toolkit has been utilised be submitted to the February 2012 meeting of the NHS Board.
Mr D Johnston left the meeting at 12:00 noon at which point the meeting was adjourned and recommenced at 12.10 pm
6.1Community Health Partnership and RaigmoreHospital Governance Review
Ms E Mead spoke to the circulated report which had been considered by the NHS Board at their meeting held on 6 December 2011. The report reflected a recent review of current governance arrangements, excluding Argyll and Bute CHP, by the Board Chair and Chief Executive. The review was part of annual consideration however had cognisance of the impact of Planning for Integration. An Audit Scotland report published in June 2011 had highlighted the need to secure efficiency and effectiveness, and ensure added value from CHPs. Relevant issues had been discussed with key stakeholders, the findings from which were outlined, and also with The Highland Council. Following appropriate engagement four options for models of governance were established that could oversee the delivery of the anticipated new models of integrated care. Of the four options outlined, the NHS Board had agreed to move to a single Governance Committee entitled the ‘Highland Health and Social Care Partnership’, co-terminous with the business area of THC, incorporating RaigmoreHospital. The Partnership would be developed under legislation relating to the Establishment of Community Health Partnerships.