On the occasion of AGM of the federation at BBS on 26th&27th Nov.
Dear friends,
I am in receipt of an invitation from Secretary General , IRPOF for attending the above AGM. I express my heartfelt thanks for remembering me and inviting me in the 10th year of my retirement. The invitation to attend the AGM is very tempting for me as it would have enabled a large number of my friends and well wishers after a long gap., at one place. But I am sorry that I am not able to attend this on account of being very busy on account of family functions starting from 23rd Nov. to 5th Dec. consisting of 4 marriages and 2 anniverseries.
I am not able to make it , despite my utmost desire as I was very eager to share few very very critical and important anxieties with you all in connection with some recent happenings in the Railways domain.
Friends, the issues are very serious and need immediate attention, discussion and urgent action by all promote officers with all sincerity and unitedly. It is further important because it has initiated from ECOR only, The creater is none else but the retd. General Manager – ECOR – Sh. Inder Ghosh – who has very recently pasted a note on FACEBOOK – FROA page, telling many wrong issues/subjects based on wrong facts/figures and logics and then exhorting the young DRs to file court cases against promote officers and creating an atmosphere of hatred. The court cases to be filed against the very survival of promotes. Important is that the respected officer feels that the promote officers should aspire to rise upto Sr. scale (adhoc ) only. Serious is the fact is that within hrs, it could attract 150 comments/likes from from DRs juniors/seniors, retd and higher ups, and still pouring.-Detailed are published in Railway smachar English.
Friends, there is urgent need of countering this attitude and at the same time to take precautions so that mischief is not played by these persons. I have tried immediately to counter this article with my articles- 3 by now and comments on facebook. I am however very much disappointed to find that despite sending these comments to more than 400 promotees including all federation/zonal/divisional office bearers, and also after publication in Railway samachar English, not a single office bearer /important official reacted till today, and commented only by 5-6 officers and Sh. Parashar and sh. Subba Rao-ex president. This attitude is definitely disturbing. Any way this is – my opinion- that this issue is required to be discussed in depth and remedial measures taken. Most disturbing is the fact is that this has been followed by one letter on recruitment by President/FROA- against promotes and a complaint letter to ministry of finance by FROA. All published in Railway samachar English.
Friends, don’t takew it vlightly and be serious. Take adequet measures. Make them relies that that the challenge shall be accepted and we will repay them in the same coin.
In addition to this, there are many other important issues, which are to be discussed and action taken. These are ;
- 4-5 cases have been filed by Junior DRs against varios issues, specially recruitment, induction, promotions , seniority, weightage etc.In fact detailes are not known to us.We don’t know, who has filled the case, where, when, by whom, what are the issues, what are the prayer etc. We do not have yet copies and what is being done by administration.We have not have any discussion, have not fixed any agency to counter it,no advocate , no coordinating person , no one responsible for chasing even, administration not consulted, zonal asso. Not consulted stc.etc. In nutsell we are not serious and no action on our part.
- Some more cases are likely to be filed after the advise of Ex.GM.
- Response to Ex. GM and letters written by FROA, response /action to be decided.
- Our response to whole attitude and propaganda.
- Preparing the 0rganisation for the challenge.
- Action/our response to Rly.Bd’s letter regarding initiating written examination.
- Our response/action on cadre restructure and its after affect.
(i)Action concerning excessive stagnationin Civil, Accounts, Personnel Deptts.
(ii)Wrong calculation for induction vacancies in Civil and Accounts.
(iii)Malpractices being adopted in Bd, and UPSC for delaying DPC notification for adversely affecting the seniority of Gp.B- recent case of Civil Engg.
(iv)Excessive delay in DPCs still continueing. The only solution lies in giving effect to DPC from 1st Jan/31st March of the year for which DPC is being conducted.
(v)Implementation of 50% quota. Despite so called larger intake for past years, we are still less than 27% of the sanctioned strength.
(vi)What support we are giving to the officers of Civil, Electrical,S&T deptts, who are fighting the case of Federation – successfully in CAT- themselves , without even moral support from Federation. In respect of Addl. Vacancies and Anti-dating.
(vii)Large number of vacancies existing in Sr.Scale(ad-hoc) and JA –adhoc in almost all Zones/Units in almost all deptts. And no timely local DPCs.
(viii)No formal meetings in Rly. Bd, and in any of the Zones.
(ix)Overbusiness for Secy.General/important office bearers, non availability of adquet time for Federation/Association work.
(x)NO adequet organization in Rly.Bd. non availabily of any working representative in Rly.Bd. Adequet number of office bearers/workers not available in Bd/ Delhi area, resulting in no activity.
(xi)Taking up the issues of Misc. categories suitably.
(xii)No career progression for Gp.B , no career planning.
(xiii)No organization worth the name in Zones/Divisions. No meetings.No discussions in meetings.
(xiv)Leaving aside our main demands of equal pay, 80;20 and adequet career planning. And so on.
(xv)Make full use of the time being provided by the administration for meetings. Instead of finishing in hours, have full discussions and take decisions.
A lot can be added to this list and a lot can be otherwise written. But please don’t take it as cricism but only as a suggestion to make improvements in our organization so that we can assert ourselves before the administration and seek justice for the cadre, for which we are required to make ourselves stong and united.
Creat interest in the cadre and be united. This is the only key to success.