Glasgow City

Community Health Partnership

South Sector


South Glasgow Public Partnership Forum Executive Group Meeting

Leverndale Hospital

21st September 2012, 10.00am – 12noon

Present: Margaret Millmaker (Chair), Kate Willis, Maria MacGregor, Alice McFarlane, Jimmy Nelson, Hazel Hodes, Elizabeth Neilson, Janet Blunn, Dick Carabine, Margaret Biggam, James Dickie, Frank MacFarlane, Margaret Ralph, Anne Scott

In attendance: Lisa Martin, CHP; Moira Gibb, CHP; Gillian McKinstrie, Scottish Health Council; Calum MacLeod, Head of Mental Health, CHP South Sector

1. / Welcome and Apologies
Margaret welcomed and thanked everyone for their attendance.
Apologies: Peter Bole, Julie Young, Margaret Ralph, Jimmy McPherson, Anne Scott, Frank MacFarlane, Hamish Battye
2. / Calum MacLeod, Head of Mental Health, Glasgow City South Sector
Margaret M introduced Gillian Kinstrie from the Scottish Health Council and then welcomed Calum MacLeod.
Calum spoke about adult mental health inpatient services across the South.
There are 80 acute beds over 4 wards, 2 wards at Leverndale and 2 at the Southern General Hospital, 12 intensive psychiatric beds, 44 continuing care beds and 14 rehabilitation beds at Leverndale and 6 perinatal beds at the Southern General. In addition they have early intervention beds for those mainly between 18-35years experiencing psychosis for the first time, 46 acute elderly beds and 46 low secure forensic beds as well as partnership beds in 140 nursing homes.
Across Glasgow City there are 350 supported accommodation beds in partnerships with the voluntary sector, 37 addiction beds at Gartnavel and Stobhill (residents from the South are admitted to Gartnavel) and 4 eating disorder beds at Stobhill (South Glasgow residents can be admitted).
There is a budget of £24 million for adult inpatient and community services with approximately 900 admissions in acute wards and the same amount of discharges per year. The average length of stay is 32 days.
There has been a big change in how services are now delivered with a greater focus towards supporting people at home. There are 7 community mental health teams – 5 in Glasgow City and 2 in Barrhead and Cambuslang. The crisis team covers the entire south area, there are 2 primary care teams based in health centres and support groups are held in community halls giving advice on anxiety and stress, helping people to manage their own symptoms in settings that are familiar and supportive for them.
There are over 3,000 referrals to the community mental health teams each year and they work in partnership with other services such as Out of Hours, NHS 24 and community nursing services. For patients who require an immediate intervention from professional mental health staff the Crisis Service is in place until 8.30pm and then the Out of Hour’s Service take over. Mental Health Teams also work with homeless services to secure accommodation, trauma services, asylum services and liaison services.
By August 2013 two new wards at the Southern General will be complete as well as the mother and baby unit at Leverndale.
Services are currently being redesigned to ensure that patients get equal access to services regardless of where they live. This includes moving to a single Primary Care Mental Health Team, a single Area Crisis Team and better alignment of local Community Mental Health Teams within localities.
In response to member questions Calum will obtain figures for waiting times for psychiatric services in the South area as well as provide information on adolescent mental health services. Lisa will pass on relevant information to all members.
A copy of the presentation was handed out, and is available to anyone who was not at the meeting. / Lisa
3. / Minutes of Meeting held on 27th June 2012
The minutes were proposed by Kate Willis and seconded by Elizabeth Neilson.
4. / Matters Arising
9. Community Planning Partnership
Maria attended the Southside Central Board meeting. She thought this was to be an induction session but it was a full Board meeting. Papers were distributed on the night and Maria felt there was little on offer in terms of support for her as a new Board member.
When she spoke to Fiona Dickson she was advised an induction
session would take place later but to date no PPF members have
been advised of induction sessions. This approach to the new
members is disappointing given that the CPP pressed the PPF to
nominate representatives on the basis that full induction and support
would be in place.
Lisa will raise these concerns with Fiona Dickson and feedback to
the Executive. / Lisa
5. / Feedback from the Citywide session on the Change Fund, Friday 7th September 2012
Attendees agreed that this session was very informative. Maria felt there could have been a better explanation of the role of the private care sector. Alice enjoyed the presentation on the anticipatory care pilot and believed this type of project should be done more often.
Participants asked for clarification on the amount GCVS has given to new projects and would like a clearer explanation of why a tele-care project proposal was rejected by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde yet approved in a different Board area. Lisa will speak to GCVS and feedback.
Lisa will pass on GCVS contact details to Elizabeth regarding the Govan Seniors Forum. / Lisa
6. / Review of representation to citywide groups and structures
Lisa passed round a list of the main groups that PPF Exec members attend representing the PPF.
Clinical Services Review Group - Margaret M was not able to attend the initial meetings however has had no update or contact about further meetings.
CHP Adult Services Implementation Group – Julie Young is the PPF rep but can’t attend every meeting due to work commitments. The future dates of these meetings are under review, it is important that dates are set that suit all members of the Group, including the PPF rep. It may also be useful to have a substitute rep. One key service change area addressed by this Group is the ongoing review of district nursing services. Lisa can circulate the previous minutes and give an indication of the time commitment required. Lisa will also confirm future meeting dates when they become known.
CHP Performance Scrutiny Group – this group looks at how well the CHP is performing against national and locally set targets and performance measures/indicators. It meets quarterly. Jalal is the rep for this group but we are looking for a substitute to attend in his absence. James Dickie agreed to be the substitute.
A request has been made for a PPF rep to join the citywide Carers Planning and Implementation Group. It is possible that Julie may already attend in her capacity as Manager of the Dixon Carers Centre. It was agreed to ask Julie, if appropriate, to feedback to the PPF. Alice attends a local Carers Group in Pollok and will ask if they are represented.
CHP Clinical Governance Group – meets quarterly. Maria agreed to be the rep and Jimmy Nelson the substitute rep.
There is a steering group being set up to review the district nursing services citywide. They meet 6/8 weekly and are looking for a couple of PPF reps citywide as they would like a more structured input from the PPF.
Continence Service Review Steering Group – Alice agreed to be the rep. Lisa will pass her details to Jean Blackwood and Rona Agnew. / Lisa
7. / PPF Annual Event
A provisional date of Wednesday 21st December was set. Lisa will look at venues. A sub group (Margaret B, Elizabeth, Margaret M and Alice) will be arranged and will set 2 or 3 short meetings to plan the event.
8. / Any Other Business
a) Community Empowerment Bill
Margaret M, Elizabeth and Maria attended this session on 15th
September at the Mitchell Library. They felt it could have been
organised better; it was not a good venue and workshops were
chaotic although people were still keen to participate. Everyone
was asked to complete an evaluation at the end so any concerns
should be addressed.
Lisa reminded the group that the PPF had already submitted a
response on the Bill in their own right, and despite the difficulties
experienced at the CPP session their voices have been heard in
other ways.
b) The Friends of the Vicky AGM will be held on Wednesday 26th
September at 7pm in the Ebenezer Duncan Centre. Membership
has depleted so much the group may be disbanded, therefore they
are looking for as much support as possible at their AGM.
c) Kate asked if we could invite the head of GP surgeries to a future
PPF meeting to speak about appointment systems. Lisa
advised lunchtime sessions have been organised across the CHP
between reps from the practices, CHP staff and patient
representatives. These sessions have proved successful in the
north west but no dates have been set with GPs in the south.
Lorna McKinstrie of the Scottish Health Council, Hamish and Lisa
are attending a meeting with GPs on 11th October – Lisa will
d) Infection Control Boards – Margaret Millmaker still attending.
e) Health News (July) – Maria highlighted that PPFs were referred to
as Patient Public Forums. Gillian Kinstrie advised that the paper
covers Greater Glasgow and Clyde and PPF forums are known by
different names.
f) Social Care Direct – from 18th September 2012 Glasgow City
Council set up a single contact point for people looking for Social
Work advice, information or support. Maria handed round a flyer;
copies are available for anyone who was not at the meeting.
g) Lisa has received 3 nominations for the PPF Exec – Gerry
Gilmartin from Platforum, a mental health service users network
and 2 members from Nan MacKay Halls. Kate made the point that
people should be representing their area/community and not a
specific organisation but otherwise felt there should be just
1 rep from Nan McKay Halls and 1 substitute rep. It was agreed to
invite them all to attend the next meeting.
h) Equality Session – following on from the session in Claremont it
was agreed to carry out equality training. A citywide session has
been organised for 15th November at the Albany Centre. Copies of
the flyer was available to take away, and is obtainable for anyone
not at the meeting.
i) Glasgow City CHP Service Directory is available for people to take
away, with copies obtainable for anyone who was not at the
meeting. / Lisa
9. / Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 31st October, 10am – venue to be confirmed. Jean Stevenson, Housing & Homelessness Co-ordinator will be our guest speaker.