Newspaper Poems

Materials Required: newspapers, paper, scissors, glue, note cards

Title: Newspaper Poem

Subject/Grade Level: English 9

Objectives: Students will be able to appreciate the value of words, review the parts of speech, create original poetry, shape the poem, and write an explaination of the images he/she has created.


·  Browse through all sections of a newspaper. cut out approx. 50 words from headlines (no "little" words like articles, prepositions, conjunctions, etc. Just nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs)The different print styles will look interesting.

·  Make sure to evaluate the strength, sound of words.

·  Form an image poem using the words you have found by pasting the words on colorful paper. It will look like a ransom note.

·  Shape the poem; be as creative as possible.

·  Don’t "panic" and try to search out specific words with a planned image of a poem in mind. Having such a large collection of words will be enough for you to "find" a poem.

·  Poetry share. Each student reads his/her poem and explains the imagery and word choice

·  Write out an explanation on a note card and attach it to the back of the poem

Evaluation: journal your reactions to the process of writing the Headline Poem. Do you evaluate words differently now? Is this valid poetry? Explain.

How to Write a Bio Poem
Suggested Grades / 3+
Objective / An Bio poem can be used to teach students to focus on the characteristics of a person or an animal, anything or anyone really. It requires the student to put themselves in the the subject's shoes.
Method / Line 1: First Name
Line 2: Four descriptive traits
Line 3: Sibling of...
Line 4: Lover of
Line 5: Who fears...
Line 6: Who needs...
Line 7: Who gives...
Line 8: Who would like to see...
Line 9: Resident of...
Line 10: Last Name
Tall, tasty, feathery, vicious,
Sibling of Clucky Chicken and Big Bird,
Lover of vegetarians and ham eaters,
Fears Mr. Butterball and pilgrims,
Needs to run around,
Gives nourishment and left overs,
Would like to see birds unite and revolt,
Resident of Old MacDonald's Farm,