07515 875381email:
Strategic leader withinsocial careand community safety sectors, identifying and delivering significant cost savings whilst providing seamless and improved service delivery.
Strong commercial expertise developed when effectively managing significant, multi-million £ budgets to deliver cost effective service transformation programmes.
Proven expertise in system redesign, securing efficiency gains, commissioning and performance management of providers across range of sectors with particular expertise in payment by results.
Comprehensive understanding ofsocial care and community safety sectorsfrom both commissioner and provider perspectives
SP Solutions 2002 to date
A social care and community safety consultancy which has grown to become a successful and respected consultancy firm with a focus on delivering practical solutions for both commissioners and providers.
Undertook simultaneous assignments for a wide range of clients including:
Current/recent projects
- As part of Cabinet Office mutualisation programme leading team advising Greater Manchester and Cheshire Probation Trust on forming a new mutual that will be able to bid for contracts under the Transforming Rehabilitation competition arrangements (January 2014)
- As part of Cabinet Office mutualisation programme leading team advising RISE, a mutual spin out from London Probation Trust, that willbid for contracts under the Transforming Rehabilitation competition arrangements(January 2014)
- Leading team reviewing substance misuse commissioning arrangements for Tameside MBC (January 2014)
- Leading team reviewing business processes for SP programme of Denbighshire County Council (January 2014)
- Leading team reviewing care pathways within adult mental health services in Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (November 2013 –present)
- Leading team reviewing fees paid to care homes for Cheshire West and Chester Council (September – November 2013)
- Leading project reviewing anti-obesity strategy for Coventry City Council (August 2013 – present)
- Commercial advisor to Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (August 2013 – present)
- As part of Cabinet Office mutualisation programme leading team advising Dorset and Devon and Cornwall Probation Trusts on forming a new mutual that will be able to bid for contracts under the Transforming Rehabilitation competition arrangements (June 2013 – present)
- Project management of consultancy team reviewing budgets, business plans, fees and quality framework across £110 million of annual spend for Adult Social Care Directorate of Cheshire East Council: this role has involved review of transition arrangements for children and young people with disabilities, redesign of care pathway, redesign of internally provided services, development of revised commissioning arrangements, market development and negotiation with providers of children, young people’s and adult services to secure price reductions(June 2012 – April 2013)
- Review and implementation of quality assurance and contract management arrangements for Adult Social Care Directorate of London Borough of Hillingdon (September 2012-May 2013); this role has involved contract management of contracts with total value of C£60 million and value-for-money negotiations with spot providers
- Review of Community Budget proposals to reduce adult and youth re-offending for Tri-Boroughs (August 2012-April 2013)
Justice Reinvestment Manager London Borough of Lewisham(2009 to 2012)
Project managed the justice reinvestment (JR) project.
- Led on the development of reducing re-offending strand of the Borough’s Total Place project.
- Worked with the Authority on the development of innovative approaches to reducing re-offending using Payment by Results as part of the Ministry of Justice JR innovation pilots
- Commissioned innovative PbR reducing re-offending service
- Project reduced offending by 6% in first year
Personalisation Project ManagerLondon Borough of Lewisham (2009-2011)
Project manager of project implementing personalised services and personal budgets for adults with learning disabilities. Role involved development/review of care pathways, RAS arrangements, assessment and review processes, stimulating innovative service responses from providers. Project was used as basis for roll-out of personal budgets across Borough
Interim SP Lead Officer North Tyneside Council(2009 – 2011)
Management of £9M pa funding programme,delivering a 25% reduction in funding costs through decommissioning, service re-modelling and price negotiations with providers.
- Developed system reconfiguration for all community based mental health provision (including housing support, employment, day careand supported living services) resulting in improved pathway for service users, personalisation of services and substantial savings
- Developed system reconfiguration for all community based services for people with learning disabilities resulting in improved pathway for service users, personalisation of services and substantial savings
- Undertook strategic review and value for money assessment of sheltered housing and community alarm provision resulting in substantial savings for Authority
- Undertook strategic review of young people’s supported housing provision resulting in substantial savings for Authority
Interim Manager DAAT London Borough of Lewisham(2008 – 2009)
Worked to improve the drug and alcohol treatment system for an eighteen month period. Interim management of the Drug and Alcohol Team for a year
- Transferred commissioning and contract management responsibilities from Lewisham PCT to the Council, resulting in a 30% increase in number of people in treatment
- Redesigned treatment system and re-commissioned all Tier 2 and Tier 3 treatment services introducing Payment by Results into the contracting process
- Redesigned treatment system for young people
Interim SP Lead Officer Various authorities(2005 – 2009)
LB Lewisham (Dec 2007-April 2008) £17M
Southend-on-sea Borough Council (July 2006 – December 2007) £5M
LB Ealing (August 2005 – October 2006) £12M
LB Redbridge (June 2005 – July 2006) £4M
- Oversaw reviews of c1500 services
- Secured savings on annual budgets of £1.2million (LB Lewisham), £0.6 million (Southend-on-sea), £1.5M (LB Ealing) and £0.7M (LB Redbridge)
- Reconfigured and re-commissioned mental health housing support services (Southend-on-sea, LB Ealing, LB Redbridge) and learning disability housing support and care services (LB Redbridge, LB Lewisham)
- Led recovery plan following poor Audit Commission Inspections (Southend-on-sea, LB Ealing, LB Redbridge)
Strategic reviews Various Authorities2002 - present
Worked with 26 Local Authorities in addition to the above on specific projects since 2002
- Developed quality assurance framework for adult care services for North East Councils (2009-2010)
- Developed PbR contracts for community centres, re-ablement services, social care review services and children’s centres for LB Lewisham (2009-2012)
- Strategic reviews of commissioning arrangements and system/pathway design for the following;
-housing, support and care provision for people with mental health problems (Oxfordshire County Council, LB Ealing, North Tyneside Council and Royal Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames, 2006-2010)
-care services for people with physical disabilities for LB Lewisham (2010-2011)
-housing, support and care provision for older people (LB Lewisham, North East Derbyshire Council, Leicestershire County Council, Northampton Borough Council, LB Camden, 2006-2010)
-housing, support and care provision for people with learning disabilities (LB Lewisham, North Tyneside Council, 2007-2011)
-housing and support services for single homeless people (Manchester City Council, 2007-2008)
-housing and support services for young people (Borough of Poole Council, 2008-2009),
-housing and support services for offenders (LB Bexley, 2004)
- Options appraisals for gateway services (Halton Borough Council, LB Lewisham, LB Ealing, 2006-2009)
- Developed Move-on strategy (Anglesey County Council, Gwynedd County Council, 2009-2010)
- Developed/reviewed seven Authority housing support strategies (2005-2008)
- Cost-benefit assessment of SP programme for North East Councils (2010)
Consultancy services Various providers2002-present
Worked with 60+ housing, care and criminal justice providers on various projects including pricing, fundraising, contract negotiations, strategic reviews, business planning and setting up social enterprises
SP Commissioning Manager LB Haringey (2001-02)
Established new housing related support services with total annual value of £12million
Early career
Previous employment holding senior positions in Opendoor Housing Trust, Cara Irish Housing Association, Single Homeless Projects and voluntary work with the homeless.Full details available.
Member Chartered Institute of Housing
PGD (Housing Studies) University of Westminster 1997 (Distinction)
PGC (Housing Studies) University of Westminster 1995 (Distinction)
MA (General) University of Edinburgh 1986