Congress of Connecticut Community Colleges

Delegate Assembly

December 4, 2010

Present: Steve Cohen, Lia Barone, Bryan Bonina, Thomas Faila, Robert Fernandez, David Flynn, Marianne Generali, Greg Hager, Robert Henderson, James Hutchins, Tom Jackson, Ana Jusino, Steve Krevisky, Janet Lanci, Nick Lefakis, Lorraine Li, John McNamara, Cynthia Meo, Joseph Navarra, Kelly Pittman, Liz Pisaretz, Michael Rood, Tony Scott, William Searle, Kevin Skee, Anson Smith, Carl Stafford, and Trenton Wright.

1. President Cohen began the meeting at 11:15. Introductions followed.

2. R. Henderson made a motion to approve the minutes of November 6th, 2010. They were approved with 2 abstentions.

3. N. Lefakis introduced Elle Van Dermark, a colleague from Asnuntuck. She asked the delegate assembly to support a lawsuit filed by the state of Massachusetts to assure all married couples are treated the same when taxed on benefits. President Cohen will formally ask SEBAC to ask the Connecticut State’s Attorney to join in the federal lawsuit.

S. Krevisky made a motion to ask the CT State Attorney to join in the federal lawsuit.

A friendly amendment was made by B. Searle to ask Kevin Lembo, to mitigate this tax issue for same sex couples.

Some discussion followed.

The motion including the friendly amendment passed unanimously.

4. Committee reports followed:

a.) L. Pisaretz from the organizing committee reported on options for celebrations for 4C’s members as well as websites for t shirts.

Discussion about member events followed.

b.) B. Bonina, of the organizing committee reported on the draft of the survey.

Discussion followed concerning some items on the survey.

J. McNamara made a motion to withdraw item number 7 from the survey. As it was not necessary to have a motion, B. Bonina agreed to withdraw item number 7. A. Glavione made a motion to table further discussion until the next meeting. This was approved unanimously.

c.) L. Li reporting for the finance committee met to set up time lines for reviewing items such as insurance. The finance committee will meet February 4th starting at noon.

d.) T. Scott presented the budget report. More money was spent this year. J. MacNamera moved to accept the budget report. It passed unanimously.

e.) J. Davis reported that the AOC met. The Minority fellow recommendation will go to the board for approval.

f.) R. Brooks reported on the part time committee. The minutes are on the web site.

Some discussion ensued about ways to reach part timers.

g.) T. Wright had no report on PAC.

h.) B. Fernandez gave the legislative report. J. Lanci suggested the Legislative committee meet with the PAC to help mobilize students.

i.) S. Krevisky, chair of professional affairs reported that management evaluations should be ready by spring. He made the following motion: “Be it resolved that the professional affairs committee be directed to develop a system-wide management evaluation plan, to be presented to the delegate assembly in the spring (2011). The recommendation should also include the time frame, the evaluation instrument, technology to be utilized, the management personnel to be utilized, the procedures for distribution of the results, and cost estimates for such a plan. The system office will be invited to participate, along with the other unions, and there will be an opt-out provision for the campuses.”

The motion was approved unanimously.

5.) President Cohen announced that there may be 20 tickets available for the Governor’s Inaugural Ball.

6.) The 4C’s also purchased a table for $600.00 and a quarter page ad for $50.00 for the CT Working Families winter banquet on Dec. 15th to honor J. Olsen, J. Figueroa and C. Boudier. B. Fernandez made a motion to approve purchasing a table. The motion was approved with 1 abstention.

7.) S. Krevisky made a motion to approve the purchase of 20 tickets at 10.00 each for the Amistad Awards Concert on December 5th. It was approved with 1 abstention.

8.) Discussion followed as B. Fernandez reported on the legislature. President Cohen handed out a list of outside vendors used by the BOT obtained via a FOI request.

9.) There were no grievances to report.

10.) M. Van Buren was commended for the Facebook page.

11.) J. Lanci made a motion to adjourn at 1:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Marianne Generali