The Development of the

New Zealand Geospatial Research and Development Strategy

Anna de Raadt1, 2 and Anita Balakrishnan1

Land Information New Zealand1 and

Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information2

Executive Summary

Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) recently developed a New Zealand Geospatial Research and Development Strategy (the Strategy) to create a vibrant, innovative and productive geospatial research and development (R&D) community in New Zealand where all stakeholders are connected and engaged. In doing so, it is our vision that living standards and prosperity will be raised in New Zealand and the LINZ 10-year vision will be accelerated: “the power of ‘where’ drives New Zealand’s success”.

To achieve these goals, it is important to focus on the end-users of R&D because it is they who create economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits for the country. Consequently, an important feature of developing this Strategy was to ensure that it was end-user need / activity focussed. This was achieved by designing a process that focussed on end-user activities, articulating the benefits generated from these activities and documenting the R&D projects and results that would support these end-user activities.

In 2014, a series of sector-specific and “common theme” workshops were held to develop the Strategy using the above approach. To our knowledge, a Strategy of this kind is a World First, and it has been well received in New Zealand and Australia. This Strategy has the potential to positively and dramatically change geospatial R&D and generate exponential benefits for New Zealand businesses and citizens. The results from this process, along with highlights from the Strategy, will be presented in this session.

Executive Summary: The Development of the New Zealand Geospatial Research and Development Strategy

Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) recently developed a New Zealand Geospatial Research and Development Strategy (the Strategy) to create a vibrant, innovative and productive geospatial research and development (R&D) community in New Zealand where all stakeholders are connected and engaged. In doing so, it is our vision that living standards and prosperity will be raised in New Zealand and the LINZ 10-year vision will be accelerated: “the power of ‘where’ drives New Zealand’s success”.

To achieve these goals, it is important to focus on the end-users of R&D because it is they who create economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits for the country. Consequently, an important feature of developing this Strategy was to ensure that it was end-user need / activity focussed. This was achieved by designing a process that focussed on end-user activities, articulating the benefits generated from these activities and documenting the R&D projects and results that would support these end-user activities.

In 2014, a series of sector-specific and “common theme” workshops were held to develop the Strategy using the above approach. To our knowledge, a Strategy of this kind is a World First, and it has been well received in New Zealand and Australia. This Strategy has the potential to positively and dramatically change geospatial R&D and generate exponential benefits for New Zealand businesses and citizens. The results from this process, along with highlights from the Strategy, will be presented in this session.