New Version of REDCap Rolls Out (Aug. 8, 2012)
Research Electronic Data Capture, or REDCap, has proven to be an invaluable and powerful application that allows users to build and manage online surveys and databases quickly and securely. There are currently 1,182 REDCap users at VCU with more than 600 research projects on campus currently using the software tool.
A new upgrade of REDCap (version 4.13.3, released Aug. 8, 2012) has added many useful features and improvements.
If you would like to learn more about REDCap and how this application can be used with your research projects, please join us for REDCap training. Click HERE for a schedule of training classes. Introduction, intermediate and advanced classes are available – please note that each training course is a pre-requisite for the next course level.
New Features:
· To help streamline and condense surveys, matrix field questions have been added. This new feature will provide better responses for certain questions as well as improve overall response rates for surveys. A new button, “Add Matrix Field” is available when using the Online Designer. Detailed information on matrix fields and setting them up can be found on the REDCap FAQs.
· A new randomization module will help users implement a defined randomization model with their project, allowing them to randomize their subjects (i.e. records within their project). In this module, users will first define the randomization model with various parameters. Based on these defined parameters, the module creates a template allocation table, which can be used to structure the randomized table that will be imported. The module also monitors the overall allocation process and assignment of randomized subjects.
· The new version includes a video, “Data Entry Overview,” which focuses on basic workflow and functionality seen when performing entry.
· Automatic Approval of Production Changes can be set up. Previously, administrator/supervisor users had to approve ALL changes made, but now some changes are approved by REDCap automatically. When viewing the summary page of changes made in Draft Mode, REDCap displays text (e.g. yes/no) if those changes will be automatically approved if the “automatic production changes approval” setting is enabled. Email if you have any questions.
· When viewing the field changes in Draft Mode, REDCap now lists “number of potentially critical issues” at the top to make note of any critical issues (e.g. changing field type, re-coding multiple choice options) that are also displayed in red in the Field Comparison table below on that page.
· When viewing a survey’s participants list, users may now click the icon in the “Responded?” column to navigate directly to that response, whether or not the response is partial or complete.
· Custom Application Links for Projects is similar to project-level External Links (which have now been named “Project Bookmarks” in this version), but these links display on the Applications list on the left-hand project menu for ALL users in ALL projects by default. Contact if you need this feature turned on or would like more details.
· Check boxes can now be required fields. If set as required, at least one checkbox option for that field must be checked or else the “Some field are required!” prompt will display.
· Surveys may now be pre-filled with data via the URL query string or via a post request from another web page.
· For surveys utilizing the “Save Return Later” feature, if a survey participant exits a survey without clicking the save and return button at the bottom of the page, their Return Code needed to return to the survey is obtainable on the data collection form when viewing that response as well as in the return codes CSV export file on the Date Export Tool page.
· When viewing a partial survey response on the data collection form page when the “Save & Return Later” feature is enabled for the survey, there are now convenient buttons that appear next to the Return Code to allow the user to navigate to the survey page or to easily email the participant again to remind them to finish their survey.
· On the Data Access Groups page, it now displays a list of users not in a group. It also displays a count of the number of records in each group, including the number of records that have not been assigned to a group.
· Users can assign/re-assign records to Data Access Groups (DAGs) via the Data Import Tool or API data import. For projects containing DAGs, the Data Import Tool and API data import allows users who are not in a DAG to assign or re-assign records to DAGs using a field named “redcap_data_access_group” in their import data.
· If Data Access Groups (DAGs) exist, then the DAG name will display in the user rights grid of all users on the Users Rights page if the users have been assigned to a DAG.
· When adding/editing a multiple choice field’s choices in the Online Designer, REDCap now accepts non-numeric values for the raw value for each choice (so long as the raw value contains ONLY letters, numbers and underscores).
· When viewing the field changes in Draft Mode in production status, it now gives warnings more accurately if changing the field type or modifying multiple choice options.
· On the Online Designer, if a user deletes a field that is being used in the branching logic or calculation equation of other fields, it will provide a pop-up message noting this potential issue and also provide a list of all fields utilizing the deleted field in their branching/equation.
For more information about REDCap and how to request an account, please to the VCU Technology Services website.