Part І

A.  Health

1.  All three rights are ensured and fully guaranteed in the Bulgarian legislation (the Constitution; the Health Act; the Health Insurance Act)

2.  Yes. The provided services covered by universal health coverage are:

-  Visits to a obstetrician of choice once a month, 2 or more times during the last 45 days;

-  Medical ultrasounds;

-  Full range of gynecological examinations;

-  Blood works;

-  Syphilis, HIV and Hepatitis B tests;

-  Urine tests;

-  One additional free dentist check up;

-  Home visitations (if needed);

-  Other additional services for particular cases.

Yes. All services are also available for girls under 18, with an additional ultrasound and one Chlamydia test.

3.  No.

Yes. Health Act, art. 87.


No. (applies to all)

4.  No. Such a provision would be discriminatory. Transmission of venereal diseases is criminalized by all persons, regardless of their sex. (Penal Code, art. 135)

Yes. (Penal Code, art. 130)

Yes. (Penal Code, art. 190 and following), except for individual between 16 and 18 years of age, in special cases with the permission of the district judge (Family Code, art. 6)


No, but non-consensual abortion is criminalized, as well as one performed by a non-certified person. Responsibility is decided on a case-by-case basis by the court under the Penal Code.

B.  Safety

5.  Yes.

Yes, since equal access to justice is guaranteed to all individuals.

6.  Yes. Penal Code, art. 149 and following

Yes. Both are criminally responsible, Penal Code, art. 154a, 155 and following


Question is unclear. Indecent assault and violation of modesty (dress code) are two different categories. Indecent assault (understood as rape or unwilling intercourse) is criminalized under the PC. Dress code is under the discretion of every separate work place or other establishment (school, court of justice, etc.)

7. No to all three questions.

Part II

A.  Health

8. No, but health education is part of the compulsory education in all school levels and of some university programs.

9. Statistical data is regularly being collected for all socio-economic variables. It can be consulted on the National Statistical Institute’s website: , as well as the National Centre for Public Health and Analyses: Furthermore, data on the health status of the population is collected during the national census and the questionnaires for European Health Interviews (EHIS) and the The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC).

-  Data on malnutrition is collected by regional police, health or social departments, when such cases are brought to their attention, so it may not be considered relevant. Data from UNICEF, the World bank and WHO show that for 2004 there have been 315 cases. No new data is available;

-  For 2014, there are 5 cases of maternal mortality;

-  No data, maternal morbidity falls within different types of population morbidity;

-  For 2013, 298 girls under 15;

-  The enlisted health consequences are to the discretion of medical and police entities;

-  1647 cases of HIV/AIDS for 2013, data on STDs vary;

-  Around 30000 drug abusers;

-  Data vary, around 200000 people, mostly men;

-  Around 30000 a year;

-  ---

-  See relevant EU data

-  See relevant EU data

-  No.

-  No.

10. Such data, in most cases, is collected by the Ministry of Interior and the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, but these types of offences are extremely rare.

11. Yes. And yes to all four sub questions.

B.  Safety

12. No. Safety in public spaces is provided for all individuals, regardless of their sex.

13. No.

14. No.

15. The responsible sectors within the Ministry of Interior have unofficial statistics for such cases which are being used in order to ensure maximum protection for the victims of all forms of violence.

Year / Issued protection orders
2009 / 1271
2010 / 1408
2011 / 1571
2012 / 1837
2013 / 1846
2014 / 1485

The data is collected by the MoI but is based on Regional Court decisions for imposing protection measures, sent to the competent regional police stations for control on execution. Every Regional Court has a special register for domestic violence cases.

16. In general - yes, but it is at the discretion of the responsible body and specific cases are being taken into consideration.

C.  Health and safety

17. Not official, only within the line of work of relevant NGOs.

18. In all enlisted institutions, women and children are under special regulations deriving from the specific place the woman holds in the Bulgarian legislation. Protective measure can be consulted through all relevant acts for prisons, shelters, camps, etc. The entire legislation is fully in line with the international legal instruments in the field.

19. Yes, applying to all inquiries.