Year 2 History Famous People George Stepehenson Medium Term Planning
Lesson 1 – Identify Famous People
To know the meaning of the term ‘famous’.To know some of the reasons why some people become famous
Begin to use the term infamous / Look at ppt of famous people on IWB. Look at who they are and what they do or have done. Special talent, done something that no one else has done before, been inspirational, have an important job, be brave etc or infamous for doing something bad eg Guy Fawkes, Sweeny Todd?
MA – Cut out and label famous personalities write a sentence about each to include the reason for why they are well known
HA – Include Additional information.
LA – Cut out and label famous personalities
Lesson 2 – Understand what life was like before the introduction of the steam train
Begin to understand why a new form of transport was required.To learn that travelling from place to place was not always easy. / Look at some of the problems that people encountered before the invention of the train.
Travel was limitedby:
State of the roads, bumpy tracks, hard on horsescarriages etc
Travel by carriage was expensive and dangerous (highwaymen eg Dick Turpin)
Slow most people travelled on foot or used family donkey or horse.
Trains meant that people could travel further and quicker eventually leading to holidays
Trains meant that goods could be delivered fresher and to wider locations which eventually made more people wealthier.
Lesson 3 – The Rocket
Recognise George Stephenson’s Rocket
Begin to understand how the Rocket moved / Show children images of GS’s Rocket. Compare and contrast to trains as we know them today.
Explain basic principles behind the invention eg the rocket was a giant kettle fuelled by coal. The steam generated by the water heated in the boiler was directed to the pistons which in turn moved the wheels etc
Show movement of pistons and animated rocket on IWB
LA Sequence transport timeline
MA Label diagram of the rocket
HA Draw and label own illustration of the rocket
Lesson 4 – Life and Times of George Stephenson
To know about George Stephenson’s childhood and family.Begin to understand what motivated him to create his invention. / Previous to lesson children to access
During ICT lesson Finding Information to read about George’s life and carry out interactive activities.
Watch Channel 4 Stop, Look, Listen Famous People “George Stephenson Rainhill Trials” DVD programme.
MA – Write a diary extract about Rainhill trials.
HA – Take notes whilst watching dvd and write an account of George Stephenson’s life, including DOB, lack of education, following in fathers footsteps, son Robert, developing engineering skills, Rainhill trials
LA – Design a certificate for first prize for the Rainhill Trials.
Lesson 5 – How do we know about George Stephenson
To know that historians study people and things from the past.Learn to understand that paintings, photographs, statues, newspaper articles etc remain to tell us about the past. / Look at paintings and portrait of George and Robert Stephenson, look at clothing, buildings etc. Identify some of the changes and some things that have remained he same.
LA Match people to the artefacts from their time.
HA . Write about differences between old and new objects such as clothing, household appliances, transport
MA – Cloze- read and complete newspaper article from the past.