New Speech Language Therapy (SALT) Service

ReferralRequirements for Referral to NHS Funded Services

  1. There have been some minor changes to the referral form
  • We have combined the SLT referral form and the Supplementary Education Form to make things easier for you.
There is now only one form to complete
  • We will make sure that schools receive a supply of the new forms and you can down load extra copies from our website
  • Please make sure that you complete each section. Each section of the form provides essential information and referrals will be returned where there are incomplete sections

  1. Discuss Referral with Families
  • No child should be referred without school having had an in-depth discussion with the parents / carers about the child’s difficulties and schools concerns
  • We have prepared some prompt questions which you may like to use if it helps (please find attached)

  1. Referrals from SENCO
  • A teacher can fill in a referral but it must be signed by the SENCO as the referrer
  • This will ensure consistency and good communication as all correspondence (reports, discharge notification etc.) is sent to the referrer, so the SENCO will be kept informed about every child referred. This approach will also allow the SENCO to gain a clear picture of the numbers of children being referred from your school

  1. Demonstration of previous strategies
  • We need a clear demonstration on the referral form of strategies which you have previously employed to support the child with their speech, language and communication needs
  • Plus a statement about the child’s progress using these strategies
  • The referral form has been amended to enable you to do this

  1. Cause for Concern
  • Children with Receptive / Expressive language difficulties should be on the schools SEN register as a minimum of a cause for concern (CFC)
  • Registering a child as a CFC does not increase your SEN figures.

  1. IEP target
  • We need to see evidence that an IEP target has been established for speech and/or language or there has been specific goal setting for SLCN and that this has been delivered.

  1. English as an Additional Language
  • EAL children should not be referred to SLT before exposure to English in a setting for at least 1 year unless they have significant language difficulties identified in their first or home language

  1. Over 7 years old?
  • Referral for children over the age of 7 years require there to be a clear demonstration that a child’s language is not in line with their other cognitive abilities.
  • This can be demonstrated using assessments such as the NEW Ravens Matrices (non-verbal test only) plus classroom evidence of language skills being below the age expected norm.
  • A checklist to help you view the child’s SLCN in the context of their other abilities is attached

  1. This may sound obvious but…
  • When using a CAF as a referral please make sure that all the information required on a conventional SLT referral form is provided in the body of the CAF

  1. Working with the child on a 1:1 basis
  • We expect school staff to have explored the child’s skills on a 1:1 basis as well as in a busy classroom.
  • Working in a controlled environment will demonstrate if environmental management is required.

  1. Establish a Resource Bank
  • Schools are asked to pool the generic resources which have been sent to individual TAs for the management of specific children
  • This will establish a SLCN resource library to enable staff to have quick access to activities which can be tried prior to making a new referral.

  1. Indicate if an SLT has already seen the child
  • We ask schools to indicate if a child is has received input from a “Buy- in” / independent therapist

  1. Supporting Attendance
  • The SENCO can request that a family’s Opt- in pack is sent to school rather than home. Opt -in's will not be sent to both home and school as this has caused vast confusion in the past.
  • The SENCO can also request copies of appointment letters. Please request this on the front of the referral

To support schools to better manage children prior to referral the Salford Royal NHS SLT service will……
  1. Resource Library
  • You can request a school visit to help the SENCO organise resources to create a SLC resource library. Please organise this locally with the SLT who visits your school.

  1. Annual training to support your use of resources
  • The SLT service will offer Citywide training on the multifunctional use of everyday resources to develop the creativity of the teaching team in supporting children with SLCN. This session is likely to be in the Spring Term and we will send out invitations to all schools nearer the time

  1. On-going ELKLAN support
  • The SLT service will offer Citywide training to maximize the use of ELKAN trained staff. This session took place in November but please look out for notification of the next one later in the year.

  1. NQT support
  • The SLT service will offer annual training for newly qualified teachers and TAs on how to support children with SLCN in the classroom.
  • The session offered in July 2013 was oversubscribed and very well received.

  1. Language in Line With Learning
  • If a child’s language is in line with learning you may be told that a child does not meet the inclusion criteria for access to the NHS funded SLT service
  • The SLT service has produced a resource pack on general language stimulation to help you to support the child’s needs. You will be directed to our website to to access these materials

  1. Website Resources
  • We are currently investigating the logistics of making other materials available on the website but this may take some time as much of what we give out currently to schools is licensed for our patients only and is not for use by the general public.

  1. Helpline
  • A helpline for schools has been established and will be staffed for 1 session per week on Wednesday afternoons from January 2014 (1-4 pm)
  • The Telephone number is 07715 811 080
  • A senior therapist will be on hand to advise on the appropriateness of referrals and to discuss the use of general classroom strategies prior to referral.

  1. Buy In / Clinic Staff Meetings
  • The SLT Buy-in staff will meet termly with the clinic SLTs to discuss children from your school and to manage their interventions ensuring that they occur sequentially where appropriate and do not unintentionally overlap.

We hope that these changes result in children with the greatest Speech, Language and Communication need being referred to Speech and Language Therapy and other children with more moderate needs being managed successfully in school.
Please contact me on 0161 212 4016 if you have any queries

Michelle S Morris
Consultant Speech and Language Therapist / AHP Lead, Children’s Services
January 2014

January 2014

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