The European Green Party,
Considers that Durban climate conference must make up for lost time in international climate negotiations and agree on
- global peak year of 2015 and 2050 reduction target of 80% and establishing a process to address gigatonne gap in current mitigation pledges based on these parameters and the 2°C/1,5°C objectives;
- second commitment period for Kyoto Protocol 2013-2017 closing forest management accounting and hot air loopholes to ensure environmental effectiveness of the reduction targets;
- mandate with timetable for a legally binding outcome under Convention track to be implemented by 2015
Considers that in Durban concrete decisions are required regarding financing for climate action in developing countries, namely :
- implementation of Copenhagen and Cancun agreements regarding long term financing (annual USD 100 bn by 2020) including on sources of public finance (financial transaction tax, shipping/aviation levies) and scaling upfrom fast start finance levels starting 2013;
- modalities regarding transparency of delivery and additionality of fast start finance for 2010-2012
Calls on the EU and its Member States in particular to
- step up at least to EU targetto a 30% domestic reductions by2020 compared to 1990 and ensure EU foreign policy is directed to achieving binding international agreement which is in line with the objective of limiting climate change to 2°C,
- ensure fast start financing is fully delivered with funds that are new and additional to ODA and that ETS revenues are earmarked for financing of climate action in developing countries from 2013;
Insists that in Durban EU is responsible for ensuring that
- an agreement is reached on Kyoto Protocol second commitment period without a gap in implementation.
- Kyoto Protocolforest accounting and hot air loopholesare tackled, taking environmental integrity of Annex I targets as a basis, namely through agreement on forest management accounting rules with reference to historical baselines and no carry forward of overachiement of KP first commitment period targets.
Considers that European countries face critical choices to preserve their future prosperity and security, whereas moving to a domestic greenhouse gas reduction target which is in line with the EU's climate objectives can be combined with healthier economy, increase in green jobs and innovation;
Reminds that cumulative emissions are decisive for the climate system and even when meeting the targets with the pathway set out in the European Commission 2050Roadmap (domestic 25% for 2020, 40% for 2030, 60% for 2040 and 80% for 2050) the EU would still be responsible for approximately double its per capita share of the global 2°C compatible carbon budget, and that delaying emissions reductions increases the cumulative share significantly;
Stresses that the design of REDD+ mechanism should ensure significant benefits for biodiversity and vital ecosystem services beyond climate change mitigation and should contribute to strengthening the rights and improving the livelihood of forest dependent people, particularly of indigenous and local communities;
Underlines the need to speed up public financing for performance based REDD+ action rewarding reducing deforestation compared to national baselines to halt gross tropical deforestation by 2020 at the latest;
Considers that sectoral mechanisms for economically more advanced developing countries should be agreed for the period beyond 2012 while CDM should be limited to LDCs, and calls for any new international sectoral offset crediting mechanisms to ensure environmental integrity and incorporate climate benefit beyond the 15-30% deviation from business as usual;
Calls for the introduction of international market based instruments to curb climate impact of international aviation and maritime transport and to generate revenues for supporting climate action in developing countries;