New Richmond Youth Hockey Association Board Meeting Minutes for May 20, 2009
Members Present: Larry Erickson, Mark Flanum, Brian Olson, Mary Hailey, Mike McDonald, Scott Aspergren, Aaron Dilley.
Also Present: Andrea Kier, Charlene Rae Mayry, Marie Gremore, Mark Neitzke, Justin Johnson, Sean Goodsell, Adam Swanda, Brady Grecko.
Mary Hailey called the meeting to order at 1900.
Approval of Agenda. Brian Olson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Aaron Dilley, agenda approved.
Approval of Meeting Minutes. Brian Olson made a motion to approve the April 2009 meeting minutes, Larry Erickson seconded the motion, April meeting minutes approved.
Approval of Financials. Andrea Kier presented a financial handout. We paid $8,000 last week for utilities. There is about$1,600 left to pay. The check was mailed on Tuesday. Nonprofit tax return is due August 15th. We will switch to Quick Books, instead of Peachtree. Andrea has the program but is worried about the space on the computer so someone needs to check thespace on the computer. Andrea needs about a good week to convert to Quick Books. Scott will look at the computer. The general fund owes player development $5,500 but we need the money in general fund for now. We need to talk to Suzanne regarding receivables. Some boards did not renew. Skate room fees not in this report but will Andrea will have them at the next meeting. Year end is March 31st. AaronDilley made a motion to accept the financial report as presented , Larry Erickson seconded, financial report approved.
Open Forum. No open forum items were presented.
Old Business
Agenda Items
Justin Johnson presented a Mental Edge Overview. Summary from handout. The goals for NRYHA would be developed over a 2-5 year span. Parent education would be developed. The overall goal with parent education is to provide basic education on the impact parents have on their players and how they can be an asset and/or a liability. We as an association need to do a better job of educating parents about expectations and we need to establish a foundation to build from. These concepts need to be introduced and we need buy in and accountability from participants. We would like to target our message to parents and coaches. The initial concepts would include developing a sportsmanship contract that each individual parent would sign. Each infringement results in a consequence(s) that become progressively detrimental. The goal of the contract is to serve as a reference point that we can teach parents from and disperse information around those principles and create a movement of culture change in the community. Mandatory parent meetings would be held at tryouts that introduce the core principles identified through our discussion and work together with Mental Edge. The three principles that should be used to educate parents are 1) What does it look like to be properly emotionally aligned with your child as a parent and not their friend?, 2) If you don’t understand the purpose of a behavior you have no chance to change the behavior., and 3) How does a parent craft a relationship with their children?
Girls Coop Update. Handout. Mark Neitzke and Marie Gremore. Points haven’t changed that much within agreement. We recommend changes, the coop committee agrees. There was discussion about making sure Somerset keeps their players. For new players, the home association is defined by the WAHA guidelines. We took some verbatim out of language. Rostering, if there is a girl’s team available you will be playing on a girl’s team. Language about splits stays the same. Double rostering needs to be a discussion with Minnesota. Practice and games will be on New Richmond and Somerset ice for Minnesota games. Discussion regarding the 1800-1900 game and practice time and full sheet and half ice practices. Some discomfort with approving with these concepts. It needs to be equal for boys and girls. Need to get rid of coop versus boys. Much discussion about ice use. Discussion about revenues as well. Each association is responsible for their own referees. We have to look at what’s important for the whole program. We have to work together to make things happen. Boards need to sit down and have discussion regarding the information presented tonight. Each association will be responsible for disciplinary actions of their members, parents, players or coaches. Coop committee members need to notify their board president of any action by player/parent/coach requiring any potential disciplinary action. Questions regarding the work hours component. Somerset proposes registration and work hours be the same across the board for New Richmond, Amery and Somerset, even if the fees were lower than the boys. Work hours can be worked anywhere. Work hours monitored by the team managers.
Fundraising Update
Gun Show June 4th, 5th, 6th. Fri, Sat, Sun. Set up Thurs. Details with Mark Singerhouse for concession stand. $5 at the door is the charge.
Park Art Fair June 5th and 6th. Brian Olson and Larry Erickson will set up the food stand.
Bike Show September 12 is a no go. The dates do not work.
Kick off hockey party before annual meeting. Day for kids, evening for parents. October 1 ice will be in. 3 on 3 hockey tournament. Concessions all day. Pig roast during the day.
August 14. Family Fresh Market brat stand. Fri is the day to do it.
Car Show July 11. Car magnets. $35 fee. Plans going well. Minnesota website image.
Adam Swanda and Mary Hailey talking to Blue Line Club for major fundraising. We need to get to an annual fundraiser going and it need to be a large fundraiser.
Halloween Skating Party will be October 30.
LongRangePlanning Committee. Still in limbo with what we can or can’t do. If we cover the back ice we may be in a situation where we need to sprinkler it. Larry Erickson needs to do some more investigation. Still going to run into major expense whatever we. Much discussion regarding what we need to look to in the future.
Rink Manager Report. We will probably rebuild both compressors. Larry Erickson covered the backboards on service learning day. We need someone to do the speakers. Try to get the gentleman back that came to look originally. We need tospread out the sound.
Youth Day. 7 sign ups from the event. Patrick Hailey, Josh Leavens and Dom Peterson were out youth representatives. The sign ups were in the 4-7 year old age range.
WAHA Annual Meeting Update. Recruit, recreate and retain was the message of the meeting. President of high school coaches associations said to use your high school coach. 4-8 year olds is where it is at. Parent education is essential. Mentor program will help with retention piece. Discussed what you should be concerned with at what age. Stats to back up everything. In 2011 mite state tourney will be dropped except for one level. Hockey for life is the message. We did not get a tourney for 2011 again. The messages from the meeting validated a lot of what we are doing. Onalaska went to division 1. Somerset went to division 2.
New Business
2009-2010 discussion-planning, calendar and committee assignments. Scheduler is critical. Is it possible to do with more than one person? Mike and Scott need to have conversation regarding the scheduling. Lots of questions regarding scheduling. What are other opportunities that are less complicated for volunteer opportunities?
Hudson Golf Scramble June 15. John Larson, Perry Hallmark, Larry Erickson, Mike McDonald.
NRYHA Golf Scramble July 27.
G.O.A.L.!Program. Get out and learn to play hockey coming from WAHA, USA Hockey. Templates for fall. 10 reasons to play hockey handout. Learn to Skate, Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb. Sun and Wed will be Learn to Skate nights. Sun and Wed won’t hurt us. Orange flyers can be sent out to schools. Put it at daycares as well.
Summer activities went out on mass emails. Volunteer opportunities to defer costs. If employer offers a match have Mary Hailey sign them.
Brian Olson made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned, seconded by Scott Aspergren, meeting adjourned at 2145.
Respectfully submitted, Charlene Rae Mayry, Secretary