Introduction to this Questionnaire
NHS England is seeking views to help shape the future of community pharmacy services in England. This is part of the ‘Call to Action’, launched by Sir David Nicholson in July 2013, which aims to work with key stakeholders to understand and identify options to address the key challenges facing the NHS.
There are 4 themes that have been identified nationally with a set of questions posed to identify options and priorities for change.
In addition to these questions, the NHS England East Anglia Area Team is keen to identify and understand the local priorities and issues that you feel need to be reflected in our local strategy.
We understand that the questions are wide ranging, and your organisation may not feel able to offer a view on some of them. Please feel free to answer only the questions you feel are appropriate.
Part 1 of the questionnaire reflects the national questions that have been asked.
Part 2 provides the opportunity to provide your views on local priorities and issues that you would wish to see reflected in both the national and / or the local strategy to support thriving sustainable, high quality pharmacy services in East Anglia.
Name of Organisation Completing the Questionnaire: ………………………………………………………………………..
Contact Details and Organisation Lead for Response:
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………….
e-mail: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Phone: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Please return completed questionnaires by Friday 14th February 2014 to:
Elizabeth Bennett, NHS England East Anglia Area Team, CBC1 Capital Business Park, Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire, CB21 5XE
Or by e-mail to:
Part 1:
Theme 1: How can we create a culture where the public in England are aware of and utilise fully the range of services available from their local community pharmacy now and in the future?How can the NHS work with local authorities to enhance the public health role of community pharmacies, including making every contact count and the concept of Health Living Pharmacies?
How can we promote community pharmacy teams as the first port of call for minor ailments and better use of community pharmacy for the management of stable long term conditions?
How can we ensure better marketing of clinical and public health services to ensure the public and patients are fully informed of the range of services that community pharmacies offer?
How can we create better public expectation of pharmacists working together with GPs, hospital, community nurses and care homes to improve health outcomes?
Theme 2: How can the way we commission services from community pharmacy maximise the potential for community pharmacy to support patients to get more from their medicines?
To what extent should there be national commissioning of community pharmacy services and local commissioning of community pharmacy services?
To what extent are pharmacies located in the right place and in the right number to maximise the potential benefits from community pharmacy services?
Are there ways in which better alignment of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework and the General Medical Services contract could improve outcomes, e.g. the management of repeat medicines and medication review?
What is your view for the balance of medicines supply role and the provision of clinical services in community pharmacy?
How can we work more effectively across the current commissioning landscape to ensure the NHS and local government (public health) can commission services form community pharmacy more easily and avoid duplication?
Theme 3: How can we better integrate community pharmacy services into the patient care pathway? (1)
How could we accelerate pharmacists’ access to the Summary Care Record?
How can community pharmacy better manage ‘high risk’ or vulnerable patients?
How can collaboration on a population basis support he delivery of better health outcomes?
How can we improve the digital maturity of community pharmacy?
How can we improve the community pharmacy’s role in the transformation and integration agenda for out of hospital care?
How can we get the most from the whole pharmacy team if we consider skill mix?
Theme 3 How can we better integrate community pharmacy services into the patient care pathway? (2)
How can community pharmacy contribute data for commissioners to improve the population’s health and ensure quality of services (including a role in research and development)
How can we ensure GPs have access to clinical pharmacy advice, for example in their practices?
How can we best secure pharmacy expertise in the care of vulnerable groups, including children, frail older people in their own home/care home, those with mental health issues, dementia and those with learning disabilities?
How can we work with employers, training providers, LETBs and other commissioners to identify the development needs of the community pharmacy workforce to deliver high quality services and care across patients pathways?
Theme 4: How can the use of a range of technologies increase the safety of dispensing?
How can we best accelerate progress toward community pharmacy access to the Summary Care Record, which is considered pivotal to maximising the contribution of community pharmacy to patient outcomes?
How can we ensure a greater uptake and use of local and centralised robotics within the dispensing and supply process?
How can we improve the cultural, operational and IT systems to make medication safely incidents easier to report and share learning?
How can we improve the design of pharmacy premises?
What do you see as the role of digital technology in improving patient care?
Area Team Questions
What do you see as the three key barriers that need to be addressed nationally to support thriving, sustainable, high quality community pharmacy services in your area and why?
Area Team Questions
What do you see as the three key barriers that need to be addressed locally to support thriving, sustainable, high quality community pharmacy services in your area and why?
Area Team Questions
What would be your three priorities to improve the quality and sustainability of community pharmacy services in East Anglia?
Area Team Questions
Please let us have any other comments or observations that need to be addressed in our local strategy?
Improving Health and Patient Care through Community Pharmacy 1/12
East Anglia Area Team Questionnaire