New Project Pre-Application Instructions
The Eastern Carolina Homeless Organization (ECHO) is soliciting Pre-Applications from agencies and organizations interested in applying for funds through the FY17 Continuum of Care Competition as published by HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS). For more information on the Continuum of Care Competition, visit
At thetime of this RFP, the HUD Notice of Funding Availability has not yet been released. This solicitation for pre applications does mean that HUD will have funding available for new projects in this funding year. Funding for a new project in our continuum will be confirmed once the FY17 NOFA is published by HUD, and will be announced by ECHO in a future email update.For this year’s competition, only two project types are expected to be eligible for new projects:
- Permanent Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless individuals and/or families
- Rapid Re-Housing for individuals and/or families
Each Pre-Application will be reviewed by the Grant Selection Committee to determine if the project meets all local Continuum of Care goals and HUD eligibility criteria.
To be considered for inclusion in the local community’s Consolidated Application, interested agencies must first submit a New Project Pre-Application by May 25that 5:00PM to:
No hand delivered, faxed or mailed letters will be accepted.
Applicants submitting a Pre-Application must be familiar with the CoC Interim Rule, as published by HUD in the Federal Register for a complete understanding of the Continuum of Care Competition. HUD and ECHO have both placed special priority on Permanent Supportive Housing projects serving Chronically Homeless individuals and families and Rapid Re-Housing projects serving literally homelessness families and individuals that willoperate within the framework of theOpening Doors Policy that adheres to the Housing First approach.
In order to be considered for this funding, a project must be included as part of the Continuum of Care Consolidated Application. Individual agencies are not eligible to apply directly to HUD for these funds.
By submitting a New Project Pre-Application, the agency is verifying that they can produce the following documentation upon request:
- Documentation of current certification under Section 501(c) (3), Federal Tax Code or current certification as a government entity.
- Statement, signed by an authorized official that indicates the organization has technological capacity that includes high speed internet access, the ability to send and receive e-mail (including attachments), and complete an online grant application.
- The organization’s current, board-approved annual budget.
- Copy of the most recent official annual financial review appropriate for the organization’s budget size (full financial audit, financial review by CPA, or year-end financial statement (990) approved by Board of Directors).
- A list of the current Board of Directors (indicate previously or currently homeless members with anasterisk (*) and a signed conflict of interest statement for each Board Member.
- Copy of a BOD-approved Non-Discrimination Policy that meets at least the minimum requirements established by federal/state law.
- Copy of a BOD-approved policy establishing organizational procedures to protect client confidentiality.
- A statement or evidence that the Board of Directors conducts periodic strategic planning in relation to the Continuum of Care and operates in accordance with that plan.
- Proof that the organization has been in operation at least two (2) full years at the time of submission of a Pre-Application.
New Project Eligible Components (Program Type)
- Permanent Supportive Housing
- Rapid Re-Housing
2017 Continuum of Care Program Competition
Eastern Carolina Homeless Organization, Inc.
Please submit New Project Pre-Applications to by 5PM on May 25th
***Please note that the only acceptable project types for this year’s competition are the following:
- Permanent Supportive Housing projects serving Chronically Homeless persons and/or families
- Rapid Re-Housing projects serving individuals and/or families
Applicant Information:
Organization Type:Select Organization Type
Address:Click here to enter Address
City:Click here to enter City
County: SelectCounty
State:Click here to enter State
Zip Code:Click here to enter Zip Code
Contact Information:
Board Chair Name:Click here to enter Name
Address:Click here to enter Address
City:Click here to enter City
Zip Code:Click here to enter Zip Code
Phone Number:Click here to enter Phone Number
Email:Click here to enter Email
Director Name:Click here to enter Name
Address:Click here to enter Address
City:Click here to enter City
Zip Code:Click here to enter Zip Code
Phone Number:Click here to enter Phone Number
Email:Click here to enter Email
Project Information:
- Project Name:
Click here to enter Project Name
- Project Type (RRH or PSH):
Select Project Type
- What county or counties does this project propose to serve?
Click here to enter Counties
- Provide a brief general description of the project:
Click here to enter project description
The description must include the target population, type of program and housing to be provided, the number of units to be provided, and proposed length of time participants will be served.
- What is the target population for this project? Click here to describe
- Describe how current best practices will be used in this project:
Click here to describe
The description must identify which current best practices will be used in this project and how the applicant/sponsor will ensure fidelity to the model (best practices may include Motivational Interviewing, Trauma-Informed Care, Housing First, and many others. Specifically discuss how this project will use a Housing First approach.
- Describe how this project meets community needs in its service area:
Click here to describe
The description must include discussion of current homeless program housing inventory in the proposed service area and identification of any gaps therein, explanation of utilization rates of existing local homeless services and their performance on key HUD outcomes (i.e., helping clients retain permanent housing and helping clients move from transitional housing to permanent housing), and recent Point-in-Time Count results. The description must also include discussion of how the proposed target population was determined to be the one most in need locally.
- Describe the experience of the applicant in effectively utilizing federal funds and performing the activities proposed, given funding and time limitations:
Click here to describe
- Please include a preliminary budget (see attached “New Project Proposed Budget”) for the proposed new project, based upon budget guidelines as set forth in the CoC Interim Rule.
- Please include the most recent financial audit available for your organization.
- Please include a letter of certification of matching funds for your proposed project on agency letterhead signed by the Executive Director, CEO, or Chairman of the Board.