Proposed Initiatives for Disability Ministry

St. Charles Borromeo Church

Skillman, New Jersey

Ministry purpose: We want to welcome and incorporate persons with disabilities into our faith community and also have the means to direct people to additional support services outside of St Charles.

Six Month Initiatives for Jan 2013 – June 2013

  1. Written Best Practices for Disability Ministry
  2. Have a written “Best Practices” for our ministry here at St Charles
  3. Resources to utilize
  4. Ministry discussions and recommendations
  5. Diocese
  6. Other parishes
  7. Other faiths
  1. Communications: Horizontal
  2. Disability Ministry Information
  3. Parish council
  4. Ministry Leadership & Ministry meetings
  5. Welcome Ministry Information package and census
  6. Programs for people with disabilities
  7. Invitation to participate
  8. Web-site resources
  9. Ministry Information Page on St Charles Website
  10. Resource links For special needs children, aging adults, etc
  11. L'Arche community awareness:
  12. Meet Our Parishioners
  13. Highlight/brief background on special needs parishioners
  14. Supplement to bulletin or Newsletter, etc.
  15. Define and demystify – Educational materials
  16. Brochure / Handout for parents in the GIFT formation
  17. Kids and youth educational
  18. Young and older adults
  19. Overcoming fears, mis-conceptions, etc.
  20. Disability Awareness Week
  21. Once a year/quarter newsletter, meditations, etc
  1. Breakout at Mass for Youth/Young Adults
  2. Tasks
  3. Setting dates
  4. Identifying resource needs
  5. Reaching out to families
  1. Taking up gifts @ Mass
  2. Tasks
  3. Preparing the Ushers
  4. Identifying the parishioners
  5. Scheduling if needed
  1. Individual/small group religious instruction
  2. Already being initiated with ministry leader and Religious Formation
  3. 1st Communion
  4. Confirmation

Twelve Month Initiatives

  1. Integration into Youth Ministry
  2. Buddy system
  3. Social gatherings
  4. Service projects

Educational materials

  • Brochure / Handout for parents in the GIFT formation
  • Kids and youth educational
  • Young and older adults
  • Overcoming fears, mis-conceptions, etc.
  1. Liturgical Service Positions
  2. Altar Servers
  3. Ushers
  4. Eucharistic Ministers
  1. Special Parish Events for People with Disabilities
  1. Support for Families withDisabled
  2. Young Adult Support Groups
  3. Beyond youth group to young adult (18-30)
  4. After high school when peers go to college
  5. After college when friends get jobs
  6. Parent's Helper
  7. Occasional help for stay @ home Mom's with special needs child
  8. Scheduled visits, break to run errands, shopping, etc
  1. Support for the Disabled
  2. Ride Sharing Services
  3. Mass
  4. Parish events (vespers, meetings, etc.)
  1. Group Home Sponsorship
  2. In Montgomery?, for parishioners?
  1. Phone calls/visits to people with disabilities who are mobility challenged
  2. Outreach & socialization to maintain involvement

Ministry Initiatives to consider

  1. Women's, Men's, Youth & Gift Ministry – cooperation
  1. Transitions Group for Women
  2. Add disabilities support to group, add Men's initiatives