Company:Contact name:
Phone number(s):
Email address:
Alternative contact:
Phone number(s):
Email address:
Purchase Order Number (PO no), if required:
Hourly pay rate or spine point:
(see attached table)
Start date:
Finish / First Review date:
If you do not know a finish date at point of booking please give an indication of when we might review the assignment.
Hours required per week:
If part-time please indicate what days/hours you would like the temp to work:
Reason for Placement request:
Address of placement (where the Temp will be working):
Parking information:
Team the Temp will be placed with:
Temp Position / Job title:
Details of the placement (what the temp will be doing):
Are there any specific training/qualifications required for this placement: YES/NO
If yes please give details:
Are there any Health & Safety Risks? YES/NO
If yes please give details:
DBS (CRB) required? YES/NO
All staff having regular contact with children in specified settings require a DBS check in place. All staff providing activities of a specified nature to children and adults also require a DBS check. The table below describes what is “regular” contact and what are specified settings. Tick any boxes that apply.
Of a specified nature
e.g. teaching, training, care, supervision,
advice, treatment or transport / Contact must also be “frequent, intensive and/or overnight” (with the exception of personal care which is any single occurrence and any activity of a specified nature to adults)
- Once a week or more
- 4 or more occasions in a period of 30 days
- Overnight between 2-6am
In a specified setting
e.g. schools, children’s centres, children’s homes & hospitals, nurseries, juvenile detention facilities
A request that invokes a tick in any of the above boxes will require the temp to be DBS checked before they commence the placement.
If none of the above apply a DBS may not be required, if you are unclear please contact DCC Records Disclosure Service at or phone 01392 383000.
PLEASE NOTE: Agency Workers Regulations
The Agency Workers Regulations give Agency Workers the entitlement to the same basic employment working conditions as if they had been recruited directly, after 12 continuous calendar weeks.
To ensure compliance with the Regulations, the Assignment Manager, from day one of the assignment, will be responsible for ensuring that Agency Workers receive their entitlement to the following:
- Equal access to collective facilities, e.g. car parking, canteen, childcare facilities etc
- Access to information about job vacancies
After 12 weeks continuous calendar week’s service, Agency Workers will also be entitled to the following:
- Equal pay (including overtime);
- Equal working time (including overtime, breaks, rest periods and holidays);
- Paid time off for antenatal appointments
We will contact you for the information we require should the assignment approach 12 continuous weeks of work. Please note that equal refers to ‘equal to an equivalent permanent employee in the same role or doing broadly similar work’.
Temps Pay Table
Scale / SCP / Temps Hourly Pay Rate 2014-2015 / Scale / SCP / Temps Hourly Pay Rate 2014-2015A / 6 / 7.06 / F / 29 / 13.19
B / 7 / 7.11 / 30 / 13.63
8 / 7.19 / 31 / 14.06
9 / 7.30 / 32 / 14.47
10 / 7.43 / 33 / 14.90
11 / 7.88 / 34 / 15.32
C / 12 / 8.05 / G / 35 / 15.64
13 / 8.26 / 36 / 16.06
14 / 8.41 / 37 / 16.51
15 / 8.59 / 38 / 16.99
16 / 8.80 / 39 / 17.55
17 / 9.00 / H / 40 / 18.01
D / 18 / 9.18 / 41 / 18.48
19 / 9.52 / 42 / 18.96
20 / 9.87 / 43 / 19.43
21 / 10.23 / 44 / 19.91
22 / 10.50 / T / 45 / 20.35
E / 23 / 10.81 / 46 / 20.85
24 / 11.16 / 47 / 21.32
25 / 11.51 / 48 / 21.80
26 / 11.89 / 49 / 22.27
27 / 12.28 / 50 / 22.74
28 / 12.68
This is the rate paid to the temp only. The charge to managers will be shown on the placement confirmation email. If you require this information beforehand, please or telephone 01392 383000 and ask for Temp Solutions.
Please note that if a worker is introduced to you by Temp Solutions and is then subsequently recruited straight to a permanent/contracted employee, an Introduction Fee equivalent to 5% of the Annual Salary will be payable to Temp Solutions. If the worker was sourced from an outside recruitment agency there will be an Introduction Fee payable to the Agency which will be normally 15% of the Annual Salary they are appointed on. There will also be a fee equivalent to 5% of the Agency fee payable to Temp Solutions.