Red Crow Sings East Asian Medicine


Name Date


City State Zip

Home Phone Work Phone

Cell Phone Email

Date of Birth Age Sex

Relationship Status

Occupation Employer

Emergency Contact & Relationship Phone

Referred? If Yes, by whom?

Have you ever received Acupuncture before? If yes, when?

What brought you to our office today? Briefly describe your main complaint(s):




Briefly describe any other significant health conditions that are currently a cause for concern:

List any major accidents, surgeries or hospitalizations, including date or age at time of occurrence

List any current medications you are taking, and include reason:

List any supplements you are taking, and include reason:

List any current allergies:

When, where, and why, were you last been seen by a medical doctor?

Physician Date

Reason for Visit Diagnosis


Please check next to any of the following conditions, you, or a family member currently has, or has had, in the past:

Condition / Self / Current or Past (C or P) / Grandparent / Parent / Sibling
Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure
Low Blood Pressure
Bleeding Disorder
Kidney Disease
Depression / Anxiety
Mental Illness
Thyroid Disorder
Multiple Sclerosis


Diet: □ Vegetarian □ Vegan □ Meat & Potatoes □ Fruits & Vegetables □ Fish Water intake per day

Caffeine intake: □ Coffee □ Tea □ Soda □ Energy Drinks # of cups per week

Alcohol intake: □ Beer □ Wine □ Hard Liquor □ None # per week

Smoke cigarettes: □ Yes □ No # of cigarettes per day

Recreational drugs: □ Yes □ No Type Frequency

Please place a check next to the following that pertain to you:

Body Temperature:

□ Cold hands □ Cold feet □ Sweaty hands

□ Sweaty feet □ Warm body temperature □ Cold body temperature

□ Afternoon hot flushes □ Night sweats □ Heat in the hands, feet, and chest

□ Hot flashes □ Thirsty □ Sweats' easily

□ Lack of sweating □ Face flushing

Overall Energy: circle one: Low Medium High

□ Shortness of breath □ General weakness □ Difficult to keep eyes open in day

□ Feel worse after exercise □ Feel better after exercise

□ Mental heaviness □ Mental sluggishness □ General heavy sensation in body

□ Mental fogginess □ Energy worse in morning □ Energy worse at end of day

Heart System:

□ Heart Palpitations □ Anxiety □ Sores on the tongue

□ Restlessness □ Mental confusion □ Chest pain traveling to shoulder

□ Frequent dreams □ Generally wakes unrefreshed □ Dizziness

□ Poor memory □ Difficulty concentrating □ Poor sleep or insomnia

Lung System:

□ Nasal discharge □ Cough □ Nosebleeds

□ Sinus congestion □ Dry mouth □ Dry throat

□ Dry nose □ Dry skin □ Allergies

□ Chills / fever □ Sneezing □ Frontal headache

□ Catch colds easily □ Shortness of breath □ Overall body aches

□ Stiff neck □ Sore throat □ Difficulty breathing

□ Sadness □ Melancholy

Spleen System:

□ Poor appetite □ Abrupt weight gain □ Abrupt weight loss

□ Abdominal bloating □ Abdominal gas □ Gurgling noise in stomach

□ Fatigue after eating □ Prolapsed organs □ Bruise easily

□ Hemorrhoids □ Loose stools □ Over-thinking

□ Over-worry □ Food allergies □ Anemia

Stomach System:

□ Bad breath □ Large appetite □ Burning sensation after eating

□ Heartburn □ Mouth sores □ Bleeding, swollen or painful gums

□ Ulcer □ Belching □ Hiccups

□ Stomach pain □ Nausea □ Vomiting

Liver / Gallbladder Systems:

□ Chest pain □ Tightness of chest □ Alternating diarrhea / constipation

□ Bitter taste in mouth □ Anger easily □ Alternating chills / fever

□ Frustration □ Irritability □ High stress

□ Skin rash □ Headache at top of head □ Sensation of lump in throat

□ Tingling sensation □ Numbness □ Muscle spasms, twitching, cramps

□ Seizures / convulsions □ Neck tension □ Neck and/or shoulder tension

□ Drink alcohol □ Drug use □ High pitch ringing in ears

□ Gallstones □ STDs □ See floaters in visual field

□ Itchy eyes □ Red and/or Bloodshot eyes □ Dry eyes

□ Heat sensation in eyes □ Watery eyes □ Gritty eyes

□ Blurry vision □ Poor night vision □ Wear glasses or contacts

Kidney / Urinary Bladder Systems:

□ Frequent tooth cavities □ Bones break easily □ Sore or weak knees

□ Cold sensation of knees □ Sore or weak low back □ Cold sensation of low back

□ Poor memory □ Excessive hair loss □ Low pitch ringing in ears

□ Kidney stones □ Bladder infections □ Wake at night to urinate

□ Lack of bladder control □ Fear □ Easily startled


□ Dark yellow urine □ Reddish color urine □ Cloudy urine

□ Scanty urine □ Profuse urine □ Frequent urination

□ Strong odor to urine □ Burning with urination □ Painful urination

□ Hesitant urination □ Clear urine

Bowel Movements:

□ Loose □ Constipated □ Incomplete bowel movements

□ Diarrhea □ Blood in stool □ Mucus in stool

□ Undigested food in stool □ Early morning urgency □ Dry stools


□ Normal □ High □ Low

Female Sexual History

Are you currently pregnant? □ Yes □ No If yes, how many weeks?

# of pregnancies # of living children

# of abortions # of miscarriages

Have you been through menopause? □Yes □ No At what age?

History of cesarean section? □ Yes □ No

Menstrual cycle regular? □ Yes □ No Number of days between periods

Average # of days of menstrual flow:

Color of menstrual flow: □ Fresh red □ Bright red □ Dark red □ Purple □ Brown □ Pink □ Rust red □ Other:

Amount of menstrual flow: □ Average □ Heavy □ Light

Consistency of menstrual flow: □ Thick □ Thin □ Mixed with mucus □ Clots □ Watery □ Normal

Pain during menstrual flow: □ None □ Mild □ Moderate □ Severe

Do you experience: □ Excessive vaginal discharge between periods

□ Bleeding between periods

Do you experience any of the following PMS symptoms:

□ Nausea □ Food cravings □ Depression

□ Vomiting □ Headaches □ Irritability

□ Water retention / bloating □ Migraines □ Anxiety

□ Breast swelling □ Breast tenderness □ Other emotions:

□ Cramps □ Dull pain □ Sharp pain

□ Other:

Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following:

□ Uterine fibroids □ PCOS □ Ovarian cysts

□ Endometriosis □ Fallopian tube blockage □ Endometritis

□ Ectopic pregnancy □ Cervical dysplasia □ Infertility

□ Other gynecological conditions

Current or history of STDs? □ Yes □ No If yes, explain:

Male Sexual History

Do you have any of the following:

□ Swollen testes □ Testicular pain □ Impotence

□ Premature ejaculation □ Prostatitis □ Prostate enlargement

□ Infertility □ Seminal emission □ Pain with urination

□ Feeling of cold or numbness of external genitalia

□ Other

Current or history of STDs? □ Yes □ No If yes, explain:

6715 Greenwood Ave N Seattle, WA 98103 (206)-251-7109