New Mexico Department of Public Safety

TraCS Software Version 10.XX Rollout FY 14-16

Project Charter For Certification

Executive Sponsors

Gregory Fouratt, Cabinet Secretary

Pete Kassetas, Chief – State Police

Joseph Daniel Lovato, Major - State Police

Chris Mayrant, Major – Motor Transportation Police

Ronald Burton, Chief Information Officer

Project Manager – TBD
Original Plan Date: May 30, 2014
Revision Date: May 30, 2014
Revision: 1.0

About This Project Charter DOCUMENT

Permission to plan the projec t and setting the governance structure

The Project Charter provides the project manager and project team with permission to proceed with the work of the project, within the scope delineated in this document. The Project Charter should be the outcome of a number of documents that went into the pre-planning for the project, and in many cases the agency IT Plan, Business Case for appropriations, Federal funding requests and the like.

Project sponsors sign the Project Charter signifying that they have agreed to the governance structure for guiding the direction for the further planning of the project, discovery and defining the requirements, acquiring necessary resources, and within that context the statement of work for any related contracts including a contract for the Independent Validation and Verification.

The Project Charter is also the foundation for the creation of the project management plan, and much of the thinking and writing for this charter will be immediately usable for that project management plan.

Project certification Initial phase documentation

The Project Charter is also used within the State of New Mexico IT Project Certification process as evidence of the project’s worthiness for the Initial Phase certification. The Initial Phase certification is especially critical to many state and agency projects because of its related release of the initial funds required for the project.

Initiation Phase funding is requested by an agency for use in developing project phases, developing Independent Verification and Validation (“IV&V”) plan and contract; address project review issues and/or to develop an overall project management plan. Note: Waiver of the IV&V requirement requires specific written approval by the Secretary of the DoIT.

DoIT “Project Certification” Memorandum July 2, 2007

The Project Charter and the Request for Certification Form are meant to provide a comprehensive picture of the project’s intention and initial planning that includes the project’s place in the context of the State of New Mexico’s IT Strategic Plan, Enterprise Architecture, and DoIT project oversight process. See “IT Project Oversight Process” Memorandum July 5th 2007 on the OCIO-DoIT web site.

table of contents

About This Project Charter DOCUMENT

table of contents

1. project background

1.1Executive Summary -rationale for the project

1.2Summary of the foundation planning and documentation for the project

1.3 Project Certification Requirements

2.0 Justification, Objectives and impacts

2.1 Agency Justification

2.2 Business Objectives

2.3 Technical Objectives

2.4 Impact on Organization

2.5 Transition to Operations

3.0 Project/Product Scope of Work

3.1 Deliverables

3.1.1 Project Deliverables

3.1.2 Product Deliverables

3.2 Success and QUALITY METRICS

4.0 Schedule Estimate

5.0 Budget Estimate

5.1 Funding Source(s)

5.2. Budget By Major Deliverable or Type of expense –

5.3 Budget By Project Phase or Certification Phase

6.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure







6.5 Project management Methodology

7.0 Constraints

8.0 Dependencies

9.0 Assumptions

10.0 Significant Risks and Mitigation Strategy



13.0 Project Charter Agency Approval Signatures

14.0 Project Charter Certification Approval Signature

Revision History

Revision Number / Date / Comment
1.0 / May 30, 2014 / Original DoIT PMO Document


Project Charter: NMDPS TraCS Software Version 10.XX Rollout Project FY 14-161

1. project background

The project background section is meant to provide the reviewer with a picture of the development of the project from inception to its being submitted for certification.

1.1 Executive Summary -rationale for the project

Background and History

Since 2002, the New Mexico Department of Public Safety has been extensively involved in developing and administering a state-wide program for the delivery of a centralized electronic citation program referred to as the TraCS (Traffic and Criminal Software) project to serve Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) personnel in the 90-some agencies scattered throughout New Mexico. The TraCS software is utilized by LEA personnel in their normal duties associated with:

  • the issuance of traffic citations,
  • the issuance of DWI citations and associated documentation,
  • the development of Incident/Offense reports and Crash reports.

New Mexico Department of Public Safety through this project will take the leading role in the development of TraCS in New Mexico by setting the statewide standards and protocols for TraCS. Other law enforcement agencies utilizing TraCS: the Albuquerque Police Department, the Rio Rancho Department of Public Safety, and the Dona Ana Sheriff's Department. These agencies have rolled out version 10.xx of the TraCS software.

Since 2002, the Statewide Traffic Records Executive Oversight Committee (STREOC) has provided oversight and policy direction to the Statewide Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (STRCC), and facilitated the establishment of a long-range strategic plan for traffic record system improvements. The STREOC Members and the STRCC Members represent many New Mexico agencies that create, share, and report on traffic records data. The STRCC Strategic Plan, which includes the concept behind the TraCS Project, was developed and adopted by the STREOC and the STRCC in December 2002, with the latest update approved in December 2012.

2005 – Original Project Rationale:

In January 2002, the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s Traffic Safety Bureau hosted a strategic planning session aimed at gathering support for the creation of a statewide, comprehensive traffic records system and the development of data sharing strategies.

As a result, the Statewide Traffic Records Executive Oversight Committee (STREOC) and the

Statewide Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (STRCC) was formed. The STREOC Members and the STRCC Members represent a cross-section of New Mexico agencies that create, share, and report on traffic records data.

The STREOC was established to provide policy direction to the STRCC and facilitate the

establishment of a long-range strategic plan for traffic record system improvements. The STRCC

Strategic Plan, the Statewide Traffic Records System Model (STRS), and the TraCS Software

Evaluation Pilot Project were developed and adopted by the STREOC and the STRCC in December 2002. An STREOC Charter and By-Laws were adopted in June 2003.

The STRCC coordinates efforts of agencies who are involved in the initiation, storage, and delivery of traffic records information. The coordination of these agencies is essential to the State's ability to provide efficient and secure delivery of accurate, timely, uniform and complete information, about traffic activity, to all who need such information.

The STREOC and STRCC are grant funded by the New Mexico Department of Transportation,

Traffic Safety Bureau. Grant administration is provided by the New Mexico Department of Transportation, Traffic Safety Bureau. The Statewide Traffic Record System is a multi-phase, multi-year program. The first project of the STRS program was the TraCS Software Evaluation Pilot Project which was approved by the STRCC and the STREOC at a joint committee meeting on December 12, 2002. The pilot utilized the Iowa Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS) developed by the Iowa Department of Transportation. TraCS is a PC based electronic tool for preparing and distributing citations that will be used by Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) Pilot participants.

Project State as of December 2013:

In December 2013, the New Mexico Department of Public Safety entered into a grant project agreement with the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s Planning and Safety Division to secure funding for equipment and services necessary for the rollout of a new version of TraCS software. The agreement allows for a phased approach starting with initial testing of software and equipment in NM State Police District 4, which includes the Dona Ana County area.

1.2 Summary of the foundation planning and documentation for the project

Alignment with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Goals

The TraCS Rollout project is in direct support of Section 2006 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy For Users (SAFETEA-LU) which establishes the state traffic safety information system improvement grant program, administered by NHTSA. Specifically, the TraCS Rollout project will contribute to New Mexico meeting all four goals of this Federal grant program which are (1) Improve the timeliness, accuracy, completeness, uniformity, integration, and accessibility of the safety data that States need to identify priorities for national, State and local highway and traffic safety programs; (2) evaluate the effectiveness of efforts to make such improvements; (3) link the State data systems, including traffic records, with other data systems within the State, such as systems that contain medical, roadway, and economic data; and (4) improve the compatibility and interoperability of the States' data systems with national traffic safety data systems and data systems of other States and enhance NHTSA's ability to observe and analyze national trends in crash occurrences, rates, outcomes, and circumstances.

Alignment with New Mexico DWI Strategic Goals

The TraCS Rollout Project will also implement statewide the electronic data entry of DWI-related forms by law enforcement officers which is part of the comprehensive DWI Data System, the #1 strategic initiative which is detailed in the DWI Strategic Plan developed by the Statewide Multi-Agency DWI Strategic Planning Committee, formed at the direction of Governor Bill Richardson in 2003 includes the following system[1] components:

  • Electronic data entry in the field of DWI-related paperwork by law enforcement agencies (e-citation).
  • Electronic transfer of DWI-related paperwork among law enforcement agencies, courts (District, Metropolitan, Magistrate and Municipal), District Attorneys and the Motor Vehicle Division. Improved data transfer between law enforcement agencies and the Scientific Laboratory Division of the Department of Health (DOH).
  • Sentence compliance tracking with electronic data transfer between the courts and the compliance tracking system, including probation and corrections and eventually evaluation and central data repository.

In addition, this project is aligned with the following Strategic plans and assessments:

  • Department of Transportation Highway Safety Performance Plan
  • Department of Transportation Comprehensive Transportation Safety Plan
  • NM Statewide Traffic Records Strategic Plan
  • NM Traffic Records Assessment

1.3 Project Certification Requirements

Does the project fit into the criteria for certification? Which and how?

Project is mission critical to the New Mexico Law Enforcement agencies / Yes / The TraCS Software Version 10.XX Rollout Project is a multi-faceted project providing workflow automation, and data integration of electronic citation information from the DPS TraCS software module to the the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and DOT Crash Reporting System.
Project cost is equal to or in excess of $100,000.00 / Yes / Total estimated cost for Federal Fiscal years 14, 15 and 16 is $2,000,000.00
Project impacts customer on-line access / Yes / The TraCS project will automate the process of generating citations and creating electronic transactions which can then be transferred to the internal Records Management systems, Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and DOT Crash Reporting System – thereby increasing productivity and efficiency.
Project is one deemed appropriate by the Secretary of the DoIT / Yes / Project meets the State’s Strategic objectives and is sponsored by DoIT.
Will an IT Architecture Review be required? / No / New Mexico Department of Public Safety owns and operates its own TraCS computing architecture consisting of laptops installed on police vehicles, and a centralized database server used to house electronic citation information.

2.0 Justification, Objectives and impacts

The justification and objectives section relates the project to the purpose of the lead agency and describes the high level business and technical objectives for the project. The section also includes a high level review of the impact to the organization, and of the concerns for transition to operations.

2.1 Agency Justification


Number / Description
1. / Goal: Implement TraCS 10.xx for electronic data collection in the field by New Mexico State Police and Motor Transportation Officers.
2. / Goal: Install, train officers and deploy field units with TraCS 10.xx:
  • to capture crash and citation data electronically;
  • to improve the quality, accuracy, integrity, timeliness, completeness, consistency and accessibility for DPS, DOT, AOC and other stakeholders.

3 / Goal: Integrate TraCS database with internal Records Management System to eliminate redundant data entry and to utilize state-wide standardized methodologies for security and data transfer protocols.
4. / Goal: Integrate TraCS database with DOT Crash Reports System to eliminate redundant data entry and to utilize state-wide standardized methodologies for security and data transfer protocols.
5. / Planning, Oversight, and Coordination: Objective I.1 – Provide planning, oversight, and coordination of traffic records initiatives through continued support of the STREOC and STRCC.
6. / Planning, Oversight, and Coordination: Objective I.2 – Appoint Statewide Traffic Records (STRS) representative and form support teams.
7. / Planning, Oversight, and Coordination: Objective I.3 – Develop, implement, and maintain statewide TraCS infrastructure across NMSP and MTP districts.
8. / Electronic Collection of Data: Objective II.1 – Support Statewide Rollout of the TraCS application (uniform crash reports).
9. / Electronic Collection of Data: Objective II.3 – Support the interface between LEADS data to populate TraCS forms.
10. / Electronic Collection of Data: Objective II.4 – Support improvements to TraCS that improve the statewide crash data collection system.
11. / Exchange and Sharing of Data: Objective III.1 - Expand electronic exchange of traffic records information.
12. / Data Integration and Analysis: Objective IV.1 – Create and maintain the central repository for all TraCS data.
13. / Data Integration and Analysis: Objective IV.2 - Improve and expand traffic safety problem identification and information sharing.

2.2 Business Objectives

Use the following table to list measurable business objectives

Number / Description
Business Objective 1 / Increased efficiency and productivity
Business Objective 2 / Optimize business processes, decreasing number of steps, saving time
Business Objective 3 / Lower the cost of government, more effective electronic records administration management
Business Objective 4 / Improved service delivery to constituency
Business Objective 5 / Reduce manual, paper-based citation and crash report processes, which contribute to high costs, inefficient processes, and provides an environment prone to data entry errors.

2.3 Technical Objectives

Number / Description
Technical Objective 1 / Provide officers with current software and hardware to automate the processes in generating citations, dwi citations, incident/offense reports, and crash reports.
Technical Objective 2 / Procure, configure and install software and hardware equipment in patrol vehicles.
Technical Objective 3 / Upgrade old versions of TraCS software in order to provide latest software functionality.
Objective 4 / Install TraCS server equipment, and install network data transfer security protocols.
Objective 5 / Develop web service data integration products to transfer data from TraCS database server to records management systems and NMDOT Crash Reporting System.

2.4 Impact on Organization

The impacts on the organization are areas that need to be addressed by the project through its planning process. They may not be internal project risks, but they can impact the success of the project’s implementation.

Area / Description
End user / Proposed automation, as a result of the TraCS project, should realize improved efficiencies for law enforcement personnel because of the citation and crash processes are to be automated.
Business Processes / Automation of business processes will provide staff efficiencies because of software standardization and enforcement of business rules during the citation generation process.
It Operations and staffing / Grant agreement with NMDOT provides resources for additional IT support.
Other / Constituents appearing before the courts can be assured that the citations generated by the use of TraCS are free from data entry errors that may have been introduced via a paper-process methodology.

2.5 Transition to Operations

The transition to operations areas include items that are asked in the certification form to assure that the project has accounted or will account for these matters in its planning and requirements specifications.

Area / Description
Preliminary Operations location and staffing plans / Not applicable since software and hardware will be implemented on NMDPS owned facilities.
Data Security, Business Continuity / DPS will implement a business continuity plan to address server and network downtime events. DPS will also establish disaster recovery plans to save TraCS data to secondary storage devices on a regular basis.
Maintenance Strategy / Software, network and security configuration settings will be documented for each deployment and stored in an electronic project repository housed by NMDPS.
Interoperability / Proposed integration will be evaluated for integration with internal Records Management Systems.
Record retention / Information is electronic based and records retention schedules will be addressed during the configuration process.
Consolidation strategy / In the case where consolidation is viable option, NMDPS will consider consolidating computing infrastructures.

3.0 Project/Product Scope of Work

In its efforts to move from the high level business objectives to the desired end product/service the project team will need to deliver specific documents or work products. The State of New Mexico Project Management Methodology distinguishes between the project and the product.