The West Bend Sunrise Rotary Club Red Badge Program is designed to encourage new members to learn about the functions of Rotary International, Rotary District 6270, and our own club. This will help you meet other members and help them to get to know you to build stronger friendships, and help all of us to achieve Service above Self. For new members your mentor will probably be your sponsor although you can choose anyone within the Club that you feel comfortable with. Current members can track their own progress and turn into the Club Secretary or Treasurer (Wendy Heather/Teri Otis) when completed.

New Members ~ please complete a minimum of 8 of the following tasks within 6 months:

Current Members ~ please complete a minimum of 5 of the following tasks within 6 months:

**Tasks that you are highly encouraged to complete

Starting Date: ______Mentor/Sponsor

Date and Initial

**Attend the Oct. 8 (5:00pm) Membership Drive at Riverside______

**Bring a prospective new member to the October 8th meeting______

At Riverside (worth 2 tasks and a buy one get one drink)

Greet members prior to meeting along with the scheduled greeter.______

Announce guests and visiting Rotarians for the President.______

Give a vocational talk (you will be asked to do this at your induction.)______

Watch a Rotary Video.______

Visit two Rotarians at their place of business.______

Attend a Rotary function other than a regular meeting.______

**Attend a District function (next one Oct. 26 at MPTC)______

Make-up a meeting at another Rotary Club.______

**Do an on-line make-up at

Attend a West Bend Sunrise Rotary Board Meeting.______

Participate on a West Bend Sunrise Rotary Committee.______

Donate $100 to Rotary International Foundation.______

Donate $100 to the West Bend Sunrise Foundation.______

Tour the projects that the West Bend Sunrise Rotary funded.______

**Review the web site ______

View and update “My Clubrunner” on the Sunrise Rotary website.______

**Update personal information on

Add a name to the Prospective Speakers List (contact Bonnie Debroux).______

**Invite a guest to a Rotary Meeting.______

Your Sponsor or Mentor: ______

Sponsor Email and Cell Phone:______

West Bend Sunrise Rotary Club

New Member Mentor Program

Definition of a Mentor: A Rotary experienced individual assigned to a new “Red Badge Member” to assist them with knowledge of the various service areas within Rotary, with the differences between the International Foundation and the Club Foundation, and with the various projects of the West Bend Sunrise Rotary.

Goal: to assure smooth transition of new members into the club and gain their active participation in areas which they have an interest. At this time we are asking our existing members to do the tasks also in order to keep them engaged in the Club.

Suggested functions of mentor:

Explain the current Club projects to the new member. This will help the new member to understand the announcements during the regular meetings of the Club and allow them to get involved if they are interested.

Work with the new member to determine a plan to help them complete the “Red Badge Program”. Both the sponsor and the mentor should assist the new member through the “Red Badge Program”.

Introduce new members to the Directors of each service area.

Describe the two Foundations and the differences in their roles.

Encourage participation to participate in District informational meetings.

Continue periodic contact for a period of one year from induction date as they go through their intern program after the “Red Badge Program”.

At the end of the “Red Badge Program” provide information to the Membership Chairperson on the new members preferred area of service. Pass this information onto the Committee Chair.