Doerre Volleyball 2013 Season
Welcome to the 2013Doerre Volleyball Team. I am pleased to have your daughter on the team and I am looking forward to a successful and rewarding season. The following information is very important to our program and I would ask that you review, sign, and return this form to me acknowledging your agreement and understanding of our program.
- Practices: Practices are scheduled Monday through Thursday from 4:00 to 6:00p.m. All players must be at all practices to participate in the upcoming game. If an absence is due to an illness, please leave me an email or voicemail on my school cell,
- Games: Game days are each Thursday. The “B” Team plays at 5:30 pm and the “A” Team plays immediately following the conclusion of the “B” game. Meals must be consumed prior to the game in the locker room only. The players are then required to assist in setting up the gym. For away games, all players are expected to ride the bus to game and home, unless the player’s parents sign them out after the “A” match.
To ensure that we all get home at an appropriate time following each practices and games, please be sure to arrange timely transportation for your daughter following each practice and game. For their safety, I will remain at the school until each girl has been picked up and accordingly, will greatly appreciate you ensuring they are picked up within 15 minutes after the conclusion of the practices/games. Excessive tardiness along these lines will result in one warning followed by a game suspension for your daughter. If extenuating circumstances arise, please call my cell noted above.
- Big Sis/Little Sis: Under the new KISD Policy regarding these issue/practices, the following are NOT permitted: Big Sis/Little Sis Program, “kidnapping” of the 7th graders by the 8th graders nor hazing of any type of the team members. Please ensure strict compliance with this policy.
- Courtesy & Team Support: It is also imperative that players, parents and fans show respect to visiting teams, coaches, and game officials. KISD policy towards the opposing team, coaches, school officials or game officials. It is our policy that all team players remain on the bench during all matches regardless if their team is playing. All players are expected to be present during “A” and “B” matches at home or away games, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Coach. No running around is permitted. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.
It is a real pleasure to have your daughter as part of the 2013 Doerre Volleyball Team. I look forward to meeting each of you this season and want to strongly encourage you to attend our games to support your daughter and team. Thank you again for the opportunity to coach your daughter. Please sign this form on the signature line below and return to me for my records.
C. Denise Ziegler
8th Grade Volleyball Coach
Work Cell (832) 249-5797
SignaturePrinted NameDate