Expectations of Behavior and Contract

Students should in all ways represent the United States, local community, their families and themselves in a respectful, culturally sensitive, and honorable way. The more students try to understand and welcome the differences, the more it will be!

Students are to stay with group leaders at all times unless given specific permission to go on their own.

Students should be prompt for all meeting and departure times.

Students will not drive any vehicles.

Use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs is STRICTLY prohibited even if the law allows it in the countries we are visiting. The Co-curricular Code of Conduct also applies, and consequences will be delivered if it is violated.

Students are expected to be contributing members of the host household; i.e., helping with chores, being a part of family gatherings, etc.

Students are expected to follow the routine of a normal school day, such as attending classes, meetings, school activities, and presentations. They should become a German student and follow all school procedures and expectations.

Prior to leaving for Germany, students should attend language and culture classes.

During their stay in Germany and after their return to Lodi, students should be part of presentations to the school and community.

All aspects of the Student Code of Conduct are upheld as applicable (see below).

Student Code of Conduct (Modified to reflect most applicable situations)

The School District of Lodi believes in an educational atmosphere that respects student rights and has high expectations of students in meeting their responsibilities.

The Student Code of Conduct has been developed through the cooperative efforts of Lodi students, teachers, parents and administrators. Its purpose is to provide students and parents with the information needed to be successful in school. The Code of Conduct, policies and procedures outlined are based on the following premises:

  • Students who think about their behavior have a vision for the future. They are mature, positive, constructive, and self-motivating people who understand the value of an education. The rewards of an education endure for a lifetime.
  • Parents, students and school officials will work cooperatively to provide students with the best possible educational programs.
  • Parents and students have the primary responsibility for making individual students program decisions.
  • All students have the right to be educated in an environment conducive to learning.
  • All student behavior should be based on respect and consideration for the rights of others.
  • Students have a responsibility to know and follow the Student Code of Conduct, and all school policies.
  • Students shall conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity, acting with due regard for the supervisory authority vested by the Board in all district employees, for the educational purpose underlying school activities, and for the widely shared use of school property.
  • Field trips and co-curricular activities are valuable educational experiences and are considered extensions of the classroom. Students should remember that when they travel to other communities; their behavior is considered representative of all students in the School District of Lodi by those who observe them. It is of the utmost importance that students represent their school district in positive ways.
  • School officials have the right and the responsibility to establish, communicate and enforce Board of Education policies and procedures that will afford students the best possible learning environment.

The following Code of Conduct and school policies regarding student behavior are in effect for all students in the School District of Lodi. Violating some of these policies and rules may also constitute a breach of Wisconsin Statutes. Offenders will be reported to the proper authorities for prosecution. Copies of these statutes, as well as copies of Board of Education policies, are available at the district office and each school building.

Behavior Expectations

Student right

Students have the right to a safe and orderly environment, conducive to optimal learning.

Student responsibility

Students have the responsibility to respect the school property, respect the rights of others, and respect themselves.


The following behaviors will be considered a violation of the student code of conduct and students will be subject to the consequences of the school district’s discipline plan or other consequences at the discretion of administration. Details of consequences of all possible infractions cannot be written into this document. Certain actions may result in suspension and/or expulsion and/or arrest.

This list is only representative and should not be considered a complete list of offenses which may result in disciplinary action.

Assault & Battery or Fighting

Disorderly Conduct/ Disrespectful Behavior

False Fire Alarms and Bomb Threats

School time missed due to a bomb threat shall be made up.

Harassment - Harassment of any type is prohibited. It may include, but is not limited to:

1)verbal harassment or abuse

2)physical intimidation

3)use of inappropriate language or jokes with sexual implications

4)unwelcome touching or unsolicited and inappropriate gestures

5)suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit treats concerning one’s grades, job, etc.

6)repeated display of offensive, sexually graphic materials which are not appropriate in the educational environment

Inappropriate Display of Affection


Possession/Use of Tobacco Products

Possession/Use/Sale/Transfer of Alcohol or Other Drugs - The possession, sale, use or distribution of illegal drugs, controlled substances, look-alike drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcoholic beverages by a student or employee on school property or at school-sponsored activities is prohibited.

Possession of Lighters/Matches, Firecrackers, and Dangerous Chemicals

Student Attire – Student attire and grooming should not be offensive, obscene, disrupt the school, represent a gang, overexpose the body, or endanger other students’ health or safety. Footwear must be worn at all times. Heavy coats and headgear (hats, hoods, etc.) will not be worn during the school day. Any apparel that promotes alcohol, drugs, sexually explicit material and/or violence or is offensive is forbidden.

Excessive Tardiness – See attendance policy.


Threats to Students/Staff Members


Weapons (or look-alike weapons) - No one shall possess weapons or look-alike weapons on school property, school bus, or at any school-related event.

Willful Disobedience

Any other conduct that hinders a positive learning environment is prohibited.

Discipline Plan

Discipline should not be confused with punishment. The goal is to become a self-disciplined individual, with mature attitudes and socially acceptable standards of conduct.

Corrective measures may include but are not limited to: conferences with teacher, counselor, or principal; detention; loss of school privileges; parent conference with school staff; suspension; administrative contract; expulsion; police referral; court referral and removal from class. School administration will use the following progressive discipline plan to address student misconduct during school and school related activities. Any single, but severe, violation of school rules can result in immediate suspension or a recommendation for expulsion.

Any violation of these expectations will result in an immediate trip home at the expense of the parent/guardian and the student.

If a student should violate any laws of the country of Germany, it is the sole responsibility of the student and parent/guardian to deal with these issues.

I ______, have read, understand and pledge to


follow the behavioral expectations for the Germany Trip 2009.

I ______, have read, understand, and pledge


to uphold the consequences of behavioral expectations for the Germany Trip 2009.

We, Mr. Soucie, Mrs. Crow, and Mrs. Easley have read, understand, and pledge to uphold the consequences of behavioral expectations for the GermanyTrip 2009.


Mr. SoucieMrs. Crow


Mrs. Easley