February 19, 2013 TARA meeting

Meeting called to order 7 pm by president Mark Killen

New members Dale Ferguson KD8UAU, Leland Steele KD8TSG.

Judy Taylor read minutes, approved on motion and second.

SK: Richard Blake KC8TJ. Send a card to Mike Lewis.

Announcements: Raleigh hamfest March 30, Charlotte March 8, Charleston WV

Treasurer's report Petty cash 94.05. Checking 2812.83. savings 5815.21. CD 6068.98. Total 14791.07. Thanks to all who have paid dues, Cards coming soon. Don Haddox, Jim Perry motion and second, approved as read.

Insurance premium for equipment due, new equipment belongs to Museum, so pay the bill as it stands.

Work team: Fred Ramsey says main shelf coming along. Bill Mason and Karl Labor collaborating. 5 shelves on left side for display equipment, looks good. Need work on tower suspension, broken spring at about the top of the first section. The new building is in the way for laying the tower down. Held off on interface things, because the Jupiter came in, wanted to concentrate on that, but it has "issues."

VE team: 7 candidates, 9 tests, everybody got what they came for.

Museum report: April 20 spring meet.

SKYWARN: sky is falling in Siberia and Cuba and California.

ARES: April 27 airport drill. Simulator for aircraft fire. We do communications for victim transport. We have our own objectives. January 9 drill with 9 county bundle team of Health Department. Able to talk to 6 of 9 counties: one technical problem, 2 didn't participate. Logan by relay. Problems with Jackson County. N8OLC repeater is back on the air with linking capabilities, thanks to John Davis. January class went well. Simulated net worked well. More to come.

Public service: nope.

Repeater news: repeating.

Club trailer, nothing new. Cord to the coffee pot is missing.

911 center: LEPC grant about $5090 for two 911 centers for antennas and cables. Get our act together and send them the bill.

Hamfest: need a planning committee. Fred H, Mark K, Karl Labor, Jim Perry, Mace Sturm. August 10. Get deposit to the church soon. Possibly use the lunchroom for testing. Anything new? think of some good ideas. Youth program? Foxhunt, demonstrations.

Future ideas: merit badge college, local school systems (Mark talking to Proctorville), summer break program. Start something at Christ Temple. Rotary Park trails for direction-finding. Show up at community events with a tent and some radios.

Tri-State Racer website full of activities.

Field Day coax stub filters next month program? check with Mission WV. Can John test coax before the next meeting? Need to ground everything at Field Day. Ground rods at the Fire Academy?

Meeting adjourned 8:25 p.m.