New Member Procedures

Updated March 2016


Full Membership:

ACA membership is available only to citizens of the United States, and eligible family members, who are employees of the United States Federal Government, assigned a tour of duty in Warsaw or Krakow and acting under jurisdiction of the Chief of Mission. Possession of “Duty-Free Entry” privileges shall be a requirement in determining eligibility.

Affiliate (Limited) Membership:

  • ACA Affiliate membership is available to U.S. citizens ASW teachers hired outside of Poland. This membership entitles access to the ACA services and purchase of packaged duty-free goods with the exception of alcohol and tobacco products.
  • Affiliate membership entitles Locally Employed Staff (LES) access to the ACA services and purchase of single serve duty-free goods with the exception of alcohol and tobacco products.

Guest Membership:

ACA Guest membership is for U.S. citizen ASW teachers hired locally, non USG US citizens working in Poland, and third country nationals. This membership entitles access to selected (*) ACA services excluding access to purchase of packaged duty free goods.

TDY Program

All eligible TDY clients will be charged a $1 service fee on all commissary purchases greater than $5.

Effective June 2011

The Warsaw ACA no longer participates in the Third Country Diplomat program.

New Member Welcome Packets:

General letters of introduction to ACA services and guidelines are mailed to all incoming employees and their families prior to arrival in Warsaw. Contact the CLO in May/June for new arrivals contact information during peak summer season. Send an email in June for summer arrivals and at other times throughout the year as the CLO updates for off season arrivals.

Incoming members may submit membership applications by fax or email in order to enroll and place commissary and service preorders. Completion of all paperwork and HR approval is required upon arrival to complete the enrollment process.

New Member Briefing:

The ACA participates in scheduled Newcomer Briefings coordinated by the CLO in order to provide incoming Embassy employees and their families with a basic understanding of ACA services and membership procedures. ACA marketing materials should be available for distribution (services booklet, application).

  • Introduction
  • ACA Office and Commissary located in the Piekna basement
  • Office Hours
  • Monday – Friday0830 – 1700
  • Commissary Hours
  • Monday – Thursday0900 – 1730
  • Friday0900 – 1900
  • Saturday1000 – 1400
  • Overview of services
  • Handout and discuss current ACA fee and service list
  • Salty Dawg – Happy Hours and other events
  • Requests for ACA donations/sponsorship
  • Opening an ACA account

A completed membership application (with copy of passport bio-page) must be submitted to the ACA office to open an account. The ACA submits all completed applications to HR for confirmation of duty-free status. No deposit fees are required. Annual membership fees are initiated once an ACA account is opened.

  • Warsaw – Family membership $60 annually
  • Warsaw – Single Membership$40 annually
  • Krakow – Family/Single Membership$25 annually
  • Marine House $10 (each)
  • ACA statements and payments

Upon ACA enrollment, all purchases andservices in the ACA office and commissary are charged to the member’s account. Statements are generated on the 1st of each month reflecting all purchases, payments and credits, and balances from the previous month. Statements are emailed to the ACA members email address on the application. Payment in full is required by the last day of the month of statement release. Cash (USD and PLN) and personal checks are accepted in the ACA office. VISA and MasterCard payments on account are accepted in the commissary. Online payments through SDFCU are also available.

  • Collections policies and fees
  • Accounts 30 days past due - gentle reminder sent by the General Manager to settle the bill asap
  • Accounts 60 days past due$25 late fee & correspondence from the General Manager
  • Accounts 90 days past due require notification to the ACA Board of Directors and correspondence from the ACA General Manager that any further delay in payment may result in loss of commissary and ACA privileges and notification to Embassy Management.
  • If accounts are not settled even after the last step, a letter should come from the Board notifying the customer that if the balance is not settled by a certain day, they might be referred to a collection agency.
  • Account balance limits
  • New members will have an initial account balance limit of $1000.
  • Higher account balance limits may be requested by ACA members in good standing. Higher limits may be requested by members who utilize ACA-provided services (auto insurance, auto repair, school bus service for example) or for one-time special events/purposes.
  • Large purchases and expenditures for ACA-provided services may require pre-payment at time of request.
  • ACA management and the ACA Board of Directors will review and approve all increases in account balance limits.
  • Closing an ACA account

Prior to departure from Warsaw, ACA members must complete a Cancellation Request form with forwarding address, email contact and name of the responsible party at post for any outstanding balances. Once an account is closed, commissary purchases can only be made with cash.Services such as cell phones and internet must be cancelled three months prior to departure to avoid penalties. Other services require shorter lead time for cancellation.