December 2014 Update

FY 2013 (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) Survey

Supporting Individuals and Families Information Systems Project (FISP)

Residential Information Systems Projects (RISP)

This survey is part of the FISP/RISP longitudinal data collection program of the University of Minnesota’s Research and Training Center on Community Living funded as an Administration on Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) Data Project of National Significance (PNS). The information provided through this survey serves as the basis for your state’s representation FISP and RISP national reports, thus accurate responses are important to ensure that your state’s system is accurately portrayed.
FY 2013 Surveys are due on November 15, 2014. Late surveys may not be included in our FY 2013 project report. FY 2014 surveys will include the same core questions and are due March 15, 2015 but can be submitted as soon as they are complete.

General Instructions: This survey focuses on people with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD) who are on the caseloads of your state IDD agency. The survey population includes all people with IDD receiving Medicaid or state-funded long-term supports or services (LTSS) as well as people with IDD who are known to the state IDD agency but who do not currently receive funded services. Questions on this survey reference the status on June 30, 2013 or the time period from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. If you provide an answer that is based on a report from any other time period please specify the time period or date you used.

Most questions on this survey have been asked for many years. Question about age were added to the surveys beginning in FY 2012 to gather data for the Supporting Individuals and Families Information Systems Project. Expanded questions about funding authorities were added this year to better capture the shifting utilization of Medicaid and State funding authorities to support people with IDD. Some questions ask about Medicaid funded long-term supports and services for people with IDD that may be managed by another department such as your state’s Medicaid agency. Please consult with them as needed to respond to those questions.

Please provide as much information as you can. Partial information is preferred to no information for each set of questions. If you are not able to answer a question please indicate by marking the question DNF “Did not furnish”. Your assigned FISP/RISP project team member is available by phone or email to answer your questions throughout the year and will contact you by phone or email during the editing process if we find missing or possibly incorrect information, or notice a change in a trend that has not been explained in your comments.

The FISP and RISP projects make national estimates by estimating a value for each item marked DNF. We strongly prefer to get estimates from the states rather than by extrapolating them or estimating them using another process. Historical trends are described in our annual report for many items. If you are unable to furnish a data point, the charts and graphs developed for your state may not be a fully accurate summary.

Please add comments as needed to explain any unusual changes from FY 2012 to FY 2013. Relevant comments will be published with state summaries and in other FISP or RISP reports. If you notice that data from previous years is inaccurate please let your staff team member know so we can update the data base and use updated data for subsequent reports we generate.

Thank you for your ongoing support of these Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Projects of National Significance.

Sherri Larson and the FISP RISP Team

Background State:

A. Number of People with IDD

On June 30, 2013, how many people with IDD were on the caseload of the state IDD Agency including those who receive no services or who are waiting for services? Please provide an unduplicated count.

1. Ages 21 years or younger on June 30, 2013

2. Ages 22 years or older on June 30, 2013

3. Total all ages

B. Funding Authority for Long-Term Supports and Services (LTSS) for people with IDD

Please respond yes or no to each item.

Does your state use this funding authority to provide LTSS to people with IDD? / Yes / No
A. Medicaid Waiver Authorities
1.1115 Demonstration waivers
2.1915(a) (b) and (b/c) Managed care with long-term support and services
3.1915 (c) Home and Community Based services Waivers
B. Medicaid State Plan Services
5.1915(i) State plan Home and Community Based Waiver Services
6. 1915(k) Community First Choice
7. Targeted Case Management
C. Non-Medicaid
8. State-funded LTSS for people with IDD (e.g., family support program)

Medicaid Waiver authorities include 1115 Demonstration Waivers; 1915 (a) (b) (b/c) Managed care with long-term supports and services; and 1915 (c) Home and Community Based Waivers.

“Other Medicaid State Plan” funding authorities include 1915(j) and (k) and Targeted Case Management.

Background Section Respondent Name: Phone: Email:

Part 1 State-Operated Facilities

Section 1A. State Operated IDD facilities with 15 or fewer residents on June 30, 2013

Facility Size (People with IDD) / 1. Total State Operated IDD facilities /homes / 2.Number of Facilities by Funding Authority
Medicaid Waiver / ICF/IID / Other
a.1-6 people
b.1-3 people
c. 4-6 people
d. 7 to 15 people
e. Total 15 or fewer residents

*Medicaid Waiver authorities include 1115 Demonstration Waivers; 1915 (a) (b) (b/c) Managed care with long-term supports and services; and 1915 (c) Home and Community Based Waivers. Mark 0 if there were no facilities of a certain size or funded by a certain funding authority. Write DNF in the cell if you are unable to provide a count. Use an “e” to designate estimated numbers.

Section 1B. People with IDD living in State Operated IDD facilities with 15 or fewer residents on June 30, 2013

Facility Size (People with IDD) / 3. Total People in State Operated IDD facilities/ homes / 4. Number of People with IDD by Funding Authority
Medicaid Waiver / ICF/IID / Other
a.1 to 6 residents
b.1 to 3 residents
c. 4 to 6 residents
d. 7 to 15 residents
e. Total 15 or fewer residents

*Medicaid Waiver authorities include 1115 Demonstration Waivers; 1915 (a) (b) (b/c) Managed care with long-term supports and services; and 1915 (c) Home and Community Based Waivers.

Mark 0 if there were no people with IDD living in state operated facilities of a specific size funded by a specific funding authority. Write DNF in the cell if you are unable to provide a count. Use an “e” to designate estimated numbers.

Section 1C State Operated IDD facilities and facilities with IDD units with 16 or more people with IDD living in them on June 30, 2013

Funding Authority / Total
State Operated IDD facilities/units with 16 or more residents / Medicaid Waiver / ICF/IID / State-funded IDD facility
  1. Number of settings (Campuses with multiple units or buildings of any size housing a combined 16 or more people with IDD should be counted as a single facility)

  1. People with IDD on June 30, 2014

  1. ADMISSIONS/READMISSIONS –people who moved into the facility during FY 2014 excluding people admitted from another state IDD facility with 16 or more residents

  1. DISCHARGES – people who moved out of the facility during FY 2014 excluding transfers to other large state facilities.

  1. DEATHS – people who died while a resident of the facility between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014

  1. Average daily residents FY 2014

  1. Short-term respite or crisis admissions (90 days or less)

  1. PER DIEM (average daily cost of care per resident)

*Medicaid Waiver authorities include 1115 Demonstration Waivers; 1915 (a) (b) (b/c) Managed care with long-term supports and services; and 1915 (c) Home and Community Based Waivers.

Use an “e” to designate estimated numbers; “DNF” to designate data you are not able to furnish; “0” if there are no settings funded by the funding authority. Use N/A for question 8 if there are no state facilities in a given funding authority.

Part 1 Respondent Name: Phone: Email:

Comments (If you used a date other than June 30, 2013, please indicate the item and the date used):


December 2014 Update

FY 2013 (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) Survey

Supporting Individuals and Families Information Systems Project (FISP)

Residential Information Systems Projects (RISP)

Part 2 Nonstate Residences of People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Receiving Publicly-Funded Services on June 30, 2014
Type of Nonstate Residence:
Exclude respite care placements, nursing homes and psychiatric facilities here. Count only people with IDD receiving at least one publically funded service (including targeted case management) / 2A. Number of Nonstate residential settings with this many residents / 2B. Number of people with IDD in Nonstate residential settings of these sizes / 2C. Number of Medicaid Waiver* recipients in Nonstate settings by type
1-3 / 4-6 / 1-6 Total / 7-15 / 16+ / Total Settings* / 1-3 / 4-6 / 1-6 Total / 7-15 / 16+ / Total People*
Type I. Nonstate Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities.
Please do not report ICFs-IDD, nursing homes or psychiatric facilities in Types II through VI.
Type II. A residence owned, rented or managed by the residential services provider, or the provider's agent, to provide housing for persons with IDD in which staff provide care, instruction, supervision, and other support for residents with IDD.
Type III. A home owned or rented by an individual or family in which they live and provide care for one or more unrelated persons with IDD (e.g., host family/family foster care).
Type IV. A home owned or rented by one or more persons with IDD as the person(s)' own home in which personal assistance, instruction, supervision and other support is provided as needed.
Type V. A residence of person(s) with IDD which is also the home of related family members in which the person(s) with IDD and/or their family members receive supportive services (e.g., respite care, homemaker services, personal assistance).
Type VI. Other residential types (please specify). Please record 0 if you do not have other Nonstate residential service options for people with IDD.

*Totals should equal the sum of 1-6, 7-15, and 16+. Please provide the totals even if you are unable to provide all of the size breakdowns. Size refers to the number of people with IDD living together. Use an “e” to designate estimated numbers; “DNF” to designate data you are not able to furnish; “0” for none. Please do not make entries in the blacked out cells.

Data date (if other than June 30, 2013): Comments:


December 2014 Update

FY 2013 (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) Survey

Supporting Individuals and Families Information Systems Project (FISP)

Residential Information Systems Projects (RISP)

Part 3 Age and Expenditures by Funding Authority for long-term supports and services for persons with IDD

Note: We will compute average annual expenditure per person for each funding authority and age group based responses to 3A and 3B.

Section 3A On June 30, 2013, how many people with IDD received long-term supports and services by age and funding authority?
Recipient Age / Number of People by Funding Authority
Medicaid Waiver / ICF/IID / Other Medicaid State Plan / State IDD Agency / No LTSS funding
a. 21 years or younger
b. 22 years and older
*Medicaid Waiver authorities include 1115 Demonstration Waivers; 1915 (a) (b) (b/c) Managed care with long-term supports and services; and 1915 (c) Home and Community Based Waivers. Other Medicaid State Plan funding authorities include 1915(j) and (k) and Targeted Case Management. Use an “e” to designate estimated numbers; “DNF” to designate data you are not able to furnish; “0” for none.
Section 3B Combined FY 2013 (July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013) long-term support and services Federal and State Expenditures for people with IDD by age and funding authority.
Recipient Age / Total Federal and State Expenditures by Funding Authority
Medicaid Waiver / ICF/IID / Other Medicaid State Plan / State IDD Agency
a. 21 years or younger / $ / $ / $ / $
b. 22 years and older / $ / $ / $ / $

*Medicaid Waiver authorities include 1115 Demonstration Waivers; 1915 (a) (b) (b/c) Managed care with long-term supports and services; and 1915 (c) Home and Community Based Waivers. Other Medicaid State Plan funding authorities include 1915(j) and (k) and Targeted Case Management. Use an “e” to designate estimated numbers; “DNF” to designate data you are not able to furnish; “0” for none.

Data date (if other than June 30, 2013): Comments:

Section 3C Medicaid Waiver Recipients and Expenditures for People with IDD by Age and Living Arrangement (Family Home versus all other Medicaid Waiver funded settings)
Age and Residence Type / Medicaid Waiver Recipients* / Combined FY 2013 Federal and State Medicaid Waiver Expenditures
People 21 years or younger
1.Total / $
2. Number living in the home of a family member / $
3. Number living in any other setting / $
People 22 years and older
4.Total / $
5. Number living in the home of a family member / $
6. Number living in any other setting / $

*Medicaid Waiver authorities include 1115 Demonstration Waivers; 1915 (a) (b) (b/c) Managed care with long-term supports and services; and 1915 (c) Home and Community Based Waivers.

Use an “e” to designate estimated numbers; “DNF” to designate data you are not able to furnish; “0” for none.

Home of a family member = nonstate Type V (family home);

Other settings include nonstate Types II (group home), III (host/foster), IV (own home), and VI (other); and state Medicaid Waiver funded settings

Part 3 Respondent Name: Phone: Email:

Data Date if other than June 30, 2013:


Part 4. Waiting List

  1. How many people with IDD were waiting for Medicaid Waiver funded services on June 30, 2013?
  2. Of the people waiting, how many were receiving Targeted Case Management services?
  3. How many people with IDD were waiting to live in a setting other than the home of a family member on June 30, 2013?

Do not include people with IDD who were living in an ICF/IID or other non-family setting on June 30, 2013.

Part 4 Respondent Name: Phone: Email:

Data Date if other than June 30, 2013:


Part 5. Nursing homes and Psychiatric Facilities


  1. How many people with IDD lived in State-Operated Psychiatric Facilities on June 30, 2013? ______
  2. How many people with IDD lived in State-Operated Nursing Homes on June 30, 2013? ______


  1. How many people with IDD lived in Nonstate Psychiatric Facilities on June 30, 2013? ______
  2. How many people with IDD lived in Nonstate Nursing Homes on June 30, 2013? ______

Part 5 Respondent Name: Phone: Email:

Data Date if other than June 30, 2013:


Contact your assigned RISP project staff member if you have questions. We encourage states to enter their data in the RISP project website ( Log in to complete your survey and to view resource documents including operational definitions, FAQ’s and webinar slides. Otherwise, return your survey to RISP team, Research and Training Center on Community Living, University of Minnesota, 210 Pattee Hall, 150 Pillsbury Drive SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Phone 612-624-6328, Fax 612-625-6619. Email: .