Child Protection & Safeguarding (including allegations of abuse) / John Hatton
17/11/17 / Graham Cullen
Safer Recruitment / Julie Barnard and John Hatton
17/11/17 / Graham Cullen
SEN, HA and LAC / Julie Barnard
29/11/17 / Vicki Moore
Pupil Premium and Sports Funding / Julie Barnard
17/01/2018 / Helen Foster / Vicki Moore
Personal Development and Well-Being
(Values-based education, British values, healthy schools, SRE, drugs, student voice, staff wellbeing and citizenship / Avril Lane
19/01/18 / Andrew Sansome
Teaching & Learning
including all other subjects / Nigel Best,
13/11/17 / Helen Foster
Governors’ Training / Avril Lane / Graham Cullen
Health & Safety / Avril Lane
19/01/18 / Graham Cullen
Behaviour and attendance / Nigel Best
13/11/17 / Helen Wright / Lisa Owen
Achievement (including progress and attainment, target setting, attitudes to learning) / Julie Barnard
29/11/17 / Graham Cullen
Leadership & Management / John Hatton
02/02/18 / Graham Cullen
Complaints / Julie Barnard / Graham Cullen
Appraisal / Nigel Best / Graham Cullen
ALL governors have a responsibility for safeguarding and must raise any safeguarding concerns they have, or observe during a visit, to the headteacher immediately.
Link Governors / Autumn / Spring / SummerHeadteacher appraisal / Review HT appraisal and set new targets / Mid year review of HT appraisal
Anonymised report on PM process and outcomes / Confirm arrangements for HT appraisal with HT and external advisor
SEND, LAC and HA / Meet with SENCO to discuss priorities for coming year and SEND policy
SENCO to hand over intervention analysis
LAC update / Review progress of SEND pupils
Review progress of HA pupils and discuss measures in place to support them
Health and Safety / Site inspection with caretaker
Discuss maintenance issues
Review Emergency Plan with HT
Safety walk / Review risk assessment file
Review educational visits policy and procedures
Child protection, safeguarding and safer recruitment / Review Safeguarding and Child Protection policies with HT
Review arrangements for LAC
Audit of safeguarding documentation / Meet with pupils
Achievement / Meet with English and maths leaders to discuss priorities
Review marking policy with reference to English and maths and standards of teaching / Review SATS results
Review relevant sections of SIP
Training / Discuss the impact of training from previous year with GB
Support any newly appointed Governors ensure they are booked on induction training
Review of governor skills audit and formulation of action plan / Report to full governing body on progress against skills action plan
Teaching and Learning / Learning walk around school to review learning environment / Meet with HT to discuss outcome of lesson observations and standards of teaching, including actions
Review relevant sections of SIP
Pupil Premium and Sports Premium / Review latest Pupil Premium report and discuss progress of pupil over the last academic year.
Learning walk to review current interventions and share timetables. / Meet with PE lead to discuss Primary Sports funding report and where possible observe a PE lesson.
Behaviour and attendance / Review behaviour and attendance policies
Analyse attendance data and discuss strategies to improve this
Leadership and management / Meet with HT to review leadership section of SIP. Examine SEF to discuss key priorities.
Personal development and well-being / Attend a values assembly. Meet with pupils to elicit their views on Values-based education.
Meet PSHE/SMSC lead to discuss curriculum
- Following school visits/meetings a verbal or written report to be given to the next relevant committee or Full Governing Body meeting.
- ‘Governor visits to school’ log must be completed.
- Finance & General Purposes Committee Reports: Health & Safety / Training / Headteacher appraisal
- Strategic Development Reports: SEN/ LAC/ PP/ Child protection/ Achievement / Learning & Teaching
The timetable will be monitored to ensure that visits are conducted in a timely manner and reports are forthcoming. Please feedback any comments with regard to how the timetable is working to Julie Barnard so that adjustments can be made as required.