New Hampshire Educators’ Quarterly Innovation Meetings Agenda

November 6, 2015, Keene State College, Keene, NH

January 21, 2016, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH

May 12, 2016, Keene State College, Keene, NH

Time / Topic(s) / Facilitator
8:30-9:00 / Welcome / Mary Earick, NHDOE
Participants will choose one PLC to attend for ALL THREE INNOVATION MEETINGS. This allows for a deep dive into one topic with an expert which was requested at the 2015 Summer Summit.
Professional Learning Community: Co-teaching
Co-teaching PLC – New Hampshire Department of Education Quarterly Meeting The following goals are inclusive of all 3 future sessions. This PLC will lead into a District Train the Trainer Program to be offered at the 2016 NH Educators’ Summer Summit.
At the conclusion of the 2015 NHDOE Summer Summit several participating districts requested greater support and assistance in implementing authentic co-teaching systems. Based on these needs a PLC will be formed to accomplish the following goals with interested districts.
  • Provide a framework for the importance of co-teaching on academic outcomes.
  • Provide guidance on the value of the St. Cloud Co-teaching and Collaboration validated tools available to all interested districts in New Hampshire.
  • Provide technical assistance in applying co-teaching.
  • Establish relationships between the LEAs, SEAs, and St. Cloud support teams.
  • Establish a time and space for follow-up conversations on levels of implementation and barriers to greater implementation.
  • Once systems have been established, provide a space to discuss best practices in building capacity.
/ Dr. Teresa Heck
Dr. Nancy Bacharach
Co-Directors of the Academy for Co-Teaching and Collaboration
St. Cloud University
Dr. Mary Earick
Administrator Bureau
Of Integrated Programs
State Title I Director
Professional Learning Community: Data Literacy
Data Literacy PLC – New Hampshire Department of Education Quarterly Meeting The following goals are inclusive of all 3 future sessions.
At the conclusion of the 2015 NHDOE Summer Summit several participating districts requested greater support and assistance in developing data literacy systems. Based on these needs a PLC has been formed to accomplish the following goals with interested districts.
·Provide a framework for implementing data literacy initiative on academic outcomes.
·Provide technical assistance in using data literacy tools.
·Establish relationships between the LEAs, SEAs, and data teams so that support can be ensured on all levels.
·Establish a time and space for follow-up conversations on levels of Implementation and barriers to greater implementation.
·Assess capacity and develop sustainability plans. / Dr. Sarah Fiarman
Harvard Graduate School of Education
School Leadership
9:15 – 11:45 / Professional Learning Communities: Competency Based Education
Competency Based Education PLC – New Hampshire Department of Education Quarterly Meeting The following goals are inclusive of all 3 future sessions.
At the conclusion of the 2015 NHDOE Summer Summit several participating districts requested greater support and assistance in developing a greater understanding of competency based education. Based on these needs a PLC has been formed to accomplish the following goals with interested districts. By the end of the PLC process, participants should understand:
  • The underlying philosophy of competency-based education and how it differs from the traditional time-based system.
  • The five elements of competency-based education and variations in how the model is being implemented.
  • Develop options for converting to competency education.
  • Facilitate a conversation to develop recommendations for the 2016 New Hampshire Education Summit.
/ Chris Sturgis, MPP
Co-founder Competency Works
Doug Earick
Administrator Science, Assessment and Innovative Learning
Professional Learning Community: Personalize Learning
At the conclusion of the 2015 NHDOE Summer Summit several participating districts requested greater support and assistance in implementing personalized learning systems. Based on these needs a PLC has been formed to accomplish the following goals with interested districts.
  • Facilitate 3 PLC sessions at the New Hampshire Innovation Meetings.
  • Provide a framework for implementing personalized learning on academic outcomes.
  • Provide technical assistance in using blending learning software.
  • Establish relationships between the Local Education Agencies, State Education Agencies, and Education Elements’ support team so that support can be ensured on all levels.
  • Establish a time and space for follow-up conversations on levels of implementation and barriers to greater implementation.
  • Assess capacity and develop sustainability plans.
/ Anthony Kim, Ed Elements
We help today’s most innovative school districts nurture the potential of every student by working side by side with districts to create personalized learning environments through Personalized learning!
Professional Learning Community: Family Engagement
Family Engagement PLC – New Hampshire Department of Education Quarterly Meeting The following goals are inclusive of all 3 future sessions.
At the conclusion of the 2015 NHDOE Summer Summit several participating districts requested greater support and assistance in implementing authentic family and community engagement systems. Based on these needs a PLC will be formed to accomplish the following goals with interested districts.
  • Provide a framework for the importance of family and community engagement on academic outcomes.
  • Provide guidance on the value of the ADI Family Engagement Tool that is available to all interested districts in New Hampshire.
  • Provide technical assistance in using the ADI software.
  • Establish relationships between the LEAs, SEAs, and ADI support team so that support can be ensured on all levels.
  • Establish a time and space for follow-up conversations on levels of implementation and barriers to greater implementation.
  • Once systems have been established, provide a space to discuss best practices in building capacity in both families and school staff for authentic family-school partnerships.
/ Bernadette Anderson
Director of Institutional Advancement
Academic Development Institute (ADI)
Dr. Richard Feistman
Bureau of Integrated Programs Family and Community Engagement Coordinator
12:00 - 1:30 / Lunch and Team Innovation Meetings / Teams
1:30 – 2:30 / Special InterestTopicsare offered each Innovation Meeting and No Preregistration is Required.
We will ask you to choose one the day of each meeting to ensure we have appropriate space.
Session II A - Administrative Leadership will have a difference focus each meeting. Join us on Nov 6th for a School Administrator Management (SAM) by the Manchester School District
Session IIB - Student Leadershipwill have a difference focus each meeting. Join us on Nov 6th for a Leader in MeThe Leader in Me is FranklinCovey’s whole school transformation process. This model is based off of the world renowned book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen Covey. It teaches 21st century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader. In this session you will learn how The Leader in Me got started, how it’s being implemented in schools and listen to New Hampshire educators talk about their success with Leader in Me in their schools.
Session II C - Inclusive Education: Aligning Systems to Target Supports and Interventions for Students Most in Need is a 3 part series beginning on Nov. 6th and ending on May 12th facilitated by Joanne Debello, Bureau of Special Education, NHDOE and Joey Nichol, NHDOE
SessionII D - Case-studies on School Connectedness and Student Identity: is a 3 part series beginning on Nov. 6th and ending on May 12th facilitated by Dr. Mary Earick. Building on an action research model participants will be able to bring a case study of one student and apply a focused self-study protocol to increase the students agency and engagement in school.
Session II E - Alternatives to Early Childhood Expulsion is a 3 part series beginning on Nov. 6th and ending on May 12th facilitated by Dr. Diane Schilder, Senior Research Scientist, Education Development Center, Inc., focusing why and how we can eliminate Early Childhood Expulsion in New Hampshire.
Session II F– Indistar Drop-in / NHDOE, Staff
Invited Guests
2:45 – 3:30 / Closing Keynotes:
Nov. 6, 2015 – Ed Elements: Personalized Learning and Leadership
January 21, 2016 – Sarah Fiarman: Data Literacy and Leadership
May 12, 2016 - Dr. Teresa Heck and Dr. Nancy Bacharach: Co-teaching and Leadership