A Guide to Youth Provision


New Deal for Communities

Openshaw, Beswick and Clayton

The following document is a list of agencies that are involved in youth provision in the New Deal for Communities area of Openshaw, Beswick and Clayton. The information included has been collected as a result of a mapping exercise undertaken during an away day for all local service providers. The document demonstrates the extent of youth provision in the area and highlights the areas of work covered by each of the following organisations.

·  STEPS (Crossley House)

·  Choices & Chances

·  Rise



·  East Manchester detached youth work team

·  East Manchester Connexions

·  East Manchester 14-19 years pathfinder

·  Young peoples housing project

·  E2E

·  Joint Openshaw group

·  Manchester youth volunteering project

·  Music Stuff

·  Youth Contact team

·  Youth access team

·  Youth access team East community project

·  NACRO sports development

·  Water adventure centre

·  Crossley House

·  Stanley street youth club

·  Eden project

·  Openshaw youth

·  Beswick homework club

·  Ardwick youth centre

·  Clayton youth centre



Contact Name: Kay Gallagher

Tel No: 0161 223 2373

Location: Openshaw

Base: Crossley House YC

Age Group: 15-16 year olds

Project description: STEPS is a full time complimentary education programme for year 11 pupils at risk of exclusion. The project aims to prepare young people for future education, employment and training.

The programme provides, personal support, development of new skills, qualifications, Connexions PA support. Young people achieve the following qualifications; Key Skills level one (maths, information technology and English), ASDAN Portfolio (equivalent to D-G CGCSE), D of E, Music Stuff Open College Network, NCFE Telematics, Health and Safety, First Aid, Basic Food and Hygiene, Life skills Conflict Resolution and the ASDAN Life Skills Level 1. STEPS also provides issue based youth work

Including teenage pregnancy training, mental health, drugs and alcohol and crime and community safety.

Choices and Chances

Contact Name: Maureen Walsh

Tel No: 0161 231 1114

Location: Beswick

Base: Manchester Settlement

Age Group:

Project Description: The project provides basic skills, life skills, physical education, theatre, drama, Music Stuff, issue based workshops, group work and one to one. The project signposts young people depending on their needs either back into education or continue on the project. Young people receive PA support both on the programme and when they move into other provision.


Contact Name: Maureen Walsh

Tel No: 0161 231 1114

Location: Beswick

Base: Manchester Settlement

Age Group:

Project Description: year 9/10 from three schools in East Manchester, at risk of exclusion. The aim is to reintegrate the young people back into school if possible. The programme includes individual work plan, personal fitness and swimming, life skills, discussions, talks, Maths and English and canoeing.


Contact Name: Denise Merton

Tel No: 0161 276 9657

Location: Ardwick

Base: Ardwick Youth Centre

Age Group: 13-16 years

Project Description: ACE is a complimentary education programme for year 10 young people who are off role. ACE works with young people who are ‘untouchable’. ACE provides young people with social activities to address social skills, literacy, numeracy and personal support.

DISCUS/Youth Education Project (YEP)

Contact Name: Viv Blow

Tel No: 0161 223 3568

Location: Beswick

Base: Ridgeway Centre

Age Group: 15-16 years

Project Description: DISCUS YEP is a full time complimentary education programme for year 11 non-attenders in conjunction with Manchester Young Lives. The programme provides personal support, development of new skills, G.C.S.E.’s, Personal Advisor, advice and guidance and improved chances of employment or college.


Contact Name: Viv Blow

Tel No: 0161 223 3568

Location: Beswick

Base: Ridgeway Centre

Age Group: 10-17 years (focus 13-16 years)

Project Description: To identify young people at risk of offending. To engage young people and develop interventions to address any likelihood of offending. The project offers a variety of programmes including: the 50 at risk list, mentoring, Duke of Edinburgh Award, after school provision, holiday provision, one to one support, family support, girls group and a teenage pregnancy group.


Contact Name: Alan Turner

Tel No: 0161 223 3568

Location: Beswick

Base: Ridgeway Centre

Age Group: 8-12 years

Project Description: To identify children at risk of offending, exclusion and those living in difficult family situations. The project offers one to one support and a range of interventions, including school support and playwork.

DISCUS Domestic Violence

Contact Name: Kim Jamieson

Tel No: 0161 223 3568

Location: Beswick

Base: Ridgeway Centre

Age Group:

Project Description: Project funded to work with young people, women and children experiencing domestic violence in Openshaw, Beswick and Clayton. The project offers emotional support, practical advice, basic housing advice, legal advice and referrals to appropriate agencies. The project has a weekly drop in for young people at Discus. The project offers training to local agencies and groups.

East Manchester Detached Youth Work Team

Contact Name: Peter Hunter

Tel No: 0161 223 2373

Location: Beswick, Openshaw and Clayton

Base: Crossley House YC

Age Group: 13-19 years

Project Description: The Detached project is a street work project working across the Beswick, Openshaw and Clayton areas, which will directly respond to antisocial and nuisance behaviour, provide an alternative method of project work with young people who do not use youth centres, and provide a means of contact for those young people most vulnerable to problem or risk behaviours.

East Manchester Connexions

Contact Name: Andy Ridyard

Tel No: 0161 231 2700

Location: Beswick, Openshaw and Clayton

Base: Crossley House YC

Age Group: 13-19 years (up to 25 for young people with learning difficulties)

Project Description: The East Manchester Connexions Personal Advisor supports young people aged 13-19 years in Beswick, Openshaw and Clayton. The aim is to engage young people who are not in employment, education or training, or are at risk of dropping out of work. The personal advisor helps young people assessing and addressing issues to overcome barriers by addressing their social needs. Provision is offered in a variety of settings, office based, centre provision, outreach provision, school provision and educational projects. Referrals are from young people, parents or agencies. In addition the East Manchester Connexion Service will provide a team of 8.5 workers. The team will offer a universal service to young people aged 13-19 years. Personal advisors will be based in local schools, MANCAT and local youth projects offering a service to young unemployed people.

East Manchester 14-19 years Pathfinder

Contact name: Sam Harris

Tel no: 231 2700

Location: NDC area

Base: Connexions/Crossleys

Age group: 15-17 years

Project Description: The project is seconded to East Connexions from the East Manchester EAZ. The project aims to offer Personal Adviser support to young people on East Manchester alternative education projects. The personal advisor offers one to one support, enabling young people to make the transition into further education, training and employment. The personal advisor continues to support the young people after they have left alternative education, supporting them through the transition stage.

Young Peoples Housing Project

Contact Name: Maureen Walsh

Tel No: 0161 231 1114

Location: Beswick

Base: Manchester Settlement

Age Group:

Project Description: Supported housing for young people aged 16-25 years. The properties are based in Longsight and Openshaw. Young people can be referred of self-referral.

E 2 E

Contact Name: Bridget Halliday

Tel No: 0161 230 6220

Location: Openshaw

Base: Crossley House YC

Age Group: 16-18 years

Project Description: Work based learning: To provide young people with opportunities to progress onto appropriate vocational training, employment or education courses according to their abilities, personal aims and aspirations. Young people aged 16-18 years can access the programme through self-referral at a local Connexions Office or be referred through other agencies. Young people receive £50 per week. E 2 E provides opportunities for work placements, work experience and accredited courses.

Joint Openshaw Group

Contact Name: Claire Evans

Tel No: 0161 231 0777

Location: Openshaw

Base: Crossley House YC

Age Group: N/A

Project Description: The Joint Openshaw Group is a youth and community development agency, working with a range of partners to develop new services and to support the voluntary and community sector agencies. JOG provides the following services to young people:

·  New Deal employment for 16-25+ year

·  Right on Track

·  Project management

·  Co-ordination of the Summer/Holiday Programmes across New Deal for Communities

·  Junior Youth co-ordination

Manchester Youth Volunteering Project

Contact Name: Leanne Picot

Tel No: 0161 223 4855

Location: Bradford

Base: Mill Street Venture Centre

Age Group: 14-25 years

Project Description: MYVP encourages and support young people aged 14-25 years to become involved in volunteering opportunities. MYVP East Manchester Youth Projects:

·  Youth involvement project to give young people a voice in the regeneration project

·  Sports Volunteers Project, opportunities for young people in sports coaching and training

·  Outreach service, helps young people access a range of volunteering opportunities across Manchester.

Music Stuff

Contact Name: Lenny Porter-Smith

Tel No: 0161 223 8700

Location: Openshaw

Base: Crossley House YC

Age Group: 12-25 years

Project Description: Music Stuff is an East Manchester based youth arts organisation delivering six strands of work.

·  The open access arts project focuses on mainly music and runs workshops and drop ins in DJing, MCing, music technology, singing, song writing, band, instrumental tuition, recording, drumming, percussion, mixing, drama, dance and creative writing.

·  The partnership project uses music and drama as a tool to look at issue based work and targeted provision. This project works in partnership with other service providers.

·  The vulnerable pupil support project works in partnership with Re-Solution, the three local schools, EAZ and the youth access team to look at issues around bullying and pupil support.

·  The performance project tries to provide as many performance opportunities as possible for all the music stuff young people.

·  The learning project attaches the option of accreditation onto many of the Music Stuff projects.

·  The holiday programme looks at providing creative, educational and engaging arts activities for young people during the school holiday period.

Music Stuff work in partnership with Crossley House and have developed working links with many other local voluntary and statutory sector organisation.

Youth Contact Team

Contact Name: Louise Brierly

Tel No: 0161 455 2100

Location: City Wide

Base: Clayton Youth Centre

Age Group: 13-19 years

Project Description: The Youth Contact Team (YCT) is a neighbourhood renewal funded project, which aims to combat the growing number of reported incidents of youth nuisance. The team works with individuals and groups identified through a multi-agency consultation process, drawing input from Youth Offending Team, Police, Social Services, Education and other agencies and the community. The Youth Contact Team is a citywide initiative, which will promote, encourage and fund-challenging activity within youth nuisance hot spots identified by each Sub Divisional Partnership.

Youth Access Team

Contact Name: Tracy Mc Elroy

Tel No: 0161 230 2241

Location: Beswick

Base: Cornerstones HC

Age Group: 12-19 years

Project Description: Young peoples Community mental health service, referrals agencies, young people The Youth Access Team will take referrals for young people with mental health problems. The team offers one to one support, counselling and group work. The team ensures it is both accessible and flexible.

Youth Access Team East Community Project

Contact Name: Mike Dawson

Tel no: 0161 230 2241

Location: Outreach into NDC youth and Community projects.

Base: Cornerstones HC

Age group: 12-19 years

Project Description: The project is a pilot until February 2004. The project works within NDC youth and community organisations, providing accessible drop in counselling facilities across the area, staff consultation and training and group work for projects. The project aims to break down stigmas related to mental health issues and promotes youth inclusion.

NACRO Sports Development

Contact Name: Roy Thickett

Tel no: 0161 223 3568

Location: Beswick


Age group: 8-24 years

Project Description: The project is a mix of targeted and universal provision. The project targets young offenders, non-attenders and hard to each groups. NACRO delivers sporting opportunities, aiming to improve confidence, promote healthy living and offer volunteer opportunities and accredited training.

Water adventure Centre

Contact Name: Lillian Pons

Tel No: 0161 301 2673

Location: Droylsden

Base: Water Adventure Centre

Age Group: 13-19 years

Project Description: A canoeing youth club. WAC provides canoeing for young groups and also has it’s own youth provision for local young people.

Crossley House

Contact Name: Kath Byrne

Tel No: 0161 223 2373

Location: Openshaw

Base: Crossley House YC

Age Group: 13-19 years

Project Description: Crossleys aims to address the diverse needs of young people, inequality, disaffection and social exclusion. The centre opens both daytime and evening sessions. The centre programme is a mix of general youth work and specific education programmes aimed at disaffected or socially excluded young people. The centre offers activities and projects including trips, sports, informal education, for example (drugs, alcohol, mental health and sexual health), personal support, access to appropriate agencies, residentials, international exchanges, drama, educational projects, photography, school holiday programmes, youth involvement projects and accreditation programmes, for example, D of E.

Stanley Street Youth Club

Contact Name: Brenda McNally

Tel No: 0161 371 8893

Location: Openshaw

Base: Stanley Street Methodist Church

Age Group: 13-19 years

Project Description: The youth club opens four nights per week. The centre offers activities and projects including trips, sports, informal education, for example (drugs, alcohol and sexual health), personal support, access to appropriate agencies, residentials, educational projects, school holiday programmes, accredited programmes, youth involvement projects. A Connexions personal advisor supports the work of the youth club.

EDEN Project

Contact Name: Gary Bishop

Tel No: 0161 371 5044

Location: Higher Openshaw