Redevelopment Authority Minutes
September 21, 2011
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City/County Government Center, Meeting Room D & E
7:30 a. m.
1.Teletzke called the meeting to order at 7:30a.m. The meeting was held in Room
D & E of the City/County Government Center, 160 S. Macy Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
2.Benson called the roll
Greg GilesLeo Udee (excused)
Mary Gilles
Karyn Merkel
Don Mueller
Doug Teletzke
Rob Vande Zande
Bensondeclared a quorum present
Staff in attendance:
Wayne Rollin, Community Development Director
Dyann Benson, Redevelopment Planner
Others Present:
Tom Herre, City Manager
Joellyn Dahlin, City Planner
Kay Smedberg, Administrative Assistant Community Development
3.Approval of Minutes
- Open and Closed Session Minutes from the Regular Meeting of
August 25, 2011
Mueller made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 25, 2011. Merkel seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows: Giles, aye; Gilles, aye; Merkel, aye; Mueller, aye; Teletzke, aye;Vande Zande, aye. Motion Carried.
- New Business
(1)Project Spreadsheet
Benson reviewed theProject Spreadsheetshowing the status of the proposed pipeline projects. She indicated that the demo bid on16 S. Hickory Streetis $4,400.00 verses our $10,000 estimate and that the roofbid for NewBeginningsPregnancyCareCenter is $11,250 verses our $15,000 estimate. Both projects will have unused funding for another use.
(2)Financial Report – September, 2011
We have recently received several loan payoffs to ourCDBG and HBR housing rehabilitation revolving loan funds enabling us to fund several of our new housing rehabilitation loan projects with program income instead of grant funding.
Giles made a motion to approve the financial report as presented. Vande Zande seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows: Giles, aye; Gilles, aye; Merkel, aye; Mueller, aye; Teletzke, aye; Vande Zande, aye. Motion Carried
B.Resolution No. 11-18 – A Resolution Approving Acquisition of the Former Pinky’s Gas Station at 129 Forest Avenue From Fond du Lac County
Benson indicated that on September 13, 2011 the Fond du LacCountyFinance Committee approved the transfer of the former Pinky’s Gas Station, located at 129 Forest Ave., to the Redevelopment Authority for $1.00. The tax foreclosure hearing was held on September 19, 2011 and the property owner was found to be in default. The County will transfer ownership of the parcel to the RDA for the purchase price of $1.00 upon completion of the tax foreclosure proceedings. She stated that the consultant has completed the Phase I Environmental Assessment. City staff will now coordinate the completion of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and demolition of the buildings.
Vande Zande made a motion to approve Resolution No. 11-18. Merkel seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows: Giles, aye; Gilles, aye; Merkel, aye; Mueller, aye; Teletzke, aye; Vande Zande, aye. Motion Carried
C.Resolution No. 11-19 – A Resolution Approving a Subrecipient Agreement with the Salvation Army of Fond du Lac for Permanent Supportive Housing as Part of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
Merkel made a motion to approve Resolution No. 11-19. Gilles seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows: Giles, aye; Gilles, aye; Merkel, aye; Mueller, aye; Teletzke, aye; Vande Zande, aye. Motion Carried
D.Resolution No. 11-20 – A Resolution Approving a Subrecipient Agreement with the Boys & Girls Club of Fond du Lac for After-School Program, Summer Program and Money Matters Program as Part of the Community Development Grant (CDBG) Program
Vande Zande made a motion to approve Resolution No. 11-20. Mueller seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows: Giles, aye; Gilles, aye; Merkel, aye; Mueller, aye; Teletzke, aye; Vande Zande, aye. Motion Carried
E.Update on the EDRLF Manual Changes
Benson reviewed that the proposed changes to the EDRLF Manual were presented at the August meeting. City staff has been working with staff from the Fond du Lac County Economic Development Corporation (FCEDC) to finalize the language for the Microenterprise and Commercial Rehabilitation Programs. She reviewed that the FCEDC would continue to administer the loan program. A formal resolution will be presented to the RDA after review by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, formerly the Wisconsin Department of Commerce.
F. Adjourn into Closed Session
Mueller made a motion to adjourn into closed session. Giles seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows: Giles, aye; Gilles, aye; Merkel, aye; Mueller, aye; Teletzke, aye; Vande Zande, aye. Motion Carried
G.Reconvene into Open Session Immediately Upon Conclusion of the Closed Session
Gilles made a motion to reconvene into open session. Vande Zande seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows: Giles, aye; Gilles, aye; Merkel aye; Mueller, aye; Teletzke, aye; Vande Zande, aye. Motion Carried.
H.Resolution No. 11-21 – A Resolution Approving Residential Rehabilitation
Loans Underthe Community Development Block Grant Program and/or HOME
Vande Zande made a motion to approve Resolution No. 11-21. Merkelseconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows: Giles, aye; Gilles, aye; Merkel, aye; Mueller, aye; Teletzke, aye; Vande Zande, aye. Motion Carried.
I.Action on Review of Loan Application with Collections Over the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program Guidelines
It was the consensus of the commissioners to authorize the continued processing of this loan application.
Merkel made a motion to approve the continued processing of this loan application. Giles seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows: Giles, aye; Gilles, aye; Merkel, aye; Mueller, aye; Teletzke, aye; Vande Zande, aye. Motion Carried.
J.Action on Review of the Loan Application with Negative Credit Issues over the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program Guidelines
Vande Zande indicated that because of the concerns with the Negative Credit Issues of this applicant, City staff should continue processing this loan application, but only provide funding for the boiler replacement due to this emergency situation.
Vande Zande made a motion to approve the continued processing of this loan application for the boiler replacement only. Merkel seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows: Giles, aye; Gilles, aye; Merkel, aye; Mueller, aye; Teletzke, aye; Vande Zande, aye. Motion Carried.
- Discussion Regarding Executive Director/Secretary of the Redevelopment Authority
No questions, comments of concerns.
- Discussion Regarding a Public Hearing for the October RDA Meeting
Benson stated that the RDA’s first Public Hearing will be in October. This Public Hearing is for the City’sCDBG needs assessment. City staff will contact members to determine a potential date for this evening meeting. Our second Public Hearing will be held in early January for review and approval of the Annual Plan of proposed PY 2012 projects and the 2012-2017 Consolidated Plan.
5.Correspondence - None
6.Other Matters as are Authorized by Law
Herre congratulated Don Mueller for his public service award from St. Vincent DePaul.
7.Motion to Adjourn
The Authority adjourned by unanimous consent at 8:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Wegner
Community Development Specialist
Greg GilesLeo Udee (excused)
Mary Gilles
Karyn Merkel
Don Mueller
Doug Teletzke
Rob Vande Zande
The Chairman declared a quorum present.
Staff in attendance:
Wayne Rollin, Community Development Director
Dyann Benson, Redevelopment Planner
Others in attendance:
Tom Herre, City Manager
Joellyn Dahlin, City Planner
Kay Smedberg, Administrative Assistant Community Development
The loans being considered for approval under the CDBG and/or HOME Programs were discussed. Also reviewed were two loans with negative credit issues above the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program guidelines.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Wegner
Community Development