Violence on Television

Jamie Johnson


University of Phoenix

Air pollution effects the environment and humankind at a fundamental level. From the shedding of a rose's leaves due to the cellular level damage, to the inability of compromised bird eggs to hatch, to the death of a person suffering from lung cancer, air pollution has reached the level of a world crisis. In 2007 alone, the World Health Organization attributed almost two and a half million deaths to this one cause. At the end their will be an discussion of all the necessary require of the government, societal, and global support to be able to become an environmental friendly society, and overcome the air pollution issue. We know all about air pollution; now we need to get involve, and find solutions, so we can become environmental exceptional society.

As define by the NASA Earth Observatory (n.d.) air pollution is “the existence in the air of substances in concentrations that are determined unacceptable.” Air pollution has two different types of sources which are natural and human. The natural sources of air pollution are also known as “biogenic sources.” (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2007) Some of the natural sources are volcanoes with emit gases to our atmosphere; lightening cases wildfires that emit gases and particles to the atmosphere, and even trees and vegetation emit pollen to our atmosphere. (EPA, 2007)Mitigation Plan 3Human activities are the major contribution to air pollution. As mentioned by the Algebra Lab (2003-2007) were they presented a chart with the air pollutants and the sources of it present in the U.S. with are shown below.

As we can observe and interpret the chart and graphic human’s activities are the major contributions to the air pollution. Other than the activities mentioned above, there are some activities at home that contribute to air pollution issue. We have some household products that contribute to air pollution. As mentioned by S.K. Jindal (2007) some of the indoor pollutants are “numerous exhaust vapors, particulate matter, gases, organic chemicals, spores, allergens, micro-organisms and various other substances. Fuel combustion, tobacco smoking, air conditioning, building and construction materials, paints, consumer products, pet animals, plants and people” are the major contribution to air pollution.

Mitigation Plan 4All these sources have some impacts on humans with effects their health. These air pollutants can cause short-terms and long-terms health effects. As mentioned by S.K. Jindal (2007) some of these health issues are asthma, reparatory infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and sick building syndrome. In addition, some of the human’s organs can be affected by the long-term exposure to these pollutants. The liver, hart, brain, kidneys and some nerve can be affected until a point where will no longer function properly or even function at all. (Lawrence Barkley Laboratory, n.d.)Some other atmospheric problems related to air pollution are global warming and ozone depletion. As mentioned by the Live Science (2007) “carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, agriculture, and other human activities, are believed to be the primary sources of the Global Warming.” Global warming has its on effects in our environment. As said by Simmons (2007) we resume the global warming effects into five deadly effects: “spreads of diseases, warmer waters and more hurricanes, increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves, economic consequences and polar ice melting.” (pp 1-5)Ozone the depletion is one of the effects in our environment cause by air pollution. As mentioned by the National Resource Defense Council (n.d.) ozone depletion is “the reduction of the protective layer of ozone in the upper atmosphere by chemical pollution.” This layer protects Earth from the ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. As mentioned by Vagar M. Adhami,Mitigation Plan 5Deeba N. Syed, Nagham Khan, and FarrukhAfaq (2007) ozone depletion and extensive exposure to UV radiation have many health effects. Some of the health issues related to UV radiation are DNA damage, skin cancer, aging and others skin diseases.

There are no positive impacts related to air pollution. Pollution itself is a problem of contamination bringing not positive, but negative impact to humans. As mentioned above air pollution have negative impacts in human health. Additionally, have side effects in our environmental like global warming and ozone depletion increasing the health problems for human.

One of the higher contributions to air pollutants is related to our transportation. As mentioned by Sustainable Transport Solutions Network (2007) most of the cars companies have created sustainability plans that work with developing “hybrid-electric cars, battery-electric cars, and fuel cell vehicles”. They have been able to succeed with developing these new technologies in their recent editions of cars. However, these cars still high in prices; therefore, not accessible to everyone. Oil and gas corporation as well as the governments and private organization are been working to create “renewable fuel; bioethanol, biodiesel and biomethane.” (Transport Solutions Network 2007) This alternative fuels a made from animal faces, corn, sugar cane, barley , animal fat, vegetable oil and even old oil from restaurants. However, some of these alternatives are expensive to produce and transport. The use of sugar cane and corn will produce a demand of land to cultivate and the increase of prices for the consumption of these products.

Mitigation Plan 6As individually we all can fallow smaller scale sustainability plans programs to reduce air pollution. As mentioned by the Environment Canada (2002) were they developed a sustainability plan that can be fallow by anyone; reads as fallow:Walk, cycle or use public transportation. Give friends that are going to the same place as youa ride (i.e. car pooling). Turn off lights, TV, radio and other electrical items when not in use.

Use low-energy or energy-saving light bulbs. Avoid using gas powered machinery (i.e. lawnmowers). Fill up the car with cleaner fuels. Keep your car tuned and schedule routinemaintenance checks. Turn off your engine when waiting-do not idle!(Environmental Canada, 2002, p1)By making small adjustments to our daily routines we all can do something to reduce the air pollution we cause. We can share our knowledge, and help other to reduce their contributions to air pollutions.

We all should do something to decrease the contribution of air pollution in the area were we live in. I have developed a management and sustaining plan to control and decrease the increasing problem of air pollution that could help anyone. The plan reads as follow:1.Action Items: My sustaining clean water plan is to develop an educational plan were I identify the contributions of my town for air pollution and provide solutions for all those contributions. I will Put together a presentation were I can show the causes, consequences, health effects and all possible solutions for air pollution. I will use the Earth week to bring my presentation to schools in my community.

Mitigation Plan 72.Order of action items: 1) Research the causes of air pollution in my community. 2) Research the consequence of air pollution seen in my community. 3) Research the health issues that have been seen in my town due of air pollution. 4) Develop an educationalprogram. 5) Use Earth week to bring my presentation to schools in my community.

Ensure every school Principal is aware of my presentation, so we can properlycoordinate to reach many students as possible.

3.Action steps: I will set an appointment with the city Council, so I can properly address the causes (contributions), consequences and health issues directly liked to our community about air pollution. Research community files and statistics in the city files and through the web, so I can get not only information but pictures that will draw the peoples’ attentions. I will set up an appointment with all principals so the can preview my presentation and give me the authorization to use Earth week for my presentation. I will need to attend next SAC meeting to communicate to parents my idea.

4.Timeline: Research will take approximate 1-3 months. City Council meeting or appointment is going to take approximate 1-4 months to be full developed. Sac meeting will be next Wednesday. School principals meeting will takes approximate 2-3 due of multiple schools in the within city limits. Presentation day will be on Earth’s Week (April 16-27, 2009) to promote environmental awareness.

This plan targets environmental awareness on younger generation to educate the children on what are the causes, consequences and health issues related to air pollution. To ensure the Mitigation Plan 8understanding of the problem, and that they develop any possible solution to ensure the decrease of human contribution to the problem.

All throughout is a sustainability plan and target environmental awareness have its challenges. Some of the challenges will be that I will have to persuade many people to change their daily behavior to reduce the contribution of water pollution they cause. Changes can equal expenses and many people are not willing to lose or invest money to reduce their contribution of air pollution.

Even if my plan has challenges have some benefits. Some of the benefits are that the health of our population will improve as we reduce our contribution to air pollutions. Other benefits will be becoming an environmental friendly community. The best benefits of all will be setting the example to others communities; create a chain reaction that will help become an environmental friendly society.

All trough we have many sustainability plans we still need the government, society and global on general support to overcome the problem of air pollution. Government can create laws that reinforces and environmental friendly society. Punish those who will not fallow these laws including large industries and corporations. As mentioned by Smith, S (1998) “In February 1998 the State Government released its air pollution control strategy, called Action for Air. The Mitigation Plan 9strategy has seven objectives:” This objective are: “Integrate air quality goals and urban transport planning. Provide more and better transport choices. Make cars, trucks and buses cleaner. Promote cleaner business. Promote cleaner homes. Manage the impact of open burning. Monitor, report on and review air quality.” (Smith, S. 1998) More plans and strategies as this ones are necessary to support solutions and mitigate the problem of air pollution.

The society and global population needs to work together supporting governments laws and regulations about air pollution. Share their knowledge with others, and educate them on how to overcome the problem of air pollution. Implements solutions that will help mitigate the problem. Start by reducing indoor air pollutants that we all use at home. Drive less, use car pulling, ride a bike and reduce the energy use at home. By fallowing these simple steps the global population will help reduce, control and even maybe eliminate the problem of air pollution.

As we now know what are the causes, effects,results, and outcomes in humans of air pollution. We have learned other atmospheric issues due of air pollution with are ozone depletion and global warming. Ozone depletion and effects of global warming affect human health and whole environments. UV radiation due of ozone depletion causes majors skin disease. Global Warming is related to major weather catastrophes that have taken many millions of life away.In addition to that generates the spread of disease that can kill more persons after this weather catastrophes have occurred. Air pollution does not have any positive impacts in humans. AirMitigation Plan 10pollution has negative impacts in humans; health issues. The government, private corporations and even regular individuals have sustainability plans that help mitigate the problem of air pollution. I have presented my own sustainability plan for air pollution, and discuss thechallenges and benefits that will come about. I have discussed themain importance of the government, society and global support necessary to overcome the environmentproblems of air pollution. Now that we are aware of air pollutions problems and any possible solution to it; what will be he or she choice? Ignore the problem of air pollution or become a speaker about this? Could he or she, help educates others and help us be an environmental friendly society?

Reference Source:

Mitigation Plan 12S.K. Jindal, (2007) Indian Journal of Medical Research: A health perspective of indoor airpollution. (Editorial)(Clinical report) Retrieve on April 2, 2009from Gale Power Search data base.

Sustainable Transport Solutions Network (2007) Carbon Management. Retrieve on April 2, 2009 from: Smith (1998) Parliament of South Wales: Air Pollution: An Update. Retrieve on April 2, 2009 from:

Environmental Protection Agency (2007) Air Pollution Control Orientation Course: Sourcesof Pollutants in the Ambient Air. Retrieve on April 2, 2009from:

M. Adhami, Deeba N. Syed, NaghamKhan, and FarrukhAfaq (2008). Photochemistry &Photobiology.Phytochemicals for Prevention of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation-inducedDamages. Retrieve on April 2, 2009 from: EBSCOhost data base.