Course Announcement! (for Fall 2014)

Imaging Drugs in the Brain

ENAS 880a / NSCI 523a


Course Time: Tues 3:30-5:15pm

Course Location: TAC N205

First class: Tues Sept 2, 2014


Prof Evan Morris, Diagnostic Radiology, Biomedical Engineering --().

Prof Kelly Cosgrove, Psychiatry --- ()

Prof Michelle Hampson, Diagnostic Radiology ---- ()

contact instructors with inquiries

last year’s syllabus (to be revised) found here:

Oncourse links coming soon

Format: Weekly seminars to cover current and classic literature on functional imaging research into affects of drugs (licit and illicit) on brain chemistry. Readings taken from (mostly) journal articles; occasional reviews and book chapters on PET, SPECT, and fMRI.

·  Students deliver brief summaries of papers the day before class. (required)

·  Classes begin with short lectur-ettes on relevant technical details and methods.

·  Lively discussions follow.

·  Participants: Graduate students in Neuroscience, BME, advanced undergrads, post-docs, fellows, residents, faculty … all are welcome.

·  New (last year) --- special events for teams to match wits with each other and guest judges to design imaging experiments on-the-fly (“Design-a-thon”!)

·  New (this year!) - Michelle Hampson joins the fun to enlighten us on fMRI in addiction, to study drugs, functional connectivity!

Course Goals

·  To learn to read the functional imaging literature perceptively and critically.

·  To learn to recognize the primary endpoints of functional imaging studies of the brain

·  To recognize commonalities in studies of drug abuse and reward and to construct a sound imaging study.

·  To understand the ambiguities inherent in the analysis of functional imaging studies depending on the tracer or imaging modality.

Sampling of comments from previous years:

(These are real comments from real student eval forms)

·  Overall I learned a lot about imaging and really enjoyed reading and discussing papers that [we]re outside my research area

·  A great course!. I'd recommend it for students interested in PET or otherwise ….

·  "A+++"

·  Great! Proper methods and applications papers and detaile[ed] explanation really help[ed] me.

·  Great course.

·  This was a very enjoyable course -- I'm glad I can now read PET papers.

·  Very helpful course; one that is stand-alone and great training for grad stuent[s] who want strong basic understanding of imaging technique

·  Great environment. [instructor] guides the discussions without being too hands-on.

·  A major strength was that the class was designed and conducted in a way to allow for a lot discussion.

·  The syllabus was designed very thoughtfully, with each topic building upon older work.

·  I appreciated that there were always useful comments on my synopses (required homework)...[instructor’s] passion; knowledge; and [] attentiveness towards the students ... [leave] no unanswered questions.

·  [instructor] is really good at this. That's all I need to say.