Close Reading Template

Adams / Text: (Focus chunk /portion for close read)
Immigrant Kids by Russell Freedman Pages 40-44
Major Understandings
What do you want students to know after reading the text?
What does the author want them to know? / When immigrants came to America, many of the immigrant children had to work because their parents couldn’t make enough money to support the family. There were laws about children being in school and working under the age of 14 but these laws weren’t enforced so young children were seen working in factories, on the streets, and in stores. Work hours in the factories were long. Children were often expected to work seven days a week during the busy season.
Purpose: To understand the main idea and details about Immigrant Kids (Working) and to use that information to write a summary. / FIRST READ (Key Ideas & Details)
Focus: What does the text say?
Do not frontload vocabulary and prior knowledge or use pre-reading activities
Reading format:
___ Students Read Text
X Teacher Reads Text
___ Partners Read Text
Text-Dependent Question(s)
Select appropriate number of cognitive level questions that will require students to use evidence from the text.
1. What’s the author telling us so far? (p. 40-1st half of 1st paragraph)
2. What’s this all about? (p. 40-2nd half of 1st paragraph)
3. What do we know about immigrant children working? (p. 40-2nd and 3rd paragraphs)
4. Tell me about the Working Women’s Society of New York. (Follow up query) What’s going on in the stores? (p. 40-last paragraph and p. 42-1st paragraph to “disturbed”)
5. Do you notice anything that’s the same here as what you read in the last paragraph? (Follow up query) Tell me about the children’s workday. (p. 42-1st paragraph starting with “when” and 2nd paragraph)
6. Tell me about immigrant children and factories. (p. 43 and beginning of 44)
7. What’s this section all about? (p. 44-2nd and 3rd paragraphs)
Optional Materials:
__ Pencils __ Highlighters
__ Post-it __ Graphic Organizer
__ Chart Paper __ Other
Discussion Format:
X Whole Group __ Small Group
__ Pair-Share
Writing Format:
X Summary __ Other ______
Purpose: To analyze the author’s word choice, craft, and structure.
Complex text structures and elements
X Vocabulary
X Text Structure
___ Coherence
___ Syntax
X Text Features / SECOND READ (Craft & Structure)
Focus: How does the text work? What does the author mean?
Reading Format
___ Independent reading ___ Shared Reading
___ Read Aloud X Think Aloud
___ Paired Reading
Text-Dependent Question(s)
Select appropriate number of cognitive level questions that will require students to use evidence from the text.
1. What do you know about immigrants after reading this part of the text? (p. 40-1st half of 1st paragraph)
2. What is the author tell us about men working long hours and everyone helping out? (p. 40-2nd half of 1st paragraph)
3. So what do we know about the immigrant children and the laws? (p. 40-2nd and 3rd paragraphs)
4. The author used a colon before the explanation about the under aged girls working in the stores. What’s different here? (p. 40-“fourteen” on p. 42)
5. Tell me about the word “calling”. (p. 42-middle of 1st paragraph)
6. Tell me what the author does to help us visualize factory work. (Follow up query) Does he do a good job creating a picture for us? (p. 42-end of 1st paragraph to 1st sentence in 2nd paragraph)
7. What do we already know about the colon? (p. 43-end of 2nd paragraph on p. 44)
8. Tell me about the meaning of the sign. (p. 44-last paragraph)
Optional Materials:
X Pencils __ Highlighters
__ Post-it X Graphic Organizer
X Chart Paper X Other-Copy of the text
Discussion Format:
X Whole Group __ Small Group
__ Pair-Share
Writing Format:
X Analysis __ Compare/Contrast
__ Other ______
Purpose: Utilize the internet to view primary sources of child labor photos and captions in order to gain more information about the topic and to evaluate Russell Freedman’s presentation of the events in Immigrant Kids.
Other sources to be integrated:
Additional text
__ Articles
X Primary Sources
__ Poetry
__ Video
__ Visual Art
__ Music
__ Technology
X Photos
__ Charts
__ Data
__ Other ______/ THIRD READ (Integration of Knowledge and Ideas)
Focus: What is the text’s value? How does it connect to other information?
Instead of rereading Immigrant Children, students will view an original photo presentation and captions called Child Labor 1908-1912 by Lewis W. Hine on The History Place. (The Factory & Struggling Families)
Reading Format
___ Independent reading ___ Shared Reading
___ Read Aloud X Think Aloud
___ Paired Reading
Text-Dependent Question(s)
Select appropriate number of cognitive level questions that will require students to use evidence from the text and photos.
1. What information in The Factory photos and captions aligns with the information read on page 42-44 of Immigrant Children?
2. After viewing Struggling Families, what other issues does society face due to the lack of labor law enforcement?
3. What mood or bias does the photographer create about child labor? Does the author of Immigrant Kids create the same mood? Provide evidence.
4. Do the primary sources found on Child Labor 1908-1912 by Lewis W. Hine show that the information in Immigrant Kids depicts the historical event with validity? Provide evidence from the materials that supports your answers.
Optional Materials:
__ Pencils __ Highlighters
__ Post-it __ Graphic Organizer
__ Chart Paper X Other Computer/Internet
Discussion Format:
X Whole Group __ Small Group
__ Pair-Share
Writing Format:
___ Opinion/Claim/Evidence
X Evaluation/Synthesis __ Other ______