SECTION 07 24 00


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** NOTE TO SPECIFIER** Dryvit Systems, Inc.; Exterior Insulation and Finish System.
This section is based on the products of Dryvit Systems, Inc., which is located at:
One Energy Way
P. O. Box 1014
West Warwick, RI 02893
Tel: (401) 822-4100
Fax: (401) 822-1980
In 1969, Dryvit Systems, Inc. introduced North America to an exterior wall cladding system based on a revolutionary concept: installing insulation as part of the outside wall. Since that time, Dryvit's innovative systems have been used successfully on hundreds of thousands of commercial and residential buildings. Today, the West Warwick, Rhode Island based company remains North America's leading EIFS manufacturer with an ever-growing line of diversified products. Whether you're building a new structure or renovating an older one, a Dryvit system is cost effective to install and thermally efficient. In fact, it's the most thermally efficient wall system available today. Dryvit, which is owned by RPM International Inc. in Medina, OH operates four manufacturing plants in the U.S., including one at its headquarters in West Warwick, RI, and has subsidiary operations in Canada, Poland and China.



** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete items below not required for project.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the following paragraph for Outsulation MD System.

A. Commercial Exterior Insulation and Finish System with an Air and Water-Resistive Barrier Coating and a Means of Positive Moisture Drainage.

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the following paragraph for Outsulation Plus System.

B. Commercial Exterior Insulation and Finish System with High-Performance Moisture Drainage System.

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the following paragraph for Outsulation System.

C. Commercial Exterior Wall Insulation and Finish System.

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the following paragraph for Outsulation X System.

D. Commercial Exterior Insulation and Finish System with High Energy-Efficient, Moisture Drainage System.

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the following paragraph for Outsulation HDCI System.

E. Exterior Insulation and Finish System with an air/water-resistive barrier.


** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete any sections below not relevant to this project; add others as required.

A. Section 03 30 00 - Cast-in-Place Concrete.

B. Section 03 41 16 - Precast Concrete Slabs.

C. Section 04 20 00 - Unit Masonry.

D. Section 05 40 00 - Cold-Formed Metal Framing.

E. Section 06 10 00 - Rough Carpentry.

F. Section 07 27 00 - Air and Moisture Barriers.

G. Section 07 27 26 - Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers .

H. Section 07 60 00 - Flashing and Sheet Metal.

I. Section 07 90 00 - Joint Protection.


** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete references from the list below that are not actually required by the text of the edited section.

A. ANSI FM 4880 Evaluating Insulated Wall or Wall and Roof/Ceiling Assemblies; Plastic Interior Finish Materials; Plastic Exterior Building Panels; Wall/Ceiling Coating Systems; Interior or Exterior Finish Systems.

B. ASTM International:

1. ASTM B 117 - (Federal Test Standard 141A Method 6061) Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus.

2. ASTM C 150 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement.

3. ASTM C 297 - Standard Test Method for Flatwise Tensile Strength of Sandwich Constructions.

4. ASTM C 1177 - Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing.

5. ASTM C 1396 - (formerly C 79) Standard Specification for Gypsum Board.

6. ASTM D 968 - (Federal Test Standard 141A Method 6191) Standard Test Methods for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by Falling Abrasive.

7. ASTM D 1784 Standard Specification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds.

8. ASTM D 1970 Standard Specification for Self-Adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam Protection.

9. ASTM D 2247 - (Federal Test Standard 141A Method 6201) Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in 100% Relative Humidity.

10. ASTM D 2898 - Standard Test Method for Accelerated Weathering of Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood for Fire Testing

11. ASTM D 3273 - Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber.

12. ASTM D 4060 - Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by the Taber Abraser.

13. ASTM E 84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.

14. ASTM E 96 - Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials.

15. ASTM E 119 - Standard Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials.

16. ASTM E 283 - Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen.

17. ASTM E 330 - Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.

18. ASTM E 331 - Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.

19. ASTM E 2098 - Test Method for Determining the Tensile Breaking Strength of Glass Fiber Reinforcing Mesh for use in Class PB Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS), after Exposure to Sodium Hydroxide Solution.

20. ASTM E 2134 - Test Method for Evaluating the Tensile-Adhesion Performance of Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS).

21. ASTM E 2178 Standard Test Method for Air Permeance of Building Materials

22. ASTM E 2273 - Test Method for Determining the Drainage Efficiency of Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) Clad Wall Assemblies.

23. ASTM E 2357 Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage of Air Barrier Assemblies

24. ASTM E 2430 - Standard Specification for Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Thermal Insulation Boards for use in Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS).

25. ASTM E 2485 - (formerly EIMA Std. 101.01) Standard Test Method for Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) and Water-Resistive Barrier Coatings.

26. ASTM E 2486 - (formerly EIMA Std. 101.86) Standard Test Method for Impact Resistance of Class PB and PI Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS).

27. ASTM E 2568 Standard Specification for PB Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems

28. ASTM G 155 - (Federal Test Standard 141A Method 6151) Standard Practice for Operating-Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials.

29. Mil Std E5272 Environmental Testing

30. Mil Std 810B Environmental Test Methods

31. NFPA 268 Standard Test Method for Determining Ignitibility of Exterior Wall Assemblies Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source.

32. NFPA 285 Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Flammability Characteristics of Exterior Non-Load-Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components Using the Intermediate-Scale, Multistory Test Apparatus

33. ANSI FM 4880 Evaluating Insulated Wall or Wall and Roof/Ceiling Assemblies; Plastic Interior Finish Materials; Plastic Exterior Building Panels; Wall/Ceiling Coating Systems; Interior or Exterior Finish Systems

C. Dryvit Standards:

1. HYPERLINK " DS110 - Dryvit Outsulation Plus MD System Installation Details.

2. DS131 - Dryvit Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Board Specification.

3. DS151 - Custom Brick Polymer System Specifications for Use On Vertical Walls.

4. DS152 - Dryvit Cleaning and Recoating.

5. DS153 - Dryvit Expansion Joints and Sealants.

6. DS159 - Dryvit Water Vapor Transmission.

7. HYPERLINK " DS218 - Dryvit Outsulation Plus MD System Application Instructions.

8. HYPERLINK " DS445 - Dryvit Outsulation Plus MD System Data Sheet,

9. DS456 - Rapidry DM 35-50 or DS457, Rapidry DM 50-75 Data Sheets.

10. DS494 - Dryvit AquaFlash System.

11. DS863 - Dryvit Outsulation HDCI System Data Sheet.

12. DS865 - Dryvit Outsulation HDCI System Application Instructions.

13. DS866 - Dryvit Outsulation HDCI System Installation Details

D. Military Standard E5272 - Environmental Testing.

E. Military Standard 810B - Environmental Test Methods.

F. NFPA 268 Standard Test Method for Determining Ignitibility of Exterior Wall Assemblies Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source.

G. NFPA 285 Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Flammability Characteristics of Exterior Non-Load-Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components Using the Intermediate-Scale, Multistory Test Apparatus.


** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the Performance Requirements for the Commercial Dryvit Outsulation System required from the following paragraphs and delete those that are not required. Contact Dryvit for additional information for additional information in making the best System selection for your project.

A. Dryvit Outsulation MD System Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS):

1. Air/Water-Resistive Barrier Coating - System Construction:

a. Tensile Bond ASTM C 297/E 2134: Minimum 104 kPa (15 psi).

b. Freeze-thaw ASTM E 2485: No deleterious effects after 10 cycles.

c. Water Resistance ASTM D 2247: No deleterious effects after 14 days exposure.

d. Water Vapor Transmission ASTM E 96 Proc. B: Vapor Permeable.

e. Air Leakage ASTM E 283: 0.6 l/min/m2 (0.002 cfm/sqft).

f. Air Permeance ASTM E 2178: 0.0006 l/s/m2 @ 75Pa

g. (1.2x10-4 cfm/ft2 @ 1.6 psf) (Backstop NT)

h. Air Barrier Assembly ASTM E 2357: 0.05 l/sec m2 @300 Pa

i. (< 0.001 cfm/ft2 @ 6.24 psf) (Backstop NT)

j. Structural Performance ASTM E 1233 Proc. A: Minimum 10 positive cycles at 1/240 deflection; No cracking in field, at joints or interface with flashing.

k. Racking ASTM E 72: No cracking in field, at joints or interface with flashing at net deflection of 3.2 mm (1/8 inch).

l. Restrained Environmental: 5 cycles; No cracking in field, at joints or interface with flashing.

m. Water Penetration ASTM E 331: No water penetration beyond the inner-most plane of the wall after 15 minutes at 137 Pa (2.86 psf).

n. UV Exposure ASTM D 2898: 210 hours of exposure.

o. Accelerated Aging: 25 cycles of drying and soaking.

p. Hydrostatic Pressure Test AATCC 127: 21.6 inch water column for 5 hours.

q. Surface Burning Characteristics ASTM E 84: Flame Spread - Less Than 25; Smoke Developed - Less than 450.

2. Durability - System Construction:

a. Abrasion Resistance ASTM D 968: No deleterious effects after 1000 liters (1056 quarts).

b. Accelerated Weathering ASTM G155 Cycle 1: No deleterious effects after 5000 hours.

c. Accelerated Weathering ASTM G 154 Cycle 1 (QUV): No deleterious effects after 5000 hours.

d. Freeze-Thaw ASTM E 2485: No deleterious effects after 90 cycles.

e. Mildew Resistance ASTM D 3273: No growth during 60 day exposure period.

f. Water Resistance ASTM D 2247: No deleterious effects after 42 days exposure.

g. Taber Abrasion ASTM D 4060: Passed 1000 cycles.

h. Salt Spray Resistance ASTM B 117: No deleterious effects after 1000 hours exposure.

i. Water Penetration ASTM E 331: Passed 15 minutes at 137 Pa (2.86 psf).

j. Water Vapor Transmission ASTM E 96 Proc. B.

1) EPS: 5 Perm-inch.

2) Base Coat: 40 Perms.

3) Finish: 40 Perms.

k. Drainage Efficiency ASTM E 2273: Minimum Drainage Efficiency of 90 percent.

3. Structural

a. Tensile Bond ASTM C 297/E 2134: Minimum 104 kPa (15 psi) - substrate or insulation failure.

b. Transverse Wind Load ASTM E 330: Withstand positive and negative wind loads as specified by the building code. Minimum 4.3 kPa (90 psf) 16 inch o.c. framing, 1/2 inch sheathing screw attached at 203 mm (8 inch) o.c. (For higher wind loads contact Dryvit Systems, Inc.)

4. Impact Resistance: In accordance with ASTM E 2486 (formerly EIMA Standard 101.86):

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Edit the following paragraph as required. Indicate and locate all impact resistant wall areas on the Drawings. Coordinate and identify mesh type(s) required under the "Impact Resistant" Performance Requirement in this specification.

a. Standard - 146 g/m2(4.3 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 27 g/cm (150 lbs/in). EIMA Impact Classification - Standard. EIMA Impact Range 3-6 Joules (25-49 in-lbs).

b. Standard Plus - 203 g/m2(6 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 36 g/cm (200 lbs/in). EIMA Impact Classification - Medium. EIMA Impact Range 6-10 Joules (50-89 in-lbs).

c. Intermediate - 407 g/m2(12 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 54 g/cm (300 lbs/in). EIMA Impact Classification - High. 10-17 Joules (90-150 in-lbs).

d. Panzer 15 - 509 g/m2(15 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 71 g/cm (400 lbs/in). EIMA Impact Classification - Ultra High. > 17 Joules (> 150 in-lbs). Used in conjunction with standard mesh.

e. Panzer 20 - 695 g/m2(20.5 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 98 g/cm (550 lbs/in). EIMA Impact Classification - Ultra High. > 17 Joules (> 150 in-lbs). Used in conjunction with standard mesh.

f. Detail Short Rolls - 146 g/m2(4.3 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 27 g/cm (150 lbs/in).

g. Corner Mesh - 244 g/m2(7.2 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 49 g/cm (274 lbs/in).

5. Fire Performance:

a. Fire Resistance (ASTM E 119): Passed 1 hour.

b. Ignitability (NFPA 268): No ignition at 12.5 kw/m2 at 20 minutes.

c. Intermediate Multi-Story Fire Test (NFPA 285):

1) Resist flame propagation over the exterior surface.

2) Resist vertical spread of flame within combustible core/component of panel from one story to the next.

3) Resist vertical spread of flame over the interior surface from one story to the next.

4) Resist lateral spread of flame from the compartment of fire origin to adjacent spaces.

d. Full Scale Multi-Story with Dryvit FM products (corner test) ASTM E 84. Flame Spread - Less Than 25; Smoke Developed - Less than 450.

B. Dryvit Outsulation MD Plus MD System Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS). Class PB, consisting of an air/water-resistive barrier, an adhesive, expanded polystyrene insulation board, base coat, reinforcing mesh(es) and finish:

1. Air/Water-Resistive Barrier Coating:

a. Tensile Bond ASTM C 297/E 2134: Minimum 104 kPa (15 psi).

b. Freeze-thaw ASTM E 2485: No deleterious effects after 10 cycles.

c. Water Resistance ASTM D 2247: No deleterious effects after 14 days exposure.

d. Water Vapor Transmission ASTM E 96 Proc. B: Vapor Permeable.

e. Air Leakage ASTM E 283: 0.6 l/min/m2 (0.002 cfm/sqft).

f. Air Permeance ASTM E 2178: 0.0006 l/s/m2 @ 75Pa (1.2x10-4 cfm/ft2 @ 1.6 psf) (Backstop NT)

g. Air Barrier Assembly ASTM E 2357: 0.05 l/sec m2 @300 Pa (< 0.001 cfm/ft2 @ 6.24 psf) (Backstop NT)

h. Nail Sealability ASTM D 1970: Passed ABAA Criteria

i. Structural Performance ASTM E 1233 Proc. A: Minimum 10 positive cycles at 1/240 deflection; No cracking in field, at joints or interface with flashing.

j. Racking ASTM E 72: No cracking in field, at joints or interface with flashing at net deflection of 3.2 mm (1/8 inch).

k. Restrained Environmental: 5 cycles; No cracking in field, at joints or interface with flashing.

l. Water Penetration ASTM E 331: No water penetration beyond the inner-most plane of the wall after 15 minutes at 137 Pa (2.86 psf).

m. Weathering UV Exposure ASTM D 2898 Method B: 210 hours of exposure. Passed

n. Accelerated Aging ICC-ES: 25 cycles of drying and soaking.

o. Hydrostatic Pressure AATCC 127: 21.6 inch water column for 5 hours. Passed.

p. Surface Burning Characteristics ASTM E 84: Flame Spread - Less Than 25; Smoke Developed - Less than 450. Passed.

2. Durability - System Construction:

a. Abrasion Resistance ASTM D 968: No deleterious effects after 1000 liters (1056 quarts).

b. Accelerated Weathering ASTM G155 Cycle 1: No deleterious effects after 5000 hours.

c. Accelerated Weathering ASTM G 154 Cycle 1 (QUV): No deleterious effects after 5000 hours.

d. Freeze-Thaw ASTM E 2485: No deleterious effects after 90 cycles.

e. Freeze-Thaw ASTM C 67 modified: No deleterious effects after 60 cyclesPassed - No deleterious effects after 60 cycles.

f. Freeze-Thaw ASTM E 2485 Method B: No deleterious effects after 10 cyclesPassed - No deleterious effects after 10 cycles.

g. Mildew Resistance ASTM D 3273: No growth during 60 day exposure period.

h. Water Resistance ASTM D 2247: No deleterious effects after 42 days exposure.

i. Taber Abrasion ASTM D 4060: Passed 1000 cycles.

j. Salt Spray Resistance ASTM B 117: No deleterious effects after 1000 hours exposure.

k. Water Penetration ASTM E 331: Passed 15 minutes at 137 Pa (2.86 psf).

l. Water Vapor Transmission ASTM E 96 Proc. B.

1) EPS: 5 Perm-inch.

2) Base Coat: 40 Perms.

3) Finish: 40 Perms.

m. Drainage Efficiency ASTM E 2273: Minimum Drainage Efficiency of 90 percent.

3. Structural

a. Tensile Bond ASTM C 297/E 2134: Minimum 104 kPa (15 psi) - substrate or insulation failure.

b. Transverse Wind Load ASTM E 330: Withstand positive and negative wind loads as specified by the building code. Minimum 4.3 kPa (90 psf) 16 inch o.c. framing, 1/2 inch sheathing screw attached at 203 mm (8 inch) o.c. (For higher wind loads contact Dryvit Systems, Inc.)

4. Impact Resistance: In accordance with ASTM E 2486 (formerly EIMA Standard 101.86):

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Edit the following paragraph as required. Indicate and locate all impact resistant wall areas on the Drawings. Coordinate and identify mesh type(s) required under the "Impact Resistant" Performance Requirement in this specification.

a. Standard - 146 g/m2(4.3 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 27 g/cm (150 lbs/in). EIMA Impact Classification - Standard. EIMA Impact Range 3-6 Joules (25-49 in-lbs).

b. Standard Plus - 203 g/m2(6 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 36 g/cm (200 lbs/in). EIMA Impact Classification - Medium. EIMA Impact Range 6-10 Joules (50-89 in-lbs).

c. Intermediate - 407 g/m2(12 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 54 g/cm (300 lbs/in). EIMA Impact Classification - High. 10-17 Joules (90-150 in-lbs).

d. Panzer 15 - 509 g/m2(15 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 71 g/cm (400 lbs/in). EIMA Impact Classification - Ultra High. > 17 Joules (> 150 in-lbs). Used in conjunction with standard mesh.

e. Panzer 20 - 695 g/m2(20.5 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 98 g/cm (550 lbs/in). EIMA Impact Classification - Ultra High. > 17 Joules (> 150 in-lbs). Used in conjunction with standard mesh.

f. Detail Short Rolls - 146 g/m2(4.3 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 27 g/cm (150 lbs/in).

g. Corner Mesh - 244 g/m2(7.2 oz/yd2), Minimum Tensile Strength 49 g/cm (274 lbs/in).

5. Fire Performance:

a. Fire Resistance (ASTM E 119): Passed 1 hour.

b. Ignitability (NFPA 268): No ignition at 12.5 kw/m2 at 20 minutes.

c. Intermediate Multi-Story Fire Test (NFPA 285):

1) Resist flame propagation over the exterior surface.

2) Resist vertical spread of flame within combustible core/component of panel from one story to the next.

3) Resist vertical spread of flame over the interior surface from one story to the next.

4) Resist lateral spread of flame from the compartment of fire origin to adjacent spaces.

d. Full Scale Multi-Story (corner test) ANSI FM 4880Resist flame propagation over the exterior surface. Passed; No height restrictions*

C. Dryvit Outsulation System Exterior Wall Insulation and Finish System (EIFS):

1. Durability - System Construction:

a. Abrasion Resistance ASTM D 968: No deleterious effects after 1000 liters (1056 quarts).

b. Accelerated Weathering ASTM G155 Cycle 1: No deleterious effects after 5000 hours.

c. Accelerated Weathering ASTM G 154 Cycle 1 (QUV): No deleterious effects after 5000 hours.

d. Freeze-Thaw ASTM E 2485: No deleterious effects after 90 cycles.

e. Mildew Resistance ASTM D 3273: No growth during 60 day exposure period.

f. Water Resistance ASTM D 2247: No deleterious effects after 42 days exposure.

g. Taber Abrasion ASTM D 4060: Passed 1000 cycles.

h. Salt Spray Resistance ASTM B 117: No deleterious effects after 1000 hours exposure.

i. Water Penetration ASTM E 331: Passed 2 hours at 299 Pa (6.24 psf).

j. Water Vapor Transmission ASTM E 96 Proc. B.

1) EPS: 5 Perm-inch.

2) Base Coat: 40 Perms.

3) Finish: 40 Perms.

2. Structural

a. Tensile Bond ASTM C 297/E 2134: Minimum 104 kPa (15 psi) - substrate or insulation failure.

b. Transverse Wind Load ASTM E 330: Withstand positive and negative wind loads as specified by the building code. Minimum 4.3 kPa (90 psf) 16 inch o.c. framing, 1/2 inch sheathing screw attached at 203 mm (8 inch) o.c. (For higher wind loads contact Dryvit Systems, Inc.)

3. Impact Resistance: In accordance with ASTM E 2486 (formerly EIMA Standard 101.86):