Agenda forFebruary 21st, 2011

  1. Welcome Back!Sam

Roll Call

Ralph, Michelle

RA – Katie, Kahea, Clark

Antero – Jake

Crestone - Annoushka

2nd Steamy – Daniele

1stAspen - Taylor

2nd Telly – Kayla, Terrin

  1. Old Business
  1. Tons of FunSam

We wrote random, unique facts about ourselves on a note card and then they were shuffled and handed back out. Then we had to look at the fact on the new note card and guess whose card we had. It was fun learning unique facts about everyone!

  1. Ratify MinutesTally

Last week’s minutes were missing the roll call, the “ratified 8-0-0” and the second question of the Exec Quiz.

Taylor moved. Kahea seconded. Passes 7-0-0

  1. Exec QuizEmily

What year was RHA founded?


Who can park on each level of the parking garage?

1st, 2nd, and 4th – Commuters

3rd – Visitors, Faculty and Staff with hub permits

5th – Residents

What is each of the exec members’ favorite way to eat a potato?

Trey – mashed

Emily – raw with salt

Tally – pan fried with seasoning

Sam – baked

Ralph – mashed

  1. Themed MeetingsTrey

Next week’s themed meeting is tie dye/rainbow wear.

  1. New Business
  1. Programs!Sam
  1. Casino Night Wrap-up

Thank you to all the dealers and everyone who helped set up and cleanup. We had a very successful Casino Night! If anyone has any feedback, contact Sam.

  1. Midterm MindSpa

This will be very similar to the program we put on in the fall. It will be in the lower lodge from 5-6pm. We will have coloring books, stress balloons, poker and other stress relievers. There will be food, since it will be during dinner time, and also different workshops about study habits, put on the Office of Residence Life and Housing. Come check it out!

  1. Sock Assassinations

This will be our next big program coming up. We will begin discussing the details of this program at the programming committee meeting.

Clyde Fundraiser

Clyde will be visiting Thursday, March 3rd, outside the lodge. Come get a picture with Clyde and make a donation to help with his living expenses for a month!

  1. CommitteesS/Ta/Tr

Sam will have the programming committee meeting Wednesday at 5pm in the RHA office, Keystone 3211.

Tally will have the fundraising committee meeting Tuesday at 7pm in the RHA office, Keystone 3211.

Trey will not have a meeting for the next two weeks. The food committee is being set up with Russ, if you would like to be included in the food committee meetings talk to Taylor, . Also, we are waiting on feedback about the icemaker and also the pool table in Crestone.

  1. ElectionsTrey
  1. March 7th
  2. Letters of Intent due February 28th

This was a corrected mistake from last week’s meeting. If you still need Ralph’s email, to email him your Letter of Intent, it is .

  1. ConferencesEmily

We have NACURH coming up, May 27th, 28th, and 29th. Applications will be available on the day of elections. Registration is $198 and transportation will still need to be figured into that. The Conference is a great leadership builder, way to meet lots of new people, learn programming skills, and also learn how to build community in your Residence Halls. Other students from schools around the Nation put on workshops to teach you these skills.

Michelle added that the conference teaches you good leadership and life skills and provides you with great diversity training.

  1. Announcements
  1. TurtleneckEmily

Terrin had turtleneck this past week and added a festive purple build a bear bow. She is handing him off to Daniele for guessing her incorrectly during the icebreaker.

  1. EAT WITH US!!! (please…)Tally



  • President: Trey Quiller
  • Office Hours: Thursdays 10:45-12:45
  • (970)946-8801
  • Vice President: Sam Henry
  • Office Hours: Mondays 11-1
  • (918)346-5088
  • National Communications Coordinator: Emily McBride
  • Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:30-3:30
  • (720)470-1450
  • Executive Administrator: Tally Brown
  • Office Hours: Wednesdays 12-2
  • (303)868-8675

**Our Office is located just before the catwalk in between Telly and Keystone (Room 3211)**