6th Semester



1) Explain briefly the different types of loads for which steel structural elements are designed.

2) List the advantages of HSFG Bolts.

3) Design a lap joint for connecting two plates of sizes 150mmX10mm and 210mmX10mm, safe shear stress in the weld and permissible tensile stress in the plate are 115N/mm2 and 150N/mm2 respectively.

4) What are the advantages of welded joints?

5) An ISLB 400 @ 558N/m is to be used as a simply supported beam to carry floor load over a clear span of 6m with 300mm bearing at the ends. Calculate the max UDL it can carry excluding its own weight.

Take allowable bending stresses as 165N/mm2 and shear stress as 94.5N/mm2 and E=2.1X105N/mm2. Check the design for failure against shear and deflection.

6) Design a steel column 3.6m long in a building subjected to an axial load of 360KN. The ends of the column are effectively restrained in direction and position. Assume fy=250Mpa.

7) Calculate the strength of a ISA 90mmX60mmX8mm used as tie member with its long leg connected at ends by 16mm dia rivets. Permissible stress in tension is 150N/mm2.

8) An ISHB 250 weighing 547N/m is used as a column for supporting on all inclusive load of 1200KN. Design a suitable gusset base plate for the column.

Bearing strength of concrete = 4 N/mm2

Bearing sterngth of steel plate = 189 N/mm2

Shear strength of rivets = 102.5 N/mm2

Bearing strength of rivets = 236 N/mm2

Dia of rivets = 22mm

9) A double angle continuous member is 2ISA 200X100X12mm placed back to back and connected by longer legs to both sides of gussets fillet weld at each end. The effective length of member may be taken as 2.5m. The yield stress of steel used is 400Mpa. Thickness of gusset plate is 16mm. Determine the compressive strength of the member if the angles are tack welded.

10) Define partial safety factors for materials and loads.

11) Calculate the shape factor and plastic moment for the T-section flange 120X20mm & web 100X10mm. Take yield stress as 250N/mm2.

12) A trapezoidal masonry retaining wall is 6m high and 1m wide at top, it retains earth level with the top of the wall. Calculate the minimum bottom width necessary so that no tension is induced at the base. Examine the stability of wall if co efficient of friction is 0.6, angle of repose = 500.

Unit weight of masonry = 22.4KN/m3.

Unit weight of earth = 16KN/m3

13) A masonry dam, trapezoidal in section is 10m high and has a vertical water face. Determine widths at top and bottom if the normal pressure at the base varies uniformly 50KN/m2 at one side and 250KN/m2 at the other. The depth of water impounded is 9m.

Unit weight of masonry = 23KN/m3.

Unit weight of earth = 10KN/m3

14) List the advantages and Disadvantages of bolted connections

15) Define Nominal dia of bolt, Gross dia of bolt, Net area of bolt, gross area of bolt.

16) Two steel plates 100mm x 10mm and 80mm x 12mm are connected by 6mm fillet weld. Find the maximum force transmitted in the joint and the lap length. Assume allowable stress in steel -150 N/mm2. Allowable stress in weld is105 N/mm2.

17) Define(a) Size of weld.(b)Throat thickness (c)area of weld

18) Mention the difference between Fillet weld and Butt-weld.

19) A simply supported beam of span 6m carries 40 KN/m super imposed load .

20) Design the rolled steel beam and also check for shear and deflection

21) An ISLB 400 @ 569 N/m with cover plates 300 mmx 20 mm is used as a columN for supporting total load of 1500KN. Design a gusseted base plate the column. Assume bearing strength of concrete 5 N/mm2 and bearing strength of steel base plate 190N/mm2

22) A strut in a truss is 3.25 m long and is subjected to an axial compressive forceof500 KN. The member consists of two unequal angles. Design the section. The permissible compressive stress fro the member shall be taken conforming to I.S specifications. Take fy= 250 N/mm2

23) Explain the method of calculating the net area of

  1. Single angle at one side of gusset plate.
  2. Double angle placed back to back on one side of gusset plate

24) Design a single angle tension member to carry tensile load of 150KN

25) What are the method of plastic analysis of steel structures.

26) Differentiate between web buckling and web crippling

27) A Simply supported beam 5m span carries uniformly distributed load of 40kn/m,in addition, the beam carries a central point load of 50kn. The beam is laterally supported. Design the section and check the section for shear and deflection.

28) A masonry dam trapezoidal in section, retains water on its vertical face other details are as follows.

Height of dam =12m.

Maximum depth of water stored –11m.

Top width of dam =2m

Density of masonry –23kN/m3

Density of water – 10 kN/m3

Coefficient of friction between the foundation masonry and soil = 0.57.

Find the minimum bottom width required and also check for stability

A retaining wall1.2m wide at top and 3mwide at base with vertical face retaining earth is 5m high. The surface of earth is in level with the top of retaining wall. The earth pressure varies from zero at top to 35KN/m2at the bottom . Determine the maximum and minimum stress intensity at the base. Given unit weight of masonryas25 KN/m3 and weight of earth is 15 KN/m3. Check the stability of wall if co-efficient of friction is 0.6