Reading to Understand Myself
Grade 6
Stage 1: Desired ResultsCommon Core Standards:
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly
as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Overarching Grade Level EQs:
How do my past experiences affect who I am?
How do I decide who I am?
Overarching Grade Level EUs:
The way I choose to think about the inevitable ups and downs in life affect
the way I respond to new experiences?
I have strengths and interests that I can choose to develop.
I develop my values based on people and ideas I respect.
Process Standards 1.5, 1.6
Enduring Understandings:
Students will understand that . . .
I can develop many strategies to help me make sense of my reading so that I can learn from my reading experiences.
Texts come in many genres; knowing about the wide range of texts increases the ways I can learn about myself.
In my reading, I can learn from how characters and actual people have navigated the highs and lows of their lives. {Problem solving}
From my reading and discussion, I can learn about the qualities and values of others, both fictional and real.
Learning about others’ qualities and values helps me clarify my own. / Essential Questions:
- Who am I as a reader?
- What can I do if I don’t understand what I am reading?
- What kinds of texts help me to understand myself?
- How is being a member of a learning community an important part of my growth, both as a reader and as a person?
Students will know that . . .
- Using personal data is important in setting realistic goals and reflecting on individual growth
- Reflecting on learning and growth are essential to deciding how to use that learning in new ways.
- Using the six traits of reading when reading rigorous text enhances the depth of my understanding
- Reading a variety of text will help me to better understand myself.
- Marking text helps hold my thinking as I read.
- Writing what the author says in my own words, or paraphrasing, helps me understand the text.
- Summarization requires an active reader who marks text, paraphrases, and rereads.
- Summarization helps me piece together the most important ideas in the text with the relevant supporting details.
- Rereading text enhances a deeper understanding of the text.
- Vocabulary:
Su / Skills
Students will be able to . . .(‘I Cans’)
ICT 1A: Follow an inquiry process to construct new understandings, draw conclusions, and create new knowledge.
Follow, monitor, and reflect on an inquiry process to :
a. identify an information need.
f. seek feedback.
h. evaluate the results.
i. use critical thinking skills to adapt process, as necessary, to fulfill purpose.
- I can self-reflect using data to set goals. (ICT 1Aa,h)
- I can reflect on my own work and identify what I have learned, how I have grown, and explain how the learning links to previous learning and how it can be used in the future. (ICT 1Ab, i)
- I can use a graphic organizer or other note-taking strategy to record relevant information. (ICT 5A)
- I can develop vocabulary through my reading. (R1E)
- I can set a purpose for my reading (R1Fd)
- I can aid my comprehension and demonstrate my active reading strategies by marking text with questions, visualizations, connections, and predictions.
- I can identify the main idea and relevant details to support the main idea. (R1Hb)
- I can reflect (R1He)
- I can draw conclusions. (R1Hf)
- I can paraphrase. (R1Hh)
- I can summarize to understand and interpret text after I read. (R1Hi)
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Performance Task A:Cold read
“What Happened During the Ice Storm” and constructed response questions. (Graded)
Performance Task B: Reflection and evidence of growth for portfolio. See below. (Not graded)
Goal: To prove learning by showing growth demonstrated in the evidence from this unit.
Role: Teacherof middle school students
Audience: Student you are evaluating (self)
Situation:Today, YOU are the teacher. You have collected all of the evidence from your “student,” and it is your job to determine what that evidence proves about the student’s learning. See YOU be the Teacher handout. As a good teacher, you will give honest feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of each piece of evidence. Still, remember that learning is a process. You should be on the lookout for growth.
Product:Comprehension, thetrait of reading evaluated during this unit has its own “Report Card.” On this Report Card is a place for you to evaluate the quality of the evidence provided which supports this particular trait. First, you will evaluate the quality of the evidence individually. Then, you will consider how all the evidence works together to show mastery of the trait. Just like a real teacher, you are expected to provide your “student” feedback about their attainment of the skill. This will be done in the “Notes to Students” portion of the Report Card.
Standards and Criteria for Success:
- Score each piece of evidence on how it demonstrates achievement of the “I CAN” statement by using the Rubric for Evidence.
- Consider all the pieces together that demonstrate your ability to comprehend to rate your overall performance.
- Reflect on the evidence and describe your growth.
- Baseline Reading Assessment
- Reading goals
- Reflection rubric
- I CAN portfolio
- Conference notes
- Reading Log
- Independent Reading Reflection
- Article of the Week analysis
- Article of the Week quizzes
- Interactive Reader Response
- Summarization Rubric
- Reflection Rubric
- Six Traits of Reading Rubric
Stage 3: Learning Plan
See Resource section for lesson plans