NevadaCounty 4H Dog Show
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Registration at 8:30 Show begins at 9:00
Show Site: Williams Ranch School14804 Pleasant Valley Rd. Penn Valley, CA95946
The Nevada County 4H Dog Show is open to all 4Her’s in Nevada & Placer County who are in good standing with their club and in their dog project in their respective counties.
High Point Awards will be given out in the following classes: obedience, rally and showmanship.
Be a responsible dog owner and clean up after your dog!!!!
- All dogs must be on a leash or in a crate at all times (do not leave your dog unattended in a vehicle because of the heat).
- All dogs must be properly vaccinated and exhibitors must provide proof of rabies vaccination for their dogs at time of registration, dog will not be allowed to show.
- Aggressive dogs and/or exhibitors who do not properly control their dogs will be asked to leave the show site.
- All exhibitors and spectators will display good sportsmanship.
- Dogs can be shown in each class only one time (unless more than one family member needs to use the same dog).
- Exhibitors can enter more that one dog in an obedience class as long as they are in different levels.
- Substitutions can be made the day of the show due to injury or a bitch coming in season but must be made at the time of registration.
- NO treats will be allowed in any classes except showmanship. Exhibitors using treats will be dismissed from their class.
- The dog’s years of experience is based on their participation in the 4H dog project. Please use your best judgment on level of class for your dog.
- Age divisions are subject to change depending on entries received. Decisions of the judges and show superintendent are final.
- The NevadaCounty 4H and WilliamsRanchSchool are not responsible for lost/stolen items or accidents during the day of the show.
Obedience- AKC rules will be followed with modifications made to the judging/scoring sheets. There will be three levels of Obedience based on the experience of the dog and handler. Pee- Wee/Pre-Novice for exhibitors who are between the ages of (5-8). Pre-Novice A JR. for those dogs in their first year of showing in obedience. Pre-Novice A SR. for those dogs who have shown before but are not ready for off leash. Novice A JR. for those who have shown before and are doing off leash obedience (will NOT included drop on recall). Novice B SR. for those dogs who have shown before off leash and will include DROP ON RECALL. The High Point Award will be given to the exhibitor (from all age divisions) with the highest score.
Showmanship – AKC rules will be followed with modifications made to the judging/scoring. In Showmanship, the handler is being judged on their ability to show their dog. Exhibitors will move their dogs around the ring as a group, will complete individual patterns at the judge’s discretion, and will be asked to show their dog to the judge individually. Questions will also be asked concerning dog body parts and/ or dog care. Questions may also be asked on basic show knowledge. The High Point Award will be given out after the first place winners of each age division come back in and compete against each other for “Best Junior Handler”.
Rally is a sport in which the dog and handler complete a course that has been designed by the rally judge. The judge tells the handler to begin, and the dog and handler proceed at their own pace through a course of designated stations (10 - 20, depending on the level). Each of these stations has a sign providing instructions regarding the next skill that is to be performed. Scoring is not as rigorous as traditional obedience. Pee-Wee/Pre-Novice for exhibitors who are between the ages of (5-8).
Novice (9 and up) – this is the first level for those just getting started in competition.
- All exercises are performed with the dog on leash.
- There is a requirement of 10-15 stations to complete with no more than five stationary exercises.
- The exercises performed vary from turning 360 degrees to changing paces during the course.
- Exhibitors at this level may clap their hands and pat their legs through the course.
Advanced – this is the second level, which includes more difficult exercises throughout the course.
- All exercises are performed off-leash.
- There is a requirement of 12-17 stations with no more than seven stationary exercises.
- Exercises include a jump as well as calling your dog to the front of you instead of to a heel position.