Teaching Strategies GOLD Objectives 24-36 Program Expectations
Teachers must observe and document a child’s skill and interest level for each objective. These data points will determine how we score the checkpoint as no data yet, emerging, or meets program expectation. When we see growth in some but not all areas, you will score as emerging. When you see evidence of success in all bulleted areas, you will score as meeting expectations.
See pages 123-159 for further details and strategies.
As you create and explore opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child creates and responds to the objectives. Focus your observations on how and when the child…
Science and Technology Objectives
24. Uses scientific inquiry skills.
- Collects, describes and records about science through observation, investigation and active play.
- Perform simple investigations through predictions (observations, conclusions & form generalizations).
25. Demonstrates Knowledge of the characteristics of living things.
- Understanding that living things grow, change and reproduce.
- Classify living and non-living things.
- Demonstrates awareness that living things live in difference environments.
26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and
- Explores and describes ways that objects can be moved in natural forces or human manipulation e.g. wind, gravity, pushing, pulling.
- Describes and discusses properties of materials e.g. metal, wood, plastic, paper.
- Describes and discusses that the physical properties of objects and materials can change e.g. when ice becomes a liquid, rotting apples, wood becomes ash.
27. Demonstrates knowledge of Earth’s environment.
- Demonstrates awareness of changes in seasons, weather
- Demonstrates understanding that people can affect the environment in positive and negative ways
28. Uses tools and other technology to perform tasks.
- Uses senses and tools (tweezers, tongue depressors, rulers, tape measures), including technology, to gather information, investigate materials, observe processes and cause/effect relationships.
Social Studies Objectives
29. Demonstrates knowledge about self.
- Demonstrates understanding that each person has unique characteristics, ways of communicating and ways of solving problems.
- Communicates that each person is part of a family that has unique characteristics.
- Shows awareness that each person has basic needs that must be met to stay healthy, e.g., food, clothing, shelter.
30. Shows basic understanding of people and how they live.
- Shows awareness that there are similarities and differences among people and families.
31. Explores change related to familiar people or places.
- Notices changes in people (for example, physical changes or changes in skills); notices changes in time (for example, seasons, routine, or order of events). Notices various roles within the community.
32. Demonstrates simple geographic knowledge.
- Demonstrates understanding that we are surrounded by geographical features, e.g., mountain, hill, lake, river, and there is specific information that identifies a location, e.g., address.
- Shows increasing understanding that maps are tools with symbols that help us locate objects, find where we are, and where we are going.
The Arts Objectives
33. Explores the visual arts.
- Explores and cares for different materials, tools and
the process of creating.
- Shows appreciation for (notices/recognizes) various mediums
(color, line, form, texture, space and design), analyzes and
describes his/her or others’ artwork.
- Carries out projects with increasing intent and detail.
34. Explores musical concepts and expression.
- Participates and experiments with a variety of musical activities and genres (i.e. - but not limited to folk, classical, hip hop, rock, jazz, acapella, multicultural and instruments).
- Shows increasing awareness of various components of music: melody (tune), pitch (high and low sounds),rhythm (the beat), tempo (speed), dynamics (changes in volume), timbre (distinguishing sound of one instrument or voice from another).
35. Explores dance and movement concepts.
- Responds to selected varieties of music, literature, or vocal
tones to express their feelings and ideas thru creative
- Shows awareness of contrast through use of dance elements
e.g., time: fast/slow; space: high/middle/low; energy: hard/soft.
- Demonstrates spatial awareness, location, directions, levels and
36. Explores drama through actions and language.
- Communicates a message or story through action anddialog.
- Represents ideas through drama (pretends to be the
big bad wolf).
- Notices and recognizes the dramatizations of others.
- Understands the difference between fantasy and reality.
Update 6/28/13p/forms/coaching/GOLD13objectives