Type Title of Document Here [Title style]


Division/Department if applicable

Company Name if applicable

Address 1

Address 2 [All information in this area uses the Author style]

Abstract [Heading 1 style]

[Body Text style] The poster must be original work. The abstract should include a concise description of the results and findings of the research. The abstract text, including the figures (optional), is limited to 1 page maximum, and must be in English and use SI units.

Example: Burning rate is a key factor in modeling fire growth and fire endurance of wood structures. This study investigated the burning rate of selected wood materials as determined by heat release, mass, loss and charring rates. Thick samples of redwood, pine, red oak and basswood were tested in a heat release rate calorimeter. Results on ignitability and average heat release, mass loss and charring rates are reported for a heat flux range between 15 and 55 kW m-2. It was found that ….

CATEGORY: General poster OR Student poster. Note: the category of “Student poster” means that the first author is a student. For this, please suggest the details, e.g. Student poster (Ph. D Student).

KEYWORDS: At least 3 keywords are required with all letters in lower case and not bold.

Optional DOcument Components

1.  Symbols in the text should be italic. Symbol definitions should include the units of the symbol.

2.  If necessary, equations can be used in the abstract, but must be inserted into the text of the abstract.

3.  If necessary, 1-2 figures can be used in the abstract. Each figure must have a number and caption [Caption style] (see the example on the right hand). A single space separates the word Fig. and the figure number, as well as the figure number and caption. Number figures consecutively with Arabic numerals.

References [Heading 1 style]

·  Indicate references in the text using full-size numbers in brackets, i.e., [1]. References are numbered consecutively in the text.

·  Include the full title in the references list [Reference style]. The reference style formats the indented paragraph and applies consecutive numbers to items in the list.

[1]  McCaffrey, B.J., Quintiere, J.Q. and Harkleroad, M.F. (1981) Estimating Room Temperatures and the Likelihood of Flashover Using Fire Test Data Correlations, Fire Technology 17:98-119,

[2]  Drysdale, D., An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1985, p. 146.

[3]  Heskestad, G., “Fire Plumes,” The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering (2nd ed), DiNenno P.J. (ed.), National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269, 1995, p. 2/9.

[4]  Hall, J.R., “On People and Chance: the ‘Hard’ Facts about the ‘Soft’ Branches of Fire Safety Science,” Fire Safety Science -- Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, International Association for Fire Safety Science, 2000, pp. 23-40.

[5]  Davis, W.D. and Reneke, P., “Predicting Smoke Concentration in the Ceiling Jet,” National Institute of Standards and Technology, Report NISTIR 6480, Gaithersburg, MD, 2000, 12 p.