TactranActive Travel Grant 2017/18
The Tactran Active Travel Grant provides capital funding in the financial year 2017/18 to create infrastructure that enables more people to cycle and walk for everyday, utility journeys throughout the region. The grant is based on Sustrans Scotland’s Community Links criteria and applications should addressthe aims and objectives of the Tactran Regional Transport Strategy Refresh 2015-2036, with particular focus on strategy 5.3 Active Travel.Any active travel infrastructure has to include an element of cycling. Please refer to the Essential Information & Scoring Criteria document for full guidance on completing this form.
Application form
Name of organisation making application:Project name:
Type of organisation making application:
Local Authority
National Park
Health Board
Educational establishment
Other statutory body
Community organisation working in partnership with any of the organisations above
Main contact name (person with project or financial responsibility):
Partner organisations and main contact details (if any):
Address/Location of project where grant will be spent:
Project description(Please provide an overview ofyour projectand list the specific work that you will use the grant funding to deliver. Attach map of route(s)/relevant documentation):
7. Deliverability
a)Project and funding / Total grant applied for: £
Project cost breakdown:
Item Description / Cost
Total Cost / £
Match funding:
Financial: £
Staff resources: £
Other (please specify): £
Match funding confirmed:Yes No
If no, confirmed by:
Please state match-funder(s):
Anticipated start and completion dates of project (Must be complete by 31 March 2017):
b)Required permissions / Are planning permissions, landowner consent, Traffic Regulation Ordersor any other legal requirements needed?Yes No(If yes, please outline status and attach relevant documentation):
c)Evidence of the design / Is this a construction project?Yes No (If yes, please outline progress of design and attach relevant documentation):
All applicants please outline how your project is in line with the relevant design guidance:
8.Project Justification
a)Everyday journeys / How might this project make everyday journeys by foot or by bike easier?Who and how people many will benefit?
b)Demand / What evidence is there of public need or demand in the project? How has the community been involved in the development of the project?
c)Regional significance & cooperation / Does this project address a cross-boundary or regionally significant demand? Have you partnered with other regional stakeholders?
d)Tactran Regional Transport Strategy 2015-2036 / How does the project support the Regional Transport Strategy Refresh 2015-2036, in particular strategy 5.3 Active Travel?
e)Contribution to other objectives / How does the project support or form part of other local, regional or national objectives?
f)Monitoring and evaluation / How will you monitor and evaluate your project?
g)Additional information / Please provide any additional information that may help us to assess your application(e.g. complimentary smarter choices measures, promotions, innovative concepts):
Please return your completed form to Nina Gillespie:
Bordeaux House
31 Kinnoull Street
Tactran-Active Travel Grant-ApplicationForm17/181