Prior to becoming a participant, a state should already be placing its SID Number on

fingerprint submissions sent to the FBI’s CJIS Division. In addition, the state must advise the III staff at the FBI’s CJIS Division of the following:

A. The date (which must be on a Sunday) the state requests to begin participation.

B. The ORI to be used by the state for file maintenance messages and Purpose Code

A messages.

C. Whether the state’s SID Number is to be zero-filled if the state’s SID Number is

composed of less than 10 characters. If required, the zero[s] is inserted after the state

code and before any other characters, e.g., Maryland SID 12345 would be entered as


D. The date of the arrest (DOA) cut-off date wherein the state will begin to receive

unsolicited messages for arrests that occur on or subsequent to that date. Some

states use as their DOA cut-off date January 1 of the year in which they become a

participant, others use the date they became a sole-source contributor, and some states

do not use a date. Agencies that do not establish a cut-off date want to be notified

every time a record containing their data is entered into the III regardless of the date

of arrest.

E. Whether the state wants the FBI’s CJIS Division to discontinue mailing paper


F. Whether the state wants two additional III synchronizations, along with the required

biannual synchronizations. (More information on synchronizations is provided in

Chapter 4 of this manual.)

G. The medium and specifications for III synchronizations. (Chapter 4 and Appendix

F of this manual furnish more information on this topic.)

H. The purpose codes the state can support based on state law. (Chapter 2 provides

details concerning purpose codes.)

I. The III operational and technical primary contacts for its state.

J. Whether the state wants the CFN and/or CFR (applicant submissions) messages.

K. Whether the state requires the NLETS Control Field (NCF) data and if so, the

positions of the data.

L. The line designated as the preferred line to receive unsolicited messages if the

state has more than one NCIC telecommunications line.

To participate in the III, a state must meet the following standards:


A. The state must have a central repository for CHRI with ten print identification

capability, i.e., the ability to match ten print impressions. Although full technical

fingerprint search capability is desirable, it is not a requirement.

B. The state’s central repository must serve as the sole conduit for the transmission of

arrest, judicial, and correctional fingerprint impressions for criterion offenses within

the state to the FBI’s CJIS Division (for sole source submissions). Submission of

related final disposition reports and expungements to the FBI’s CJIS Division via the

central repository is desirable. Sole source submission of information to the FBI’s

CJIS Division should not be unduly delayed by the state agency.

C. The state’s central repository must maintain the subject’s fingerprint impressions or

a copy of them as the basic source document of each indexed record to support each

arrest event in the criminal history record.

D. The central repository must agree to continue submitting to the FBI’s CJIS Division

all criterion arrest, court, and correctional fingerprint impressions and, when possible,

the related final disposition reports.