bird survey form.doc
Neotropical Migratory Birds Recorded in the SourlandMountain Region
Note: These are not lists of all birds recorded in the Sourlands. Rather, they are lists of birds that breed or stop over in the Sourlands and migrate to Mexico and/or Central and South America in winter.
Neotropical migrants breeding in Sourlands forested habitat
American redstart
blue-gray gnatcatcher
common yellowthroat
eastern wood pewee
flycatcher, Acadian
flycatcher, great crested
hawk, broad-winged*
hawk, cooper’s*
hawk, sharp shinned*
ruby throated hummingbird
scarlet tanager
vireo, red-eyed
vireo, yellow-throated
warbler, black and white
warbler, hooded
warbler, Kentucky
warbler, pine
warbler, worm-eating
wood thrush
Neotropical migrants breeding in Sourlands forest edge habitat
Baltimore oriole
cedar waxwing
cuckoo, black-billed
cuckoo, yellow-billed
indigo bunting
rose-breasted grosbeak
warbling vireo
Neotropical migrants breeding in Sourlands early successional areas, and/or open shrublands
blue-gray gnatcatcher
blue grosbeak
Chimney swift
common yellowthroat
eastern kingbird
flycatcher, alder
flycatcher, least
flycatcher, willow
gray catbird
orchard oriole
purple martin
ruby throated hummingbird
swallow, barn (open area)
swallow, northern rough winged
swallow, tree (open area)
warbler, blue-winged
warbler, chestnut-sided
warbler, prairie
warbler, yellow
white-eyed vireo
yellow-breasted chat
Neotropical migrants breeding in Sourlands grasslands, hayfields
American kestrel*
eastern meadowlark
sparrow, grasshopper
sparrow, Henslow’s
sparrow, savannah
upland sandpiper (now rare)
Neotropical stopover migrants
Neotropical migrants passing through on migration, not breeding in Sourlands
warbler, Tennesse
warbler, bay-breasted
warbler, blackburnian
warbler, black-throated blue
warbler, black-throated green
warbler, Canada
warbler, cerulean
warbler, golden-winged
warbler, magnolia
warbler, Nashville
warbler, northern parula
warbler, palm
warbler, wilson’s
warbler, yellow throated
warbler, yellow-rumped (Myrtle race)
waterthrush, Louisiana
waterthrush, northern
yellow-bellied sapsucker
Various habitats
vulture, black*
vulture, turkey*
*birds with * are cases where more research is needed to understand where individual populations migrate or “shift” during winter. We know that many individuals of these species appear in Mexico and Central America during the fall migration, but other individuals are recorded in breeding areas and elsewhere along the flyway.
bird survey form.doc