Department of Psychological Sciences

Staff Research Committee

24th November 2011


Present: Mike Oaksford (MO, Chair), Jacqueline Barnes (JB), Martin Eimer (ME), Mark Johnson, (MJ), Naomi Adams (NA, minutes)

Apologies: Rick Cooper

1. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes were approved.

2. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting

2.1 Grant overhead returns

NA said that she would email June Molloy to check this.

3.  New research grants since June 2011

Economic & Social Research Council / Mareschal, D Dr / 423,182
British Academy / Dick, F Dr / 7,296
Baily Thomas Charitable Fund / Bird, G Dr / 57,811
British Academy / Bird, G Dr / 7,155
European Commission / Mareschal, D Prof / 458,509
Medical Research Council / Senju, A Dr / 1,012,838
Simons Foundation USA / Johnson, M Prof / 449,778
Royal Society / Mareschal, D Prof / 101,000

4.  Research Studentships

4.1  GTAs and whether they are affordable

The Committee discussed the GTA programme, which has brought in good students and teaching assistants, but is running at costs of in excess of £100k per year, and with two overseas students, at its peak could cost £180k per year. However the department wants to keep up good PhD student numbers for REF, so stopping the programme before that would not look good. It was agreed to keep it up, but with an intake of 2 students per year until REF, i.e. with no entry in 2013/14.

Emma Meaburn has been awarded a Bloomsbury studentship to start in 2012/13.

5.  REF

5.1  Impact Dry Run

ME reported that he and NA had attended the College’s Impact Briefing Session. The Department will need 4 case studies – Ted Melhuish and Jacqueline Barnes are preparing their templates at present, to be complete by the start of January 2012. ME said that he had spoken to Annette Karmiloff Smith about providing a third, and that the fourth will probably come out of a grouping of CBCD/Brain and Behaviour lab, possibly with a focus on Autism if the evidence trail can be found – ME and MJ will meet with Leslie Tucker to see what can be done. Possibilities for other case studies include Anne Miles/Jonathan Smith, and Tim Smith, but there may not have been enough impact in the period to support these.

5.2  Publications Dry Run

ME reported that there is to be a ‘light touch’ publications dry run – really an update of publication lists – in January, Trevor Pearce is to send out details shortly. NA is to ask staff to update their previous submissions. Decisions on who to submit will not take place until early 2013, but the submission rate across the College is likely to be lower than in 2008.

5.3  Post Ref – Top 20 institutions/departments

The implications of not finishing in the top 20 institutions could be great as it may be that those outside would be barred form applying for research council funding. However as it will not be clear what the impact will be exactly as funding will not be decided until the REF results are out, it is difficult to plan for. The Master is implying the submission will be more selective in order to finish as high up the ‘League table’ as possible.

6.  Requests for Funding

Naz Derakhshan - £500 – publication costs

It was unclear from the form exactly what the claim was for, NA is to ask ND to clarify.

7.  Centre for Educational Neuroscience

MO reported that there had been several policy meetings with government officials, and the IoE have appointed a dedicated Senior Lecturer for CEN. One of the Psychological sciences lecturers form Monday’s interviews is to be earmarked for CEN. The department is due to pay £5k to support the CEN in 2011/12.

8.  Space issues.

8.1  Update on 5th floor revamp and testing space

The 5th floor revamp is complete some snagging issues. MO is to go to the Science Estates meetings.

8.2  Bedford Square

JB reported that there is still some confusion over the moving dates for ISCFSI from Bedford Square to the 6th floor Malet St. External storage has been found for much of the data.

8.3  How to get more space (profit this year Wellcome)

MO said that a plan for developing more of the basement into lab space is to go into a CEN bid to the Wellcome Trust.

9.  AOB

MJ suggested when applying for new lab space to target a ‘motion capture’ room as this could be used by several members of staff. Wolfson might be a good funder for this type of project. Mo said that there might be a call for bids from Wellcome after Christmas, and that the more junior staff should be involved in any bid. The Wohl Foundation was suggested as another possible funder. Potential staff members who might be involved include Marie Smith, Tim Smith, Matt Longo, Fred Dick.

10.  Date of next meeting

1st March 2012