NELTA (North East London Teaching Alliance)

NELTA (North East London Teaching Alliance)

NELTA (North East London Teaching Alliance)

Initial Teacher Training Criteria compliance

Criteria / How it will be met / How will we know it is being met? / Location
Entry criteria
C1.1 That all entrants have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade C in the GCSE examinations in English and mathematics / UCAS application form scrutiny
Document scrutiny at interview including a check of GCSE English and Maths certificates
Any non UK qualifications to be NARIC checked for equivalency – applicants to provide NARIC certificate at interview
Copies of appropriate certificates taken at enrolment / Copies of original certificates
Checked on enrolment
Verified by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee / Trainee file
Central record
C1.2 That, in the case of graduate programmes of ITT, all entrants hold a first degree of a United Kingdom higher education institution or equivalent qualification. / UCAS application form scrutiny
Document scrutiny at interview
Any non UK qualifications to be NARIC checked for equivalency – applicants to provide NARIC certificate at interview
Copies of appropriate certificates taken at enrolment
Use of Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland where necessary / Copies of original certificates
Checked on enrolment
Verified by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee / Trainee file
Central record
C1.3That all entrants, as part of the provider's selection procedures, have taken part in a rigorous selection process designed to assess their suitability to teach. / Shortlisting by NELTA Directors
Interview process
Interview procedures promote equality of opportunity and avoid discrimination
Interview procedures check on intellectual and academic ability and ability to communicate clearly
Identity check
Check on health and physical capacity to teach for non-salaried trainees
Disclosure and Barring Service checks for non-salaried trainees
ITT vetting form confirming the above checks sent to placement schools
Criminal record checks for overseas applicants
Prohibition check on Teachers Services System
Confirmation of occupational health checks and DBS from employing school for salaried trainees / Shortlisting cover sheet
Interview invitation
Interview outcome records
Verified by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee
Identity check completed by HR at enrolment
Verified by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee
Occupational Health check completed by HR
Verified by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee
DBS check completed by HR
Verified by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee
ITT vetting form
Verified by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee
Criminal record check completed by HR
Verified by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee
Prohibition check completed by HR
Verified by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee
ITT vetting form completed by employing school
Verified by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee / Trainee file
Central record
Central record and trainee files
Central record and trainee files
Central record and trainee files
Central record and trainee files
Central record and trainee files
Central record and trainee files
Central record and trainee files
C1.4That all entrants beginning ITT on or after 1 August 2013 have passed the professional skills tests prior to entry. / Check on skills tests results / Print out from DFE ITT Providers Results Portal
Verified by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee / Trainee file
Central record
How it will be met / How will we know it is being met? / Location
Training criteria
C2.1That the content, structure, delivery and assessment of programmes are designed to:
a) enable trainee teachers to meet all the standards for QTS across the age range of training, and
b) ensure that no trainee teacher is recommended for the award of QTS until they have met all of the standards for QTS. / Through the delivery of a high quality, school led programme of initial teacher training / Content, structure and delivery of the programme
Mentor assessment and feedback
Professional Practice Reports
Tutor assessment, visit reports and feedback
Trainee Professional Development File – evidence against the Standards
Final assessment procedures including moderation and final assessment form
External moderators report / Trainee and mentor handbook
Recruitment literature
Programme documentation – NELTA website
Trainee portfolio
Trainee file
Trainee file
Trainee portfolio
Trainee file
Central file
C2.2That they prepare all trainee teachers to teach within one of the following age phases:
Ages 11-16 (secondary) / Recruitment literature and programme design documentation
Advice for mentors and trainees
Trainee timetables
Partnership agreements
Tutor visit reports
Second placement report
Primary placement report
KS5 observations/feedback
Checked by Principal at half-termly reviews
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee / UCAS entry profile
Trainee and mentor handbook
Trainee and mentor handbook
Trainee portfolio
Central file
Trainee file
Trainee file
Trainee file
Trainee portfolio
Half-termly reviews
C2.3That training programmes are designed to provide trainee teachers with sufficient time being trained in schools, early years and/or further education settings to enable them to demonstrate that they have met all the standards for QTS. This means they would typically be structured to include at least the following periods of time to be spent in training in schools, early years or further education settings
A one, two or three year undergraduate programme / 120 days (24 weeks)
Employment based programme – as determined by the programme / Checks on number of days spent in schools (at least 120)
Check on age and ability range of school based training
Partner schools capacity to undertake their responsibilities / ITT programme documentation and calendar
Checked by Principal
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee
Tutor visit reports
Professional Practice Reports
Checked by Principal at half-termly reviews
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee
ITT programme documentation
Tutor visit reports
Check on most recent Ofsted report for partner school
Tutor visits
Partnership Agreement
Removing a trainee from a placement procedure / Trainee and mentor handbook
Programme documentation – NELTA website
Central record
Trainee and mentor handbook
Trainee file
Half-termly reviews
Placement spreadsheet
Trainee file
Central file
Programme documentation – NELTA website
C2.4That each trainee has taught in at least two schools / Ensuring that trainees teach in at least two schools / ITT programme documentation and calendar
Professional Practice Reports
Tutor visit reports
Second placement report
Lesson observation reports from at least two schools
Checked by Principal at half-termly reviews
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee / Trainee and mentor handbook
Programme documentation – NELTA website
Trainee file
Trainee file
Trainee file
Trainee portfolio
Half-termly review
Management and quality assurance criteria / How it will be met / How will we know it is being met? / Location
C3.1That their management structure ensures the effective operation of the training programme. / NELTA Strategic Director and the NELTA strategic board and BMAT trustees will ensure that we comply with the current ITT criteria and provide the opportunity for trainees to demonstrate that they meet all of the standards for QTS / Organisational structure and NELTA strategic board terms of reference
SCITT compliance spreadsheet
NELTA strategic board minutes
BMAT trustee meeting minutes
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee / Central file
BMAT trust manager
BMAT trust manager
C3.2That partners establish a partnership agreement setting out the roles and responsibilities of each partner. Provision that is not school-led must assure the significant role of schools in recruiting, selecting, training and assessing trainee teachers. / A clear, working document will be used to guide and inform the contributions of each partner, and help to support coherent arrangements across the various contexts in which the training takes place
Roles and responsibilities of each partner will be agreed by all partners
The partnership’s quality assurance procedures, the content and delivery of each of the ITT programmes, policies for equality of opportunity and the formal organisation and management of the partnership will be addressed in the partnership agreement. The partnership agreement will make reference, for example, to the functions of groups and committees in managing the partnership and the ways in which resources are allocated among partners. It will set out the criteria for removing schools from the partnership, particularly where quality issues arise. / Partnership Agreement
Trainee Agreement
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee / Central file
Trainee file
C3.3That they comply with all current legislation relevant to ITT. / Compliance with The Education (School Teachers’ Qualifications) (England) Regulations 2003 (SI 1662) set out the statutory requirements for QTS in England
Compliance with The Education (Specified Work) (England) Regulations 2012 (SI 762) specify what requirements must be satisfied by individuals who are not qualified teachers in order to be able to carry out specified work in schools
Compliance with legislation relating to equality, discrimination and employment applies to ITT providers (see also criterion C1.3). Providers must ensure their provision complies with the Equality Act 2010
Compliance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998, in relation to holding and processing personal data, and to the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Compliance with the duty under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (the CTSA 2015), to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism” / See C.1, C.2, C.3, C.4 and C2 above
Salaried trainee contract of employment
Verification document from employing school
Checked by NELTA Principal
Recruitment, selection and training demonstrates equal opportunities related to the following protected characteristics—
  • age;
  • disability;
  • gender reassignment;
  • marriage and civil partnership;
  • pregnancy and maternity;
  • race;
  • religion or belief;
  • sex;
  • sexual orientation
Personal data secured physically, locked filing cabinet in locked room
Personal data stored electronically on password protected computer systems
Policies and procedures
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee
ITT programme documentation and calendar
Policies and procedures
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee / Employing school HR records
Recruitment and selection policy
Equal opportunities and diversity policy:

Programme documentation
See C1.3 above
Information and Communication Technology policy:
of Information Act policy:

Trainee and mentor handbook
Programme documentation – NELTA website
Preventing Extremism and RadicalisationPolicy:

C3.4That they monitor, evaluate and moderate all aspects of provision rigorously and demonstrate how these contribute to securing improvements in the quality of training and the assessment of trainees. / The pursuit of excellence in all of the ITE partnership’s activities is demonstrated by an uncompromising and highly successful drive to strongly improve, or sustain, the highest levels of provision and outcomes over a sustained period of time.
Leaders and managers base their actions on a deep and accurate understanding of the ITE partnership’s performance and strengths.
All leaders and managers focus relentlessly on continually improving the quality of provision and outcomes for trainees. / Moderation procedures
External examiner report
Self-evaluation document
SCITT improvement plan
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee
Strategic Board meeting minutes
Trust meeting minutes / Central file
Central file
Central file
Central file
Employment based criteria / How it will be met / How will we know it is being met? / Location
C4.1For the period of training all applicants must be employed as unqualified teachers at a school, and (except applicants employed in academies or independent schools) must be paid in accordance with at least point one on the unqualified teachers’ pay scale for the period of their training / Advice to employing schools
Employee contracts / Contract of employment
Partnership Agreement
HR/Finance records
Principal to check verification document from employing schools / Employing school contract of employment
Central file
HR/Finance records of employing schools
C4.2Applicants are only admitted to employment-based programmes by either the National College for Teaching and Leadership or by an accredited provider / See C1 above / See C1 above / See C1 above
C4.3No applicant will be required to perform more than 90 per cent of the teaching duties normally required of a full-time qualified teacher / In agreement with employing schools at partnership interview and in partnership agreement / Partnership Agreement
Tutor visits
Trainee timetables
Checked by Principal at half-termly reviews
QA by internal moderator
QA at biannual compliance committee / Central file
Trainee file
Trainee file/Trainee portfolio
Half-termly reviews
C4.4All entrants to the Overseas-Trained Teacher Programme must have successfully completed a programme of professional training for teachers outside the United Kingdom, which is recognised as such a programme of training by the competent authority in that country, in a country:
a) outside the European Economic Area (EEA)10, or
b) within the EEA, for non-EEA nationals without an EEA spouse or dependent. / n/a / n/a / n/a