Kielder Parish Council
PRESENT:Cllr. Graham (Chair), Cllr. David Howe, Cllr. S Temple, Cllr. Bradford, R Ridgway (Clerk) and three members of the public.
2017/166 / 1. / APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllrs. G Howe and S Banks.2017/167 / 2. / MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed, proposed by Cllr. Graham, seconded by Cllr. Howe and signed as a true record.
2017/168 / 3. / DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr. Temple declared an interest in the Lynx release in relation to his employment by the Forestry Commission.
2017/169 / 4. / MATTERS ARISING
a) Play Park – Bob has confirmed that he has not yet received the shackles. Cllr Temple will assist Bob with installing the shackles. Bob had run out of undercoat which has been ordered but has been prevented from doing any further painting by the weather. A question was raised about holes dug round some of the frames and Bob confirmed that he had done this as he has postcrete to fill in with to firm them up.
b) Youth Hostel – correspondence has been received from NCC stating that demolition has been delayed until the Spring due to there not being sufficient time to get a bat licence from Natural England before the closed period.
c) Signs – the public were asked whether moving the sign for the Anglers had improved the situation and they confirmed that it had.
d) Dropped Kerbs – no action from NCC. Matter to be raised at the joint meeting between NCC and Town and Parish Councils.
e) Damage to the Churchyard – A Falstone parishioner addressed the meeting as she has family buried in the churchyard and is extremely unhappy at the actions of the new owners and the mess being created among the graves. John Riddle has been contacted and the meeting was told that when Greysteads was sold only the churchyard and a very small part of the ground to allow a turning circle for cars had been sold and that covenants had been put in place during the sale to prevent damage to graves and restricting activity by anyone from Greysteads in the graveyard including running around and playing ball games and a requirement to look after the grass. The Clerk outlined the actions which the Parish Council have taken so far including speaking to the United Reform Church, the solicitors who handled the sale, NCC Planning Department and the Institute for Crematoria and Cemetery Management. The whole site has been sold and there were no further covenants put in place on the land since the transfer from Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food to the United Reform Church which allows for the use of the site for burials but does not give any further protection to the graves outside of that provided under law or any right of access to families. The planners therefore have no power to act as the work currently being carried out is lawful under the present application. The solicitor had said she wasn’t aware of graves at the time of the sale and it was generally agreed that the church had been remiss if not negligent in the sale. The Institute of Crematoria and Cemetery Management had been helpful but could only provide advice once a planning application has been put forward as there is no right of objection under the current Application for Lawful Consent in related to a Listed Building. Clerk to follow up with Guy Opperman’s Office.
f) Lynx Release –No reply has been received to date from Natural England, Clerk to check their service level information to see how quickly they should respond. Everyone is urged to write to their MP and Michael Gove. Cllr. Bradford offered to draft a letter. A member of the public stated that some of the Trustees of the Lynx Trust seemed suspect as they have a connection with the legal firm representing them pro bono and a further link with the very high profile PR company. It was noted that the Elsdon meeting had highlighted the fact that not one of the trials carried out to date had successfully recaptured all of the animals. Clerk to write to Michael Gove. Clerk to ask NALC what action the Council is permitted to take with regarding to this and also to the cemetery.
g) Imposition of Charges for Use of the Community Building - The clerk read the response from the School Governors. It was agreed to raise this at the joint meeting on the 10th October and then write to the education department at NCC as there has been ongoing joint use with no attempt until now to charge.
2017/170 / 5. / Kielder Marathon – An email has been received from Extra Mile Events confirming the use of the field for the Run, Bike, Run event on the Saturday and that the stall would as usual run for the provision of refreshments. Cllrs. Graham and Bradford were thanked for their time and effort in going to the cash and carry for supplies. The meeting was asked if there had ever been a cost-benefit analysis on the event. No-one had any information that this had ever been done.
2017/171 / 6. / Noticeboard – no action.
2017/172 / 7. / Correspondence to the Council
General Correspondence
From / Description / Comments
School Governors / Reply to PC letter / Covered above.
NCC Highways / Response to Butteryhaugh Bridge correspondence / They have not been able to get approval to resurface the bridge but will come and inspect it for structural safety and get the vegetation cleared away.
NCC / Decision to delay demolition of the old Youth Hostel / Covered above.
Citizens Advice Bureau / Changes to hours/contact details. / Copies to be placed on the noticeboards
Rural Services Network / Request to complete survey / Those Councillors wishing to do so should respond direct to RSN.
Pensions Regulator / Notice of completion of submission / Noted
NCC / Review of Policy on Unauthorised Obstructions / Noted
Cllr. Howe / Lynx / Covered above.
Reports – None received.
Invitations –
NCC / Joint Meeting / Cllr. Graham and Clerk to attend.
Development Trust / Castles, Elephants & Follies at Kielder Castle / Cllrs. to respond individually should they wish to attend.
NWL / VIP Area – Marathon / Cllrs. to respond individually should they wish to attend.
2017/173 / 8. / Schedule of Payments and Receipts
Payments (Receipts) which require Council approval
R Graham / Wages September £106.25
Including expenses
R Ridgway wages / Wages September £139.36 / Approved
BDO / £120.00 audit fee / Approved
School Governors / £70 for two meetings / Deferred
Payments approved were proposed by Cllr. Temple, seconded by Cllr. Howe and agreed.
Bank / £3976.39 including precept
Savings Account £7016.65
Garage Rents / £90 received
2017/174 / 9. / Public Questions
Boilerhouses – The meeting was asked what was happening with the boilerhouse. It has been condemned, the Forestry Commission were only supposed to be supplying the woodchip but have, in effect, been left to run it. Originally it was designed to heat the school, youth hostel, workshops, fish hatchery and 12 homes. The heating had been turned off in June and the houses had been without hot water from the system for 6 weeks. The meeting was also asked if they know how many houses were empty. It was believed there are currently 5 houses empty as two families have moved to Bellingham. Cllr. Temple to speak to the Forestry Commission to check the current position with the boilerhouse.
Garages – the meeting was asked if they could look at the condition of the garages as some of them were in poor condition. There is considerable vegetation growth to the rear of the garages and also to the front. Bob to report on general condition and work required immediately. The roofs had been done 3-4 years ago.
White Lines to the C200 – the Council was asked if they could ask NCC to renew the white lines on the C200 as they were now very hard to see and the nights are drawing in. Cllr. Graham to raise this at the joint meeting.
Barriers – the meeting were asked about reflective light from the barrier ends on the C200. Unfortunately the barriers in question are outside of the parish boundary and the questioner was referred to Falstone Parish Council or NCC Highways.
No Camping Signs – the Council were asked if they knew why the signs had disappeared from the birdhide and fisherman’s car park. No-one had any knowledge but it was suggested they might have been removed by vandals.
Litter Bin by Play Area – It was suggested that the bin be moved from the corner to nearer to the zip line as this is the area where most rubbish is left. Agreed.
Bonfire – Clerk to put notices on the board saying the bonfire is now open but asking that people call Tom Grimwood if they have large items to move and do not drive across the field themselves. Items to be placed on the grass opposite the allotments.
Potholes – Cllr. Howe had been asked about the pothole outside the shop that was spraying water right into the shop doorway. It was agreed that Cllr. Howe would use the online reporting on the NCC website to deal with this and that Cllrs. would encourage people to report potholes in this way as it was very effective.
2017/175 / 10. / Date of the Next Meeting – The next meeting will be on Tuesday 7th November.
The meeting closed at 8.25 p.m
Signed as a true record ………………………………………………………………… Chairman
4a) / Help Bob with shackles / Cllr. Temple
4d) / Raise dropped kerbs at the joint meeting / Cllr. Graham
4e) / Follow up with Guy Opperman and check with NALC / Clerk
4f) / Write to Michael Gove, check with NALC / Clerk
4g) / Raise at the joint meeting / Cllr. Graham
9 / Speak to the Forestry Commission / Cllr. Temple
9 / Raise white lines at the joint meeting / Cllr. Graham
9 / Move litter bin
9 / Put Bonfire notice on the boards / Clerk
Chair’s Initials
Kielder Parish Council Minutes of Meeting 4/10/17
A copy of the Minutes is available on the website at and in the library.